A Career Change: Leaving the Corporate World Behind

The demographics of the work environment are changing rapidly. Many who worked in large offices have suddenly found themselves working remotely from home. If you have recently found yourself in that situation, the change may spark a new interest in leaving the corporate world behind and working at home pursuing your own business venture. Before handing in your resignation weigh the pros and cons carefully, making certain the move benefits you personally. 


You Make all the Decisions

As a sole proprietor, you will only answer to yourself. Every decision concerning the business will be yours to make. When you worked for someone else, you might have had ideas that you wanted to implement, but felt like the boss wasn’t interested in your input. As a business owner you can make changes as necessary to achieve success. There is, however, a downside to being at the top tier, poor decisions will affect your bottom line. 


Pursuing Your Dreams

Transforming a dream of one day owning your own business into a reality is very gratifying. You can apply your expertise in design interior to expand your business to include jobs working with property construction companies. Your love for creating a space that’s impressive and functional is now something you do for yourself. 


Improving Lifestyle

There are lifestyle advantages that come with owning your own business. You will have flexibility. If something comes up, you can choose to take the day off. You no longer miss graduations, milestone anniversaries, or quality family time. You’ll work when you want to and take time off as desired. Just remember, if something goes wrong and the customer wants you there, you are obligated to meet their demands. After all, it’s your business and everything is at stake. 


No Salary Cap

Unlike working for a company, you won’t have a limit to what you can earn. If you land a good job, you reap the benefits. The more time you put in, the better the chances are of earning more money.

On the flip side, many new businesses take two to three years to turn a profit. If this becomes the case for you, it may necessitate refinancing your home or doing part-time work to keep the business afloat and your personal finances in tack. 


Full Use of Your Abilities

In the past, your abilities promoted growth for another business. As a business owner, your abilities benefit you. Your commitment, excellent marketing and negotiation skills will promote more business leading to financial wealth. Using your ideas and knowledge you’ll gain customer trust and improve your business brand.


Lack of Benefits

One drawback to owning your own business is the lack of benefits. Most corporate jobs provide a host of benefits that include healthcare, retirement and vacation and sick time. As the boss, you have none of these benefits. If you take a day off, you do so without pay. In order to take a vacation or retire in comfort, you need to put money away. Healthcare is necessary at any age and acquiring a policy of your own is quite expensive. 


Taking the Good with the Bad

Successful business owners didn’t achieve wealth at the start. In most cases, it takes at least a couple of years to become established. You will experience tough times that challenge your commitment to see it through. How you handle it will determine the future success of the business. Learning to take the good with the bad is critical. 
Today, more people are turning their desire to become a small business owner into a reality. If you want to work for yourself and leave the corporate world behind, it is possible. However, make sure to weigh the pros and cons carefully to make an educated decision.

Refreshing Spring Protein Smoothie

As the year starts to move into the warmer months, we can finally say goodbye to the colder, harsher weather. During the longer, sunnier days, many of us get a kick of newly found motivation to focus on our health and fitness.

But, as every parent knows, life gets busy, and it gets difficult to find time for yourself. The warmer weather is the perfect time for family days out, but this also makes it easier to get side-tracked. You may find yourself snacking on ice cream while you’re at the park or indulging in fast-food because you don’t feel like cooking.  

While there is absolutely nothing wrong with treating yourself (reward yourself!), it is important to not overindulge and undo your progress. If you want to get into shape or you want to be more active to feel better within yourself, remember to pay attention to your diet.

As parents, we tend to focus on our children more than ourselves. Sometimes that means that we don’t have enough time to enjoy a nutritious breakfast, or we end up skipping lunch. Even though our intentions are in the right place, neglecting our own nutrition just damages our physical and mental health.

So, how do you add healthy yet easy snacks into your daily routine? Smoothies are quick, convenient, and packed full of nutrients, making them a great addition to your diet. Plus, smoothies are versatile – you can flavor them however you wish. You can also add in extras such as chia seeds, protein powders, or leafy greens to up the nutrition even more.

Feeling inspired by the changing seasons, I’ve created this refreshing protein smoothie to keep you feeling energized. Despite this smoothie’s simplicity, it provides an impressive amount of nutrition for you, and it makes for a healthy snack for your children.

