How to Broach the Topic of a Cancer Diagnosis With Your Child

Children perceive the world very differently from us. They have over-active imaginations that help them form their own version of how life works, at least until they grow old enough to understand more complex concepts. This can make it difficult to explain something serious, like a cancer diagnosis.

Cancer is a disease that can be hard to deal with. There are treatments out there that make survival possible, but there is no denying that overcoming cancer requires a fight. This fight affects everyone around you, including your family. You will have to explain what is going on to your children; however, this can feel like another mountain that you have to climb. This article will go through the steps you need to take when it comes to broaching the topic of a cancer diagnosis with a child.


Talk Together

Your partner is the first person you will tell about your diagnosis. They will have to deal with it in their own way; however, they are going to be your rock during the upcoming battle. Therefore, it is important to keep them involved with every step to best inform them on how to deal with your diagnosis.

A child views their parents as a team. You may disagree with your partner on things as you go through life, but kids realize that you are always on the same page regarding the big issues. That is why they will feel more at ease if you begin talking to them about cancer as a team. What’s more, this initial conversation may bring up some difficult questions that require you to think on your feet. Having an ally can provide your child with the answers to a question that you may struggle with and vice versa.


Stress How It Is not Their Fault

Younger children internalize the events around them and still believe that they are the main characters during their life journey. This belief system does not disappear until they reach their teenage years when they start to realize that the universe is random, and they gain a sense of empathy. Unfortunately, this attitude means that they can often believe that anything bad that happens within the home directly results from something they have done.

Therefore, the main thing that you should bring up in your initial discussion is how this happened. You do not need to go into the exact scientific detail, just cover the basics enough so that they understand that it was nothing they could have caused or prevented. Also, it is important to finish this part of the conversation by stating aloud that the cancer is not their fault.


Explain That It Isn’t Contagious

Cancer is scary no matter how much you understand it. Illness is a concept that children know and have come into contact with before, though very different. You will have stressed the importance of staying healthy and the role of germs when it comes to getting sick, which is why your child may be frightened about catching cancer themselves.

The next step in your initial conversation should involve putting these concerns to rest. You will have given them a rudimentary explanation of how you became ill, so try to reiterate how this disease cannot be passed from person to person. Your child is likely to have more questions later on, which is why you should leave your first conversation here. Give them time to mull over what they have learned and remind them that you are always there to answer any further questions.


Explain Changes Before They Happen

A cancer diagnosis is going to change your life no matter how advanced the spread. You may have to stop doing weekly activities, make frequent trips to the doctor, take time off work, or undergo bed rest as you receive treatment. These changes are necessary; however, they will not go unnoticed by your child.

As you go through the treatment procedures, it is a good idea to explain what is going to happen and why. This will give your child the chance to prepare for the change and provide them with context. Again, children have a different understanding of the world to us, and routine is important to them. Try to make sure they can perceive these changes correctly.



Cancer treatments will differ depending on your type and the severity. However, this treatment is necessary at any stage to cure you. The treatment for cancer takes time, which means that you will be dealing with the side effects for a few months.

A child may not understand medicine completely, but they are aware of its role. That is why you may find it beneficial to talk openly about your treatment. It will help you to understand it better and provide something for your child to perceive as a balance to all the negativity surrounding your illness.

In fact, you can use resources from Ezra to learn all about treatments and diagnosis tools to lessen your own fear about the process. This means less fear for your child to pick up on. You can normalize terms like chemotherapy or spine MRI to build up a positive association between these treatments and your health.


Remind Them That They Are Not Alone

Mother and daughter are hugging

The scariest part of cancer for a child is the fear that they will lose you. There is always going to be media surrounding this type of illness, a lot of which will understandably portray it in a negative light. What’s more, your family may have come into contact with someone else that has unfortunately lost their battle with cancer.

The best thing you can do for your child during this time is reiterate that they are loved and will never be left alone. It will also serve to ground you as you continue to move forward.



