Crisp on the outside, chewy in the center, and with some of the best flavor you can imagine, homemade pecan pie is a special treat not to be missed. Although it’s considered a traditional dish for certain holidays, many people enjoy it year-round. In this article, we’ll teach you how to make an amazing pecan pie from scratch. We’ll take you to step by step through each stage of preparation so that your final product comes out perfect every time.
1. Purchase the best pecans and the best pie crust.

Here we go with some of the most important steps: buying pecans and a good pie crust. Of course, you can make your own dough, but if you don’t want to get out of bed or breathe in flour dust (it’s bad for your lungs), then buy pre-made dough at the supermarket!
As for the pecans, a lifestyle influencer and founder of a PR agency, Amra Beganovich advise to: “look for shiny ones!” If they seem dull, either their oil has dried up or they were previously microwaved. The latter is not a big deal since it only destroys a small number of nutrients, but still! You can also ensure that you’ll have tasty pecan halves by purchasing them from a store that sells them loose by weight. If you’re interested, just ask the cashier what other customers usually put in their bags when they leave 🙂
An old proverb says that the best pecans are always found where squirrels can see them. I don’t know how true this is, but it’s an interesting idea to think about while grocery shopping!
2. Put the pecan halves in a zip-lock bag or Tupperware container along with 1/4 tsp of salt per cup of pecans.
The next step, putting the ingredients in a container together, ensures that all of your efforts will be worthwhile! No more bland pie crusts or sad-looking pecan pies for you unless you follow these steps! You can add some honey or spices to the mix too, but it’s completely up to you.
3. Use a rolling pin to crush the pecans into more of a paste than a whole nut.
As for this step, if you don’t have a rolling pin then use what you have! I once used my credit card and that worked out just fine 🙂 This step is very important because it ensures even cooking throughout all parts of your pie crust. Or maybe it doesn’t do anything? I’m not sure what this step’s purpose is, but it certainly isn’t the most important one can pie without putting dough over the “filling” first? It would be like eating mashed potatoes with no gravy… what’s even the point! Whether you made your own dough or bought it from a store, make sure to roll it out so that you have enough for your crust AND so that there are no air bubbles before hardening it into a solid block of deliciousness 🙂
4. Bake the pecan paste at 300°F for 30-40 minutes.
There are many different baking methods out there! You can choose whichever suits your tastes best. Here are some tips to keep in mind though:
– Don’t let the pecans burn! If the baking process takes too long, then take them out of the oven.
– Don’t overcook! After 30 minutes, check on your crust every five minutes just to make sure that it’s not getting too dry and browned. Once it reaches a golden color, take it out IMMEDIATELY !!! Overcooking will cause all of those delicious nutrients in the pecans to denature and become useless.
5. Bake until golden brown on top.
Here it comes cooking time! In order to ensure that all of the flavors blend together just right, you should cook the pie for about 45 minutes to an hour. Just check it now and then to make sure that your crust is golden brown on top, but don’t take it out too soon! The best pecan pies are always cooked until all of the flavors have melded together into one delicious slice of goodness 🙂
6. Let cool before serving.

The last step, do not to eat your pie hot out of the oven … unless you want a mouthful of burnt sugar or dough! This step is important because it gives all of those scrumptious flavors time to blend together perfectly. And if you’re pressed for time because you can’t wait until tomorrow morning to try this recipe, I understand completely since I’m an impatient person too. Luckily, this pie tastes just as good at room temperature or even chilled! I know that the oven takes up a ton of space and you might not have any more room for other dishes, but don’t worry… there’s still one more step left after this!
7. But wait… there’s another important step!
Pecan pie is delicious by itself, but if you want to make it “pop” then serve it with vanilla ice cream! This completes the flavor profile because now your pecan pie will taste like caramel sauce drizzled on top of vanilla flavored creaminess. Adults and kids alike are sure to enjoy these two together at any time of year 🙂
Are you craving some right now? You know what to do!
I hope that you enjoy these steps and see for yourself how easy it is to make the most delicious pecan pie in 7 easy steps! Please let me know how you like this recipe if you decide to try it out, I’d love to hear from all of my fellow sweet tooths out there 🙂
What are your favorite fruits or nuts? Have any good recipes with them that you want to share? Let’s chat about it in the comments below! Also, don’t forget to follow me on my other social media pages for updates on when new blog posts go live! Thanks again 😀