That being said, one of the most important ingredients in this smoothie is the grass-fed whey protein powder. Protein is an incredibly important nutrient – your body needs protein to function and keep you in good health. Without enough protein in your diet, you’ll start to feel weak, tired, and unwell. Protein powders are an excellent way to supplement your protein intake even if you’re busy and you don’t have much time to meal prep.


Whether you’re being active to improve your body composition or to support your mental health, whey protein offers benefits that shouldn’t be overlooked. From a fitness perspective, whey protein supports lean muscle growth while also aiding fat loss.

But studies have shown that whey protein may also lower blood pressure, reduce cholesterol, decrease body inflammation, and strengthen the immune system.

I’ve also chosen to use grass-fed protein over grain-fed protein. Grass-fed proteins are also high in healthy omega-3s, minerals, and vitamins, so they offer a superior nutritional profile. Plus, whey from grass-fed cows is more likely to be free from GMOs and growth hormones.

And for how much whey protein per day to consume, 1-2 scoops is typically plenty. I like to keep it simple and do 1 scoop for each smoothie.

All the other ingredients in this smoothie work to support your general health as well. Mangos are high in antioxidants which protect your cells against damage and reduce your risk of disease. They’re also a great source of vitamin A, which helps to support and maintain a healthy immune system. Strawberries are often associated with improving heart health, while pineapple can help prevent inflammation.


For one serving of this refreshing spring protein smoothie, you’ll need the following ingredients:

1 cup dairy milk (or unsweetened non-dairy milk)
1 scoop Naked Whey
1/2 cup frozen mango
1/2 cup frozen strawberries
1/4 cup frozen pineapple


Start by adding the mango, strawberries, pineapple, and milk to a blender and mix until the ingredients are combined. Then, add in a scoop of whey protein powder and continue to blend until smooth.

If you’re planning to make this smoothie for your kids, it’s not necessary to add in the protein powder. Children usually don’t need as much protein as adults, but the smoothie itself makes for a delicious treat!  




Is Someone You Care Grieving a Loss? Here’s How You Can Help

Losing someone close can be quite stressful, as the thought of not being able to embrace the bond physically can be overwhelming. If you are someone whose friend or family member is grieving a loss, knowing ways to comfort them can help.

But hold on! Do you have any idea about the grieving process? Well! Before you move on to other options, the first thing you must do is understand the grieving process. Doing so will allow you to understand your friend or family member better. Keep reading, and you’ll learn more about it.


Supporting Someone Who’s Grieving a Loss

I will not say: Do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.J.R.R. Tolkien.

First things first. Understand that the grieving process is too personal an emotion. So, ideally, there is nothing right or wrong with the way it is done. However, it’s quite an emotionally exhausting process. Unpredictability rules the entire process of grieving. So, by all means, never tell them this, “This is not the way you should feel or do things.”

Besides that, you must know that grief encompasses a multitude of extreme emotions or behaviors. So, there might be some chances that the person might lash out at you or cry for hours. Therefore, avoid judging them.

Lastly, there is no ideal timeline for the entire process. Many people take approximately two years to recover after losing someone. But it can vary (shorter or longer) depending on the person. Never pressurize them to move on.

Now that you know how to support the emotional upheavals, the following tips will help you with other options that might be helpful.


Support Them in Handling Their Tasks

Offering practical support is the best thing you can do for your friend or family member. For example, the first thing they would need is a “funeral home.” So, help them find the one that’s appropriate as per their needs. For instance, if your friend is a Los Angeles resident, help him/her find the best los angeles funeral home by narrowing down choices. Other than that, you can also offer support in their day-to-day tasks or help with their kids or pets (in case any).


Send Something Meaningful

Sending flowers is lovely. But if you don’t know whether that will be appropriate, think out-of-the-box. You can choose something from the list provided below.

Send home-cooked meals
Give remembrance gifts
Send Gift cards or letters
Give care box with self-care items

To Sum it All- Be There to Support Your Friend or Family Member

Whatever you choose, make sure they don’t isolate themselves. Make them comfortable enough so that they can lean on you. How is that possible? It’s rather simple. All you have to do is “show up.” Check on them from time-to-time. A simple “I am there for you” or “I am thinking of you” will help them immensely.

Remember, the grieving process is not easy. The bereaved might not even have any idea how to go about it. Just helping and supporting them through this time will help them quickly recover from the ordeal.