Discussing a cancer diagnosis with a child is a long and complex process that cannot be covered in one article. Hopefully, these tips have given you the tools to start the journey. Everyone will have a different experience, but it is most important to stay strong.



When Dads Care

Giving your child a shot at a great future is a lot easier than you think!

While moms are indispensable, a caring dad is the best thing that can happen to a child. Child experts have traditionally placed a major focus on a mother’s role in the lives of children and tended to ignore a father’s contribution. What a tragedy. Thankfully this is changing as research is making it increasingly clear that caring and involved fathers make a massive contribution to their children’s well-being, self-esteem, emotional intelligence and sexual behaviour, as well as giving them an excellent chance of flourishing in adulthood.

And the good news is that dads can do this in very simple ways as they actively love and care for their children, and by just being who they are – men!

The amazing thing is that it is the simplest of activities that fathers engage in with their children that have some of the most lasting effects on them. At a recent talk I gave to prospective parents, a young father-to-be came up to me afterwards and recounted how his father had never shown him any affection as a child and how he had “gone off the rails” as a teenager. He told me that his father had bought him only one ice cream during the course of his childhood and that this had greatly distressed him in later years.

Another of the simplest things which impact children is a father’s touch. Children have a need to be touched by a father. Early in life, children who experience love and care by being held and spoken to by their fathers develop a very specific and unique relationship with them. A dad’s touch, with his strong hands and somewhat hairy arms, is very different from a mother’s touch, and babies and children who experience this touch have a better chance of growing up to become well adjusted, emotionally healthy adults. A father who openly shows physical affection to his children helps contribute to their intellectual, physical and sexual development.

Boys who are touched by their fathers in a healthy and caring way show a lower tendency to become sexually promiscuous and rebellious in their teens and adulthood, and girls who experience warm, healthy physical affection from their dads are much less likely to become “boy crazy” to satisfy their need to be touched and for male approval. So, when the village idiot comes calling, your teenage daughter is far less likely to crave acceptance from him because she’s been getting enough approval from the most significant man in her life – her dad. Her relationship with her father, therefore, becomes a frame of reference for how she relates to other men all through her life.  

Skin hunger – the lack of physical contact – can have a dramatic effect on a child. In its most severe form, it can result in death. Decades ago, infants in orphanages in the Soviet Union were reported to have died simply as a result of not being touched. But the positive side of this coin is that infants and children who are touched appropriately and regularly flourish physically, emotionally and intellectually.

As well as the need to be touched by a father, children have a need to have a father play with them. Sometimes the last thing you want to do when you arrive home after work plays with kids, but taking five minutes to chase and tickle them is worth it in the long run. (Fast fact: Children up to seven years of age have two ambitions in life – to be chased and to be tickled by their father!)

Dads play very different games with their children from the games mothers play. And the games come to fathers quite naturally. No one tells them to play with their children in a certain way – they just do it without really thinking about it.

Family is spending time together on the bed

While mothers engage in gentle, nurturing activities, fathers play games with their children that involve getting them excited, very often including the elements of risk and fear. A typical father-child game would involve a father raising his hands like claws above his head, taking giant steps toward the child and growling, “Here comes the bear! It’s going to eat you up!” 

The child invariably turns tail and scampers away squealing with delight. Once cornered, he or she is usually scooped into their father’s arms where they are supposedly eaten by the bear, something which turns out to be ticklish and immensely enjoyable for the child. And every time the child experiences being caught, their faith in their father’s love is strengthened.

Children who are exposed to such games learn a number of valuable lessons. They learn to distinguish between reality and illusion – they know their dad’s not really a bear. They also enjoy the thrill of being scared while knowing that they’re not really going to be hurt, so they learn to deal with a negative emotion (fear of the “bear”) in a supportive and positive environment – something which proves invaluable when they make their own way in the world and have to face real fears that come across their paths.

