How To Eliminate Odors In Your Kitchen

A lot of things are happening in the kitchen – cooking, frying, throwing the food away, so it’s no wonder that smells are a natural occurrence there.

If you ever felt (and you most certainly did) that you want to leave the kitchen immediately due to some horrible smell, then you need to check out these tips on how to get rid of the smells fast and how to reduce them to a minimum.

Reduce trash odors

Of course, you shouldn’t wait for too long until you take out the trash from the kitchen – the more it’s inside the room, the stinkier it will be.

However, sometimes it’s not the actual trash that stinks – it’s the trash can. From time to time, sprinkle it with baking soda, and then spray it with a disinfecting spray to get rid of bacteria.

You can also use lemon or orange rinds to refresh the trash can. Use a few pieces every two weeks and run them through the can. The acid inside this citric fruit will break up the grease and leave a fresh scent.

Dry the sponge

Wet sponges can stink a lot, so it’s best to give it a good squeeze after every use. Store it in a place where there’s good airflow – it will not only prevent the smells but it will also prolong the sponge’s life. And don’t forget to clean the sponge in the dishwasher every once in a while. 

Microwave odors

You cook almost everything in the microwave, so it’s no wonder it could start giving off various unpleasant smells after a while.

To get rid of the lingering smells, boil one-quarter of water together with lemon slices in the microwave for a couple of minutes. Wipeout any remains of the wood inside the microwave and leave the microwave door open to let the inside dry completely.

Exhaust fan

You should use your exhaust fan whenever you cook to prevent unnecessary smells coming from cooking. It’s even better to switch the fan on every time you use the oven or even the cooktop. In case you don’t have an exhaust fan, think about getting one – it’s a great help in preventing odors from filling the kitchen and even spreading through your home when cooking.

Dishwasher smells

The dishwasher gets filled with various smells – just think about how many different food remains find their way inside the dishwasher and give off smells while you’re waiting to fill in the dishwasher so that you can turn it on. Even the dishwashers of the highest quality can give off smells because sometimes food particles find their way inside the dishwasher parts and stay there to rot and smell.

To give your dishwasher a proper clean, you first need to empty it – remove even the bottom rack. Use a clean microfiber cloth to remove any debris. Then place a glass cup of white vinegar on the top rack between the prongs for glasses. Rin the dishwasher through a single cycle and set the highest possible temperature. After the cycle is finished, leave the door open for one hour so that the dishwasher dry out completely. White vinegar inside it would have broken up grease and neutralize the odors. Still, if you don’t like the scent of fresh vinegar, you can mask it later with a few drops of essential oil. Repeat this cleaning process for times a year.

However, sometimes a dishwasher part breaks or cracks, allowing the food particles to get inside the cracks – there’s not a lot you can do about it but to look for dishwasher spare parts. It’s the only sure way you will get rid of the smell and that your dishwasher will continue functioning properly.

Refrigerator odors

The refrigerator can give off truly horrid smells if there’s food that’s gone off or if you don’t store the food properly.

The obvious thing is to make sure every meal or any type of food is stored inside a container with secured lids or at least wrapped in material that doesn’t give off smells. Every couple of days, check your fridge to see if there’s any spoiled food you need to get rid of.

Also, baking soda is a great tool in fighting fridge odors – place an open box of baking soda in both the fridge and the freezer. It will neutralize the smells.

When you’re cleaning the fridge, be very thorough – clean the cracks and crevices on the shelves, side doors, and crispers. You wouldn’t believe how many crumbs or spills stay there causing unpleasant smells.

Cutting boards

You use cutting boards every day to chop and cut various types of food, so all of that remains on the cutting boards. Sometimes even sanitizing it can’t remove the strong smell of garlic or onion. To freshen up plastic cutting boards, put them in the dishwasher. As far as wood cutting boards go, scrub them with a lemon half that you previously dipped in salt.

The kitchen sink

A lot of gunk ends up in the sink, resulting in a very specific smell coming from it. First, scour the drain by pouring a cup of salt, then pour a cup of baking soda. Next, boil water in a kettle and pour it into the drain – that will activate the salt-baking soda mix. Leave it for a couple of minutes and then run cold water for a whole minute. It will wash away the residue and leave the drain clean and odor-free.

Freshen up the kitchen

In case you don’t like the smell of yesterday’s meal you cooked, a spritz of homemade air freshener could help. Pour three-quarters of water in a spray bottle, add two tablespoons of vodka or rubbing alcohol to it, and add 10 or more drops of essential oil of any scent you like. keep it under the sink for a quick fix.

Bottom line

Kitchen odors can have various sources – only regular and thorough cleaning and maintenance can prevent the odors from spreading.

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