Proven Study Shows Nearly All Parents Will Regret Not Following Their Dream

Are you a pushy parent, forcing your children to do the activities that you wanted to do? Making them do all the things that you’ve missed out on?


There’s a handful of reasons why parents do this – they know keeping busy with activities reduces the risk of your kids getting mixed up in the wrong things, you see an extension of yourself in your child, or you have unfulfilled ambitions that you want your child to live out for you.


There is absolutely no better joy than being a parent. It’s by far, one of the best things that we will ever do in our lives. But unfortunately, as parents, we tend to put our dreams on the back burner, and as a result of this, we have regrets or force our dreams onto our children. 


It feels as though it’s something that is expected of us when we give birth. Our lives have to completely change and this little bundle of joy has to be the center of our universe.


But there’s a problem with this belief. Our children will eventually grow up, they become independent and begin relying on us less.  Then they go to college, get married and start a family of their own. 


And now you’re left with a ton of free time and regret. Although it’s never too late to go back to school or start a business you might not have the same energy to get it going at this point.


This will prove to be your biggest regret, in fact, 76% of parents say that they regret not going after their dream. You regret not finishing school, not starting that business, not hiking the Appalachian Mountains, not writing that book, and this list can go on and on,


Listen, your life doesn’t stop because you had children. You can still be a good parent and go after your dreams of being a teacher, writing a book, or starting that business.


The only thing being a parent will do for your dreams is possibly making obtaining that dream a bit more challenging. And it’s likely that the route you planned on taking to obtain your goal will look differently, but it’s definitely not impossible.


And something that you should begin working on. 


Your personal dreams shouldn’t come before your family and part of being a mother is about sacrifice, right. Of course, if your personal dream is to hike the Appalachian mountains for a year then yes you’ll have to sacrifice that dream for a while. But there’s another option – you can do a week long trip every year hiking part of the mountain and picking up where you left off the following year.


There are literally hundreds of “valid reasons” why you should put your dreams on hold.  But these are excuses. Fear is by far one of the biggest factors. You’re afraid to fail at your dream and fail at being a parent. But what if you succeed. Imagine telling your children when they grow up how you didn’t let anything stop you from going after what you wanted. 


There are endless possibilities whether you’re looking to make money, start a business or continue your education to become a school teacher. So there’s no reason that you cannot finish going after your teaching career when you can get your California teaching credential while sitting at your kitchen table and become a virtual teacher.


There’s no reason you cannot continue doing the job that you love doing. You’re not a bad parent for loving your job. And sometimes you can have your cake and eat it too, there are hundreds of remote jobs that allow you to stay home while still earning an income


The last thing that you want is for your unfilled dreams to affect your children’s lives. We’ve watched tv shows and movies about this. Parents live their dreams through their children, by forcing them into activities that they don’t enjoy. Fathers pushing their kids into sports they don’t want to play, mothers signing them up for activities they wished their mothers signed them up for.


But these children are forced to do things that they have no interest in. 

So grab a cup of coffee or tea and start coming up with a plan to obtain your goal.

Top 10 Popular Celebrities Who Advocate Vaping

Since it first started, vaping quickly grew in popularity. Today many people worldwide use best vape starter kits and other vaping equipment. Today, vaping in all its forms is among the most popular options for quitting unhealthy habits and addiction.

Simply put, vaping has become mainstream, and various types of people, including celebrities, have indulged themselves in it. When something becomes popular, everyone gets in on it, even those in the public eye.

This post will talk about ten well-known celebrities who love to vape and share some interesting anecdotes.


1.   Tom Hardy

Hardy has established himself as the new male star in Hollywood. With his roles in The Dark Knight Rises, Dunkirk, The Revenant, and Venom, he showed everyone just how good he is.

Hardy has been vaping for a long time and isn’t afraid to show it. He appeared at many events with his vape pen, and we can often see him using it during several interviews.


2.   Lady Gaga

The famous singer and actress used to be a regular user of traditional nicotine delivery systems. However, Gaga is one of the Americans that switched to vaping. She said that she couldn’t be happier because she managed to quit her addiction.

The singer can often be seen carrying her vape device during her daily activities. Luckily, we can still find the cheap vape juice of 2020, even though big stars are using it.


3.   Leonardo DiCaprio

One of the world’s best actors, famous for his role in the movie Titanic and the co-star of The Revenant with Tom Hardy, Leonardo DiCaprio, is also known for being a big vaper. He was often spotted vaping at significant events and award shows. DiCaprio is a big advocate of vaporizers and isn’t afraid to say it.