Another lesson they learn is how to read their father’s face and to respond accordingly. Dads often quickly tire of children’s games (just try keeping up with an enthusiastic toddler and see how long you last), but the positive outcome is that, from as young as six months old, children have been found to be able to read the expressions on their fathers’ faces and can tell when the game is over. These children learn how to bring themselves down from the emotional high they were on as a result of being chased, causing them to grow up with a higher level of emotional self-control and emotional intelligence. Now emotional intelligence is becoming a major currency in the business world. Studies have shown that, of people with the same IQ, education, skills and experience, it’s the person with the highest level of emotional intelligence (EQ) who will get ahead of the pack in the world of work. And fathers play a role in helping to develop their children’s EQ.

Fathers also typically throw their children in the air and catch them or encourage their children to jump from the bed or couch while they stand waiting to catch them, simple games which involve elements of risk and which require the child to learn to trust their fathers. Watch your child the first time you encourage her to jump into your arms. She won’t be too keen but, as she comes to understand that you’re going to catch her, she comes to love it! By contrast, watch a child who has never been exposed to this type of game. They are quite obviously terrified.

Another important way that fathers strengthen the bond between themselves and their children is through the use of secret signs of affection. This can take the form of a squeezed hand or a wink across a room to your child, giving them a sense of well-being and security that they get from experiencing the invisible bond that exists between them and their father.

A father is spending quality time, together with his sons, fishing  at the lake

Children thrive on attention and approval from their fathers. As a child grows up, they will frequently say those immortal words, “Look, daddy!” as they attempt to perform some or other activity. This is an expression of their desire to obtain approval and recognition from their fathers, and all this requires is the necessary attention directed at them (probably for no longer than a few seconds at a time) and an appropriate comment such as, “That’s wonderful, sweetheart!” or “Well done, son!”

Of course, one has to be realistic about this – you wouldn’t give the same attention to your child while driving your car as you would in your back yard, and explaining to your child why there is a good and a bad time to focus on him or her is also a valuable lesson for them. It helps them learn that, contrary to their belief, they are not the centre of the Universe and that sometimes they have to delay gratification in the interests of other people or things.

We live in a very success orientated world. While there’s nothing wrong with that, we fathers, unfortunately, tend to view success as something which we achieve outside the home. When we broaden our view of success to include not only that which we achieve in our work but also that which we achieve in our families, we find fulfilment and meaning we didn’t realise we were missing. After all, what are we really working for if it isn’t to give our families the best possible life?

Don’t make the mistake of losing yourself in your career in the interest of giving your family a certain lifestyle when they would rather have you around instead. A good formula to apply is: spend half the money and twice the time on your children and you will experience ten times the happiness as you see your children fly higher than you thought possible!


Alan Hosking is the author of What nobody tells a new father, the new dad’s guide to pregnancy and parenthood. He has helped first-time and experienced dads become more involved parents for two decades.

Best Ways to Nurture Your Child’s Love for Cooking

According to a recent survey, many parents have admitted that they often find their little ones keen to assist them while they are in the kitchen.

Children are indeed inquisitive. However, their curiosity and willingness to explore the world drive their physical and mental growth. Thus, if your child is eager to assist you in the kitchen, use it as an opportunity to get them involved and teach them about the dynamics of cooking. 

And while there are many recipes to explore, making cookies is probably the best way to keep the kids engaged and spark their interest in cooking. For convenience, you can use the premade dough such as Doughp – it’s made of quality ingredients and it can be consumed raw! To find out more, follow the link for the full Doughp Cookie Dough review.

But you should keep in mind that teaching kids about cooking is not as easy as it may seem. You need to ensure their safety and security in the kitchen so that they don’t get injured and invite trouble.

To avoid that, here we have curated a list of some ways that can help you nurture your child’s love for cooking. Follow along to learn more about them.

  •     Teach them about the safety standards

Before you even let your child in the kitchen, make sure you teach them about the basic safety rules and standards. This will keep them safe while they are exploring and experimenting in the kitchen.

Here are some kitchen safety rules your child must follow no matter what.

