When should you see a dentist for an emergency tooth removal?

When should you see a dentist for an emergency tooth removal?

It’s difficult to tell which dental problems are accidents because there are so many different types. Having to wait a day and seeing the dentist in more extreme situations can be the difference between leaving the tooth and losing it. Don’t know how to tell what’s important and what can wait? Look out for these signs to know when you need to visit an emergency dental clinic.

Discomfort or sensitivity 

The newly crowned tooth could be fragile right just after surgery when the anesthesia wears off. If the crowned tooth still has a nerve in it, you can sense heat and cold sensitivity. Your dentist can advise you to clean your teeth with such a toothpaste that is designed for sensitive teeth. When biting down, any pain or sensitivity means that the crown would be too far forward on the teeth. If the problem persists, your dentist can recommend a new dental crown.


Experiencing toothache

Gum disease and inflammation can cause unexplained, chronic, and serious toothaches. Try any at-home remedies first if the pain is mild. However, if the pain persists or becomes more severe, you can contact an emergency dentist. You might have had an abscessed tooth in the worst-case scenario. If there is indeed a lump on the tooth that gives you discomfort, feel along the gums. Fever, tooth irritation, and swelling of the mouth or face are some of the other symptoms to look out for. Find an emergency dental clinic as soon as possible if you have either of these signs.


Chipped crown

All-porcelain crowns are accessible, as well as porcelain modified to metal crowns, some of which are effortlessly chipped. If the chip is minor, it can be repaired with a composite resin while the crown remains in the mouth as a temporary replacement. If the chipping is still beyond repair, the dentist will ask you to remove the crown. In this scenario, it becomes necessary for you to immediately start locating emergency dentist nearby.


Crowded tooth

To avoid crowding, your dentist can recommend tooth extraction if you already have more teeth than your jaw can accommodate. Some patients, for example, will have a tooth pulled for orthodontic purposes in order to maintain a straight face. Any dentists and orthodontists would rather not have to remove a tooth before starting orthodontic treatment. It could, however, be appropriate for certain patients, and hence in such cases, tooth extraction may be necessary.


Loose crown

The cement throughout the crown will also wash away, causing the crown to loosen. It not only causes the crown to loosen, but it also enables bacteria to enter the tooth and induce decay. If a crown feels weak, get it repaired or removed as quickly as possible.


Abnormal Teeth Development 

When multiple teeth get affected or fail to emerge from the gums, abnormal tooth development happens. Infections and diseases associated with discomfort and gum irritation are more prevalent in teeth that have been affected. If you have either of these signs, you can seek treatment at a nearby hospital that offers emergency tooth extraction. When there isn’t enough space in the jaws, wisdom teeth get entrapped. As a result, wisdom teeth get lodged in the gums or force other teeth out of the way.

These problems are more common in people who have wisdom teeth. The majority of people grow wisdom teeth and have them without problems, while others are unable to hold them and may have them extracted. If your kid is experiencing sudden abnormal teeth development, you must take him or her to a pediatric dentist Voorhees NJ.


Crown falls off

The crown may come loose for various reasons, including deterioration of the existing tooth and loosening of the cementing substance. If anything happens to you, you’ll need to scrub both the crown and the front of your teeth. A dentist will be using a temporary tooth cement or dental glue to replace it temporarily. For long-term outcomes, the dentists will provide detailed guidance about taking care of the tooth and crown. A dentist may decide to re-cement the crown or replace it with a new one.


Allergic reaction 

Many people can develop allergic reactions to the metal used in crowns. This is extremely rare; however, if this happens, opt for another material for the new crown.


The appearance of dark line on crowned tooth 

A faint indentation along its gum line of your crowned tooth is normal if you have a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown. The crown’s metal seems to have been visible across this dark line. This is not really a problem in and of itself, and you need to visit a dentist and ask him to remove it if you do like the way it looks. If you need a recommendation, you can get fillings from the Dentist in Clifton.


Make sure if you or any one of your loved ones is facing any of these issues, you must visit the dentist immediately.

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