4.   Johnny Depp

Depp, the famous movie star from the popular Pirates of the Caribbean franchise and many other successful movies, was one of the first celebrities to be seen publicly with a vape. The story behind how he started vaping is quite impressive. He used a vape on the set for his role and tried the real thing. He liked it and hasn’t stopped vaping ever since. He brings his vape along everywhere he goes.


5.   Simon Cowell

The British judge known for his participation in The X Factor, American Idol, and similar talent shows is also known as a passionate vaper. He said that he gave up on his nasty habit when he got his son. He said that his habits should in no way affect the health of his kids.


6.   Richard Hammond

This is another celebrity on our list coming from England. Hammond is known worldwide for being one of the famous Top Gear-era co-hosts alongside Jeremy Clarkson and James May. He says that he was never a vaping enthusiast and didn’t indulge in vaping that often. However, when he wants to relax, he will occasionally use his vape.


7.   Samuel L. Jackson

The legendary actor from movies like Pulp Fiction, Die Hard 3, Goodfellas, and Django Unchained is very active on social media. More specifically, Sam Tweets a lot, sharing his thoughts and things going in his life. We can often see him holding a vape device in his hands and relaxing with his favorite flavors.


8.   Jack Nicholson

This veteran actor is known for so many roles that it’s impossible to mention them all. Only some of them are The Shining, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, As Good As It Gets, and, of course, his famous depiction of the Joker in Tim Burton’s Batman movie.

We also know that Jack Nicholson loves the Los Angeles Lakers and other sports teams. You can often see Nicholson at the games sitting court-side, right in the middle of the action. Simultaneously, we can often see him vaping during games, which is convenient since the nasty alternatives are banned indoors.


9.   Ben Affleck

The star of Batman Vs. Superman, Pearl Harbor, and Good Will Hunting, is often seen by paparazzi vaping while in his car or traveling. Ben is also one of those people that had a terrible addictive habit. We’re glad to see him switch to a better option, especially now when we have to take care of the environment.


10.   Catherine Zeta-Jones

We can see Catherine Zeta-jones vaping in public on multiple occasions. Reports say that she switched to vaping when Micheal Douglas (her husband) got throat cancer. It was a wake-up call for her about the terrible effects of bad habits.



These are just the top 10 celebrities that vape. Many others do as well, and there are some of them who we simply haven’t yet caught in the act. Just as there are more regular people who vape each year, more celebrities do so as well.

All this proves that vaping is an excellent option in this day and age. If such massive stars can enjoy it, so can you.

How to Secure Your Family’s Financial Future

Parenting is difficult, especially when you are concerned about your financial future. Making and managing money can seem overwhelming, but since it is an intrinsic part of modern life, you need to get better at integrating it into your chaotic life. 

If you want to get yourself and your family on the right financial path, get started right away. The more time you have to make changes to save money for your retirement, a house, college for your kids or yourself, the better off you will be. 

If money is like a game, then here are some tips to play it better: 

Understand the Basic Rules of the Money Game

Budgeting and savings play an important role in making the money game work for you. 

Budgeting is a tool to track where your money is going. When you figure out where your money goes every month, then you’ll finally be able to plan where you think it should be going. Yes, that means adding those secret cups of Starbucks you enjoy before you pick the kids up from school.

As we mentioned, saving your money is essential, too. Think of your income as a scarce resource. If you’re not careful, it can completely disappear from your bank account just when you need it to pay bills or take care of an emergency. By limiting how much you spend, you’ll have more money available for the things that you need when you need them. 

Keep in mind, the amount you spend depends upon your income and expenses. Besides buying less, you can also save by not spending money on things that are available free. For instance, you don’t always have to pay fees for a bank account, some financial institutions offer a free checking account. That’s great because the last thing you need to be doing is paying an institution to hold on to your money.

If you make a simple plan on how to save, your money will grow. For instance, you can choose to deposit a certain percentage from your paycheck every month into your savings account. 

If your finances are currently out of control, create a budget and set an intention to save some money every month. Budgeting and saving aren’t difficult to learn, but it requires discipline to be consistent with keeping track of your money and setting some aside month after month.  

