Breastfeeding is an essential feature of motherhood that influences the health and wellbeing of your baby. Only 55% of infants in India are breastfed for the first six months after birth. A major reason for this gap is the mother’s job. If you are also a working mother, use the best electric breast pumps in India to feed your little one.
These pumps are convenient for mothers who are not around the child, want to include their partners in the process of baby feeding, or suffer from lactation issues. Today, there is continuous research in making breast pumps portable by reducing their size. Thanks to this, India may witness pumps with adjustable suction power and other enhancements in the upcoming years.
Here is all you desired to know about this handy device.
When to Consider Using an Electrical Pump?
Working Mothers
Moms who prefer going back to work after delivery may find it challenging to breastfeed the newborn often. In such cases, electric pumps help to express milk easily and store it away for the entire day’s feed.
According to a survey, about 80 percent of working mothers prefer using electric pumps during their lactating period. Indian mothers also use these pumps due to being popularly recommended by gynaecologists.
Mothers Expected to Deliver Early
Pregnancy complications or women at the risk of an early delivery may consider using the best electric breast pumps in India. A low-weight preterm baby may not have enough strength to suckle, which makes these pumps indispensable.
Mothers Delivering Twin Babies
For those women delivering twins, breastfeeding becomes an exhausting affair. Nevertheless, you can opt for electric pumps that help express more milk within a small time interval.
Tips to Use a Breast Pump
Like with any skill, it takes time to master the use of a breast pump. Your body will gradually learn to trigger the letdown, relax, and express maximum milk.
Don’t Hurry to Breastfeed
In the initial weeks, work with your baby to initiate and build on your milk supply. You can maintain a consistent supply when you remember to stick to your pumping schedule. But, breastfeeding your baby within an hour after the birth works wonders for their health. In India, only 41.6% of infants are breastfed immediately after birth. Don’t let your child become one of them.
If your Child is Unable to Breastfeed
Start to double pump the breast milk if the baby is unable to feed directly from the breast. It is essential to express milk as frequently as your baby will drink. Research has shown that expressing milk within the first few hours of birth will produce high milk volume in the early weeks.
Read the Instruction Manual
Remember to look into the manual to understand your pump’s mechanisms and use the special features. Nevertheless, using an electric pump is a simple process that involves placing the breast shield on your nipple and turning on the electric pump.

Being relaxed is essential to stimulate the letdown reflex and pump out more milk. Consider applying a warm compress to the breasts for enhancing the letdown. Choose a spot that is free from distractions, comfortable, and private. Ensure your arms and back are well supported during the pumping process.
Don’t Neglect the Discomfort
Breast pumping should not become an uncomfortable phenomenon. If you feel any discomfort while expressing or notice chafing or blisters on your breast, consider reducing your pump’s suction. You also need to use the right size of the breast shield, which surrounds the nipple closely. There must also be enough space for it to move around without rubbing.
Electric breast pumps are also known to reduce the medical/health-related issues plaguing Indian mothers. By addressing problems such as inverted nipples, underdeveloped breasts, and hormonal imbalances, experts predict a rise in pumps’ demand forthwith.
Do Not Deviate From Your Pumping Schedule
Make it a habit to pump at specific times each day to meet your baby’s increasing demand. If your baby is exclusively milk pumped, consider pumping more often and store enough milk for the infant. However, if you are pumping and breastfeeding, pump 60 minutes before or 30 minutes after feeding the baby.
As a new or expectant mother, you have enough things to worry about, and feeding the baby must not be on the list. The best electric breast pumps in India can ease your feeding troubles and deliver the right nutrition at the correct times to the newborn. These apparatus come handy during a variety of situations and make the initial phases of motherhood comfortable.