Personality plays an important part in children’s academic success. However, most good students are not born with a passion for studying and the ability to embrace knowledge. While kids are not empty canvases you can design based on your wishes, they can, with your guidance, be directed to live up to their potential.
In other words, there are various strategies that parents can turn to in an effort to encourage their children to study. All of them require the parents to be aware of their children’s needs, conscious of the language they’re using when talking with them, and supportive during their struggles. With that in mind, here are a few tips and ideas that will help you motivate your children to study.
Cultivate a Reading Atmosphere
Children who love reading are more likely to have a positive mindset toward studying. That’s why it’s important to cultivate a reading atmosphere in your home. To do that, you need to lead by example. When kids see their parents reading (and enjoying it), they will be more likely to do the same. Reading can be your quality time with the kids before bedtime, and it’s a way to associate positive emotions with this activity. Other things that have the same effect are a home library, a reading nook, or fun trips to your local library.
Make Studying Fun
Studying is a chore. It’s something children need to do to achieve academic success and develop properly. Naturally, kids don’t enjoy staring at the books trying to memorize everything by heart until their brains hurt. When they view studying as an interesting activity, it’s easier for them to learn new information and retain knowledge longer.
Dramatic instead of silent readings can make it easier for kids to remember things. Also, kids need to take breaks in between learning sessions to be physically active. Since most people are visual learners, drawing pictures that illustrate important points helps them understand more complicated concepts. Finally, you can play educational games.
Show Interest in Their Education
Even when kids are independent in their studying, homework, and other chores, they need your support and guidance. You need to be on top of their schoolwork and communicate regularly with their teachers.
Also, it’s important to talk to your children to see how they’re doing at school and if they have some difficulties. Be informed about their exams and grades. There are some specific tests, such as the cognitive abilities test that assesses students’ abilities and potentials, that can also help you learn where to direct your attention.
Provide Structure
Proper time and space management are crucial for motivating children to read and learn. Be consistent and definite when determining a study routine. Assign a specific time within each day for studying, reading, and homework. Having a routine will make learning a habit and a part of their system.
Spatial organization is also important. Kids need to have a quiet place without distractions where they can study. Show them how to tidy up their study table, but encourage independence in organizing according to their needs.
Put Them in the Driver’s Seat
Speaking of independence – in the educational process, children are often in the back seat, with the teachers and parents being the drivers. The lack of control over their education can cause them to withdraw from learning.
On the other hand, when they are given a chance to have direct input regarding their studying choices, they feel encouraged and empowered. Some of the ways to empower kids in the learning process include:
- providing them with options (e.g., when choosing a theme for a project)
- focusing on their areas of interest
- allowing them to choose their extracurricular activities
Highlight the Importance of the Process Instead of the Results
Parents want their children to be successful at school. However, pressuring them to get straight A’s can often be counterproductive. So, avoid emphasizing poor performance. Instead, highlight the effort put into learning and all the insights gained from the experience. Even when they get good grades, they should be aware that grades are not the main reason for studying.
In Closing
These tips will help you encourage your kids to succeed in school and guide them in a healthy way throughout their academic life. But on top of all these effective strategies, there’s the tip you don’t need because you already know it: be there for them and support them all the way.