Improve Your Understanding of the Money Game

“You don’t know what you don’t know” is an idea that’s particularly relevant to improving your financial literacy. The things that we know about money, the things that we learned from our family, communities, schools, and jobs are fairly rudimentary, and they only make up a small part of the world of money management. The better you understand how money works, the easier it will be to make the right decisions to improve the quality of your life. 

There are many ways that you can educate yourself about money without having to enroll in a class on personal finance. You could, for example, read personal finance books, subscribe to personal finance blogs, and listen to podcasts on the subject. As you find out various money hacks, try them out, and learn from experience. 

Take a Break From the Money Game

Most people think about money all the time, always worrying about how to get more of it or part with less of it. But spending some time contemplating other forms of wealth will give you a sense of perspective. If, for instance, you are a kind and loving person, then you are rich in patience and compassion, and if you are a well-read person, then you are rich in knowledge and wisdom. Of course, your kids make your life incredibly exciting and fulfilling as well. They are where your success really shines. Although these qualities can’t be measured in dollars and cents, they add immeasurably to the quality of your life.

People too preoccupied with money, who think about it during the day, reflect on it before dropping off to sleep, and then think about it again as soon as they wake up, live in one of two extreme states: They either live in a state of aversion, a state of fear, or they live in a state of attachment, a state of greed. Breaking free of a habitual preoccupation with how much money you have in your bank accounts will free up your mind to appreciate many of the miracles of everyday life. And when you are happy, your family is happy too.

4 Tips for Mothers of Newborns Your Friends Were Actually Right About

The worst thing about being a first-time mom is the doubt. You doubt yourself about everything. You try to put a good face on it. But in your alone time, you break down in the shakes because you are afraid you are going to break your baby in 17 different ways before you even get her out of your belly. The list of things that can go wrong is longer than the list of things that can go right. You are scared senseless. And that fear is not entirely unfounded.

The second worst thing about being a first-time mom is the advice – the endless, unsolicited, insipid advice. Oh lord, just make it stop! Now that I think about it, that might be the worst thing. The never-ending stream of advice is truly awful. And thanks to the internet and social media, there is nowhere to hide. You always suspected that some of your friends were idiots. This period in your life will remove all doubts.

That said, they are well-meaning idiots. And they love you very much. Moreover, some of that advice is actually spot on. It can be hard to know which advice is good and which is, well, not so much. Here is some you have surely heard before. It’s the good stuff:

Boost Your Energy and Milk Supply

Breastfeeding is hard work and it literally takes a lot out of you, especially if you have twins. If you don’t do something to boost your supply of both energy and milk, you will find yourself, well… drained. The friend that told you about the breastfeeding protein powder deserves a gold star.

You can drink protein shakes and enjoy tasty energy bars that help boost that which a breastfeeding mom needs the most. More to the point, it helps you take care of yourself. Your newborns completely depend on you for everything. You do them no favors by not taking care of yourself. Like the instructions on every flight, in case of emergency, take the oxygen to supply yourself, then help the person you are with. That goes double for babies. You have to take care of yourself if you want to take the best care of them.

Get the Right Nursing Bra

When you’re breastfeeding, a bra is no longer just underwear. It is a vital tool for you and your baby. Avoid the most common mistakes when buying a nursing bra. An example is a size. Many make the mistake of buying a bra that is too big because they think bigger is better. This is not true. What you need is a bra that fits properly.

Another common error is thinking the pregnancy bra will suffice for nursing. That is not true. While you want support from both, the nursing bra will have cups that are easier to lower and more padded cups to prevent leakage. There are plenty of areas where you can save money as a new mom. But a nursing bra is not one of them. Take your time and find a good one.

Don’t Assume Your Baby Is the Exception

Try not to take this the wrong way: While your baby is special to you, your baby is not special generally speaking. In your lifetime, babies will be born by the billions. Yours is one of them. If you fall into the belief that your baby is special, you might miss warning signs of common infant and newborn problems. You can also fall into the trap of thinking that something is wrong with your baby when they are perfectly normal. Your baby is special in the same way that every mom’s baby is special. Try to keep some perspective.

Buy the Best Camera You Can Afford

There will only be one first step, first word, and first giggle. You don’t want to entrust those firsts to some garbage smartphone camera. The reason you want the best camera for all the special moments is because 20 years later, the quality of pictures will be so far beyond what we have today, the pictures you take right now might not age well. So get the best you can because you can’t go back and retake those pictures. You get one shot for the really important ones. Make it a good one.

