Effective Methods for Changing Door Locks in Your Freshly Purchased House

changing door locks new house in you might not be the first thing that comes to mind after the rigorous process of purchasing and moving into a new home. However, the safety and security of your home are paramount; and who doesn’t relish the thought of a little DIY project to make their new house really start to feel like home? 

In the world of home safety, not everything is as straightforward as it sounds. Door locks, for instance, come in a wide array of styles and mechanisms. Hence, selecting the right model and knowing how to install it is a task that necessitates some research. Worry not, dear reader, because this blog post is just what you need. We will delve into the world of door locks: exploring the reasons to change them, types available, and a step-by-step guid on how to install them effectively. Welcome, to your very own journey towards achieving home safety serenity!

Before we begin, remember to keep in mind that while home improvement projects are a wonderful means to learn new skills and preserve a few dollars, always seek professional help when in doubt. Overlooking this can cost you more in the long run.

First Step: Understanding Why You Should Change Your Door Locks 

The reasons to consider changing door locks are numerous. It might be to enhance security, perhaps the old lock is damaged or it grants you a peace of mind, knowing that only you and those you trust have the keys to your abode.

Most homeowners assume that the former owners handed over all the keys to the house, but can you ever be entirely sure? This might not seem like much of an issue right now, but when your family’s security is at stake, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Also as we are increasingly faced with the reality of break-ins and home theft, it is important to reassess your home security system. Updating the security system of your home with modern, high-grade locks can offer you enhanced peace of mind.

Step Two: Pinpointing the Perfect Lock

Now that you understand the importance of changing door locks new house, the next step is to select the right one. From deadbolts to doorknobs, lever-handle locks to keyless entry systems, options abound.

Deadbolts, for instance, are highly secure and typically used for exterior doors. It’s crucial to look for one that’s no less than an inch long, as these offer maximum security against break-ins.

Doorknob locks, on the other hand, are more common for interior doors. But if you choose to have these installed on the exterior doors as well, make sure they come with a dead latch.

Perhaps, you are enticed by the novelty of keyless entry systems. Loaded with unique advantages such as allowing you to share access without physically sharing keys or the ability to control and monitor access from afar, these locks might be slightly expensive but are well worth the investment.

Step Three: The How-To of Installation

Here comes the hands-on part: while it’s great to know why we need this change and what options are available, the real litmus test is in the doing. How do we go about the installation process? 

Start by measuring your door’s thickness and backset. It’s vital to realize that not all doors are made the same and picking a lock without these measurements could prove unsuccessful. 

Next up is removing the old lock. This is done by unscrewing the screws on the interior knob piece. Once the old lock is out, you can replace it with your new lock.

Lastly, before celebrating your successful installation, make sure to check the new lock’s functionality. Turning the key should be smooth, and the latch should click into place securely.

Step Four: What If You Need Professional Help?

There’s no shame in accepting that you might need professional help. changing door locks new house might seem simple on paper, but can become quite tricky for someone new to the process.

With every failed attempt, the probability of damaging the door rises. It’s essential to know that when you do call for professional help, you’re not admitting defeat – but securing peace of mind!

Weighing The Pros And Cons 

Yes, changing door locks new house saves money. But it also demands a decent understanding of door parts, lock mechanisms and basic carpentry. 

On the other hand, hiring a locksmith might burn a hole in your purse but guarantees a faster, almost flawless result – after all, your home’s safety is at stake here!

Navigating The Locking Lexicon 

Understanding the terms associated with locks can simplify the process. For instance, ‘single cylinder’ refers to locks which require key on one side; ‘double cylinder’ locks need keys from both sides.

‘5-pin cylinder’ locks have more combinations and hence, are deemed more secure than ‘4-pin’. Don’t let these terms intimidate you.

In conclusion

changing door locks new house in your newly purchased home isn’t just about improving your house’s aesthetics; it’s about safety, security and peace of mind. Once you have understood why a lock change is necessary, the process – from choosing the right lock, installing or seeking professional help – seems less daunting.

Remember, you’re not just buying a lock; you’re investing in safety. And while it may seem like an expensive, time-consuming process, the joy and peace of knowing your home is secure, and genuinely yours, is priceless.

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