  •     Always use kitchen towels while taking something out from the oven or stove.
  •     Use wooden knives until they are old enough to use the sharp ones.
  •     Wear well-fitted clothes made of cotton instead of silk or polyester to prevent any fire accidents.
  •     Always sanitize or wash hands before starting with the recipe.
  •     Do not climb on the kitchen shelves.
  •     Do not use plastic utensils for the oven.

Additionally, make sure that you are supervising your kids in the kitchen to prevent any potential accidents.

  •     Use their playtime to your advantage

Research shows that kids learn best while playing. And you can use that to your advantage to elevate your little one’s interest in cooking. For this, all you need to do is to incorporate a kitchen play set for kids and encourage them to use it while playing.

Playing with toy utensils, fruits, veggies, bakery sets, shopping carts, wooden coffee machines, and wooden cupcakes can encourage role-play activities. Not to mention, your little one would also get to learn kitchen vocabulary, making them more interested in cooking.

  •     Give them control in the kitchen

Children are making cakes in the kitchen

Kids love to feel responsible. Thus, the best way to teach them about the dynamics of cooking is to give them control in the kitchen. Ask them to flip through cookbooks and pick their favorite recipes. You can also encourage and assist them while they are following through with the recipe.

If your kids are not old enough to handle cooking equipment, you can assign age-appropriate kitchen tasks such as measuring ingredients, passing utensils, and keeping an eye on the kitchen’s timer.

That’s a wrap

Cooking is a basic life skill everyone should learn no matter what. Developing and mastering cooking skills can help your kids in the future when they are all set to live an independent life. So, use the tips mentioned above and nurture your child’s love for cooking.


5 Reasons That an American School May be Right for Your Child

American educational institutions—and particularly US Universities—are recognized globally for their academic excellence, with American institutions of higher learning consistently ranking among the world’s best. This makes American education highly coveted by foreign nationals, and many parents choose to send their children to American schools as a way to prepare them for American university education in later years.  But the United States is not the only country where one can enroll in a school with an American curriculum. Many international schools around the world follow the American system, which means that young students of all nationalities have the chance to discover American education for themselves.

Are you currently deciding on an international school for your child? If so, consider one that is rooted in the American tradition. The educational approach and values cultivated by an American school may be a good fit for your child’s learning needs and professional aspirations later in life. Here’s a list of reasons to enroll your child in an American-curriculum Singapore school.  


American School Curricula Are Known for Their High Academic Standards

One thing that surely defines the American school system is its high academic standards. American school curricula—including those that are taught outside of the US—are known to be enriching, substantive, and well-encompassing of the world’s important academic disciplines. If you want your child to benefit from an exhaustive curriculum that’s considered world-class, then it will be a good decision to enroll them in an American school. If they can succeed in a school that follows American academic standards, they’ll have a great chance of succeeding in other learning environments that are equally challenging.


American International Schools Produce Well-Rounded and Independent Students

Academics aren’t the only focus of American education, however. American curricula typically encourage learning experiences that extend beyond the classroom. You can expect an American school to offer a wide variety of extracurricular activities, such as sports clubs, academic societies, and organizations devoted to artistic pursuits. The school may even offer mentorship programs with career professionals, intercultural exchanges, and volunteering opportunities with civic organizations. Your child can join such activities and become a well-rounded and self-determined learner as a result.


An American Curriculum Will Improve Your Child’s English Proficiency

English is considered the world’s lingua franca in fields like business, science, technology, and global politics. If the goal is to improve a student’s proficiency in the English language so that they can excel in any one of these fields, then enrolling in an American school—where English is the main language of instruction—is a logical choice. Enroll your child in an institution where they can learn and practice English, and they will be much more confident about pursuing a global career. 


An American School Education Will Increase Your Child’s Chances of Being Admitted to a US University

Another great advantage of American international school education is that it generally increases a student’s chances of getting accepted into a world-class higher institution of learning—particularly one that’s located in the United States. If your child wants to apply to study in the US or in other countries that have similar tertiary education systems, then it would be good to make them familiar with the American educational system.

College admissions committees typically recognize the American pedagogical framework, and that may factor into their decision to accept your child into competitive degree programs with similar standards and similar modes of delivery.  Even better, have your child earn credits from courses that are recognized by American institutions of higher learning. If your child obtains high scores in Advanced Placement courses, for instance, American colleges and universities may grant them placement or corresponding course credits.


Your Child Will Experience Diversity and Develop a Global Perspective

The building of one of the international US schools is well designed

Lastly, although the American educational system is primarily associated with the “American way,” it’s not the only perspective your child will learn when they’re enrolled in an American school. American international schools are known to celebrate cultural diversity and to honor global perspectives. Your child may graduate from the school with a greater awareness of American life, but they will also have lots of opportunities to discover the cultures of their fellow international students. Together, they will form a learning community that’s truly global and inclusive in nature.


Final Words: Choosing an American International School for Your Child

As a parent in Singapore, you have a lot of international school options for your child. Aside from schools that follow American curricula, there are also schools that follow the Canadian school system, British school system, and the International Baccalaureate system. All of these have their respective pros and cons, and these should be weighed carefully before you choose an international school for your child to study in.

If this short guide has appealed to your sensibilities—and if it looks like an American curriculum would suit your child—you can do your own due diligence and begin exploring the top American international schools in Singapore. May you find a school that honors your child’s talents and learning capabilities, and may the program mold them into global citizens inspired by American education.

3 Big Benefits of Baby Hats for Your Child

Specifically in children, heat regulation can be a significant problem. If your baby becomes too warm or too cold, they could encounter health problems.

Luckily, there is a simple solution to help, baby hats. Hats come in a large variety of styles and levels of protection, so whatever the weather, there are the perfect hats for your baby available. We explore some of the lesser-known benefits of toddler hats below.

1. Comfort

Plenty of parents have had experiences with swaddling their child in a blanket and seeing the child immediately becoming more relaxed. This effect can also happen when a child wears a comfortably fitting hat.

The closeness and tight fit of a comfortable child’s hat can even help with getting your restless child to fall asleep easier.


2. A Protective Layer

A hat will protect your child from the cold and wind, but it also reduces the impact of unpleasant and loud noises. 

Children have sensitive ears and can sometimes become upset if overstimulated so softening the sounds in a child’s environment is an excellent way to avoid stress and anxiety in small children.

And this protective layer can also serve as a barrier to people who may want to stroke their head or kiss them. With the ongoing spread of viruses, parents can be particularly conscious of avoiding germs, and a hat is the perfect non-confrontational way to help with this.


3. Regulate Your Child’s Temperature

A hat is not always going to be necessary. If the weather is blazing hot and no wind, you should possibly consider staying in with your child and a couple of fans anyway, but if you do go outside, a light hat that protects their sensitive head from burning is vital.

Similarly, when it’s colder, you should ensure your child has a warm hat to keep them from becoming too cold. A hat provides you with a greater number of options when it comes to where you can take your child and the amount of time they can spend outside a more controlled environment like your home.


Baby Hats: More Than Just Cute

A young girl is wearing a hat while taking a photo

We all know babies wearing hats are adorable, but there is a lot more to it than just how cute they can look.

The right infant hats can help your child in a large variety of ways from comfort to protection from the elements and weather. All this while also being adorable, so it’s really a win-win situation.


Protect Your Child Now

If you are questioning ‘should I buy hats for my kid?’, the answer is almost undoubtedly yes! Baby hats are the perfect way to protect and help your child avoid unnecessary stress, provide comfort, and protect them from the weather. Please consider getting the right headwear for your child as soon as possible, and who knows, it might even help you get some extra sleep.

For the best advice and help on your parenting journey, check out our homepage where there are plenty of resources to help you and make life just a little bit easier.

New Baby at Home? How to Get More and Better Sleep

There is no better feeling than bringing a new baby into your home. It’s like a dream come true, only better. However, there’s one thing you’re likely to struggle with: sleep. Your baby needs you during the night, so you’re going to spend a lot of time awake. 

If you want to