Sometimes, your annoying friends are right. Give a special thanks to the ones who advised you to get milk and energy boosters, to get the right nursing bra, to keep a level head about your baby’s specialness, and to get the best camera you can afford.

How To Save Money On Household Maintenance And Repairs

Everything in your house has a maintenance schedule, from the shingles on the rooftop to the concrete foundation. Failure to keep up with these things could result in costlier repairs, accidents, injuries, and medical issues. While most are aware of this, many people overlook or avoid maintenance tasks due to the cost. As maintenance can cost as much as 1 percent of the property’s value each year, it’s an expense most homeowners can’t afford. 


Though home maintenance is a significant expense, it is vital to the health, safety, and well-being of yourself and those you love. As such, it is best to find ways to lower your out-of-pocket expenses. Continue reading for some ideas. 


Take Preventative Measures


Many home maintenance and repair projects can be avoided by taking preventative measures. For example, installing a water softener system would eliminate some damage to your plumbing and appliances. Cleaning your gutters regularly would reduce the problems with leaks, mold, and property damage. Even something as simple as replacing the batteries in your smoke alarms could prevent significant fire damage (which is expensive to pay for). 


Complete Maintenance Tasks Timely


Timeliness is another factor to consider when saving money on maintenance and repairs. Waiting too long to complete a task could make matters worse and more expensive. For instance, changing the air filters in your heating and cooling system is a necessary maintenance job that should be done every 60-90 days. Filters are effortless to replace and cheap to purchase. 


If you prolong the task any longer, it could result in a buildup of dirt, debris, and allergens, which find their way into other working parts of the system. Before long, you’ll find that your home temperature is harder to control, your energy bill is through the roof, and your HVAC needs extensive repairs. Essentially, creating and sticking to a maintenance schedule can save you a ton of money. 


Do It Yourself


Believe it or not, there are several home maintenance tasks you can do yourself and save hundreds of dollars. Professional contractors often charge for an initial visit and inspection and an hourly or set rate for the labor. Why not cut out the middleman and take matters into your own hands? If you’re not quite sure how to tackle certain projects, there are free tutorials and guides you can turn to for assistance. With a few basic tools and a few moments of your time, you could unclog a drain, install a new light fixture, or repair a wobbly banister. 


Call In The Pros


Though there are plenty of home maintenance tasks you could do by yourself, others require a professional’s assistance. All too often, homeowners get wrapped up in saving money that they attempt risky jobs and make matters worse (and more expensive). Although it’s easy to learn new skills when working with electricity or your home’s structural integrity, it’s best to allow a contractor to do the work for you. They have the skills, tools, and equipment necessary to get the job done accurately and safely, providing you peace of mind while saving you money. 


Shop Around


One of the simplest ways to save money on household maintenance and repairs is to shop around. Whether you’re looking for parts and materials or searching for the right contractor, there’s always an opportunity to find a good deal. Instead of going with the most popular option, do some comparative research of at least 2 or 3 service providers to see who has the best prices (without compromising quality). 


Your home is one of the most significant investments you’ve ever made. Beyond its monetary value, your house provides shelter to you and those you love most. However, like many investments, part of keeping your home intact requires regular maintenance and repairs. If covering these tasks takes up more of your budget than you’d like, things such as taking preventative measures, completing things on time, D

This Is How to Carry a Baby the Correct Way

Are you wondering what is the best way to carry a baby

It’s a valid concern, one that new and experienced parents can have. Caring for a newborn baby can be a stressful experience. Newborns are small and fragile and require specialized attention and care. 

For this reason, knowing how to carry a baby the right way is an essential skill to have.

Fortunately, by following a few tips and tricks, you can learn to carry your baby in the safest way possible. By using the proper methods, you can become a pro in no time and start bonding with your baby through contact. 

If you are caring for a baby and want to stay as safe as possible, here are a few tips for carrying them correctly. 


Make Sure You Are Not Sick

Before carrying a baby, it’s important to make sure you are not sick and contagious. You don’t want to pass your illness on to a small baby with a developing immune system. Even if you are feeling slightly sick, avoid holding a baby until you are fully recovered. 


Wash Your Hands

If you want to hold a baby, make sure to wash your hands first. This is essential because of the baby’s immature immune system. Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer if soap and water are not available. 


Get Into a Comfortable Position

A great tip for how to hold a baby is to make sure you are in a comfortable position. Whether you are sitting or standing, you should be balanced and focus. If you are nervous about holding a newborn, consider sitting down. 


Stay Calm

When carrying and holding a baby, it’s important to stay as calm as possible. Not only is it dangerous to carry a baby when you are rattled, but the baby will also feel and absorb your anxiety. Take a deep breath and give yourself a few moments to prepare before carrying a child. 


Choose Your Carrying Method

There are all kinds of ways to carry a baby depending on what feels comfortable for you. You can carry a baby on your shoulder, cradle them in your arms, hold them against your belly, and more. Choose a carrying style that is comfortable for both you and the baby. 


Consider a Baby Carrier 

There are a variety of helpful accessories you can use to care for your baby, including baby carriers. These carriers are ideal for traveling, avoiding touchy-feely strangers, helping you connect with your baby in a deeper way, and even decreasing the risk of developing postpartum depression. Look for a quality carrier in a style that works for you. 


This Is How To Carry a Baby the Right Way

By following these tips for how to carry a baby, you can prevent injury and give yourself peace of mind. 

Start by making sure you are healthy and washing your hands. You should also get into a comfortable position, stay calm and focused, and choose the best holding method for you. If you want to make the process easier, consider choosing a quality baby carrier.

Follow these tips to bond with your little one in a safe and healthy way. 

Don’t forget to browse our site for advice on health, fitness, family, and more.

Modeling These 4 Values Is Hard, but Worth It

No one ever said that being a role model was easy. In fact, it is so daunting of a task, many people actively disavow any responsibility for being a role model. It would be nice if that were possible. But it isn’t. None of us have the privilege of living in a selfish bubble where we can do anything we like without having an impact on anyone else. That is simply not how it works. And if any part of you fantasizes about being in such a bubble, you should not become a parent.

As a parent, you are not in a bubble. You are under a microscope. Everything you do is magnified, studied, and mimicked by your child. It doesn’t begin when you bring your baby home from the hospital. Learning begins in the womb. Your influence as a role model to another human being starts before you see your child’s face. There is never a time when your actions are not shaping your child. If that seems like a lot of pressure, it is.

The good news is you can do this. It helps to start the process by already having some strong life values in place. You need to think about what kind of person you want your child to be when they grow up. Then be that person. Here are a few values you are going to want to pass on:


Your greatest asset is your brain. And that will be true for your child as well. Their ability to think clearly and without the influence of intoxicants might be the life or death difference for them. It is the difference between doing well academically and doing poorly. It is the difference between being an employee and being the boss.

Unfortunately, it is all too easy to fall into the wrong crowd and bad habits that become debilitating addictions. If your child sees you taking intoxicants, the likelihood of them doing the same is much greater. You would be heartbroken to learn that in her late teens, your precious little angel is experimenting with methadone. Even if she does not become instantly addicted, it can destroy her opportunities.

Consider the jobs that require urine testing. So how long does methadone stay in your urine? It can be as many as two weeks. One night of partying can be the difference between success and a lifetime of struggle. Don’t play games with your mental health. In that game, your child is likely to be the biggest loser.


If you teach your child to love the planet while doing things to hurt it, they will learn from what you do rather than what you say. Sustainability has to be more than a slogan. It has to be a mission. You don’t get a badge for going halfway green. It is a commitment that has to permeate all your choices. You can’t have this one area in your life where sustainability doesn’t matter. Nobody is perfect. And your child does not have to see you being perfect. They have to see that it really matters to you. Show them that, and it will matter to them as well.

Make It Right

The first thing you learn as a role model is that nobody is perfect. You won’t be, either. So if you are a person struggling with substance abuse disorder, or anything else, the best thing you can do for your child is to let her see you making it right and staying on the path to recovery.

Some of the mistakes you make with your child as a witness will be pretty bad. You will not ruin them for life just because you are human. The damage comes when you don’t take measures to correct the mistake. If you treat lapses in values as if they were not a big deal, then the value you are hoping to teach will be no big deal to them. It is okay to make mistakes. But when you do, take the extra step of making it right. To make things right is one of the most important values you can pass on.

If no one told you that being a parent meant being a role model, surprise! It does. Start with the values of being clear-minded, being eco-friendly, and most of all, making things right when mistakes happen. Get those right, and you will be the greatest role models your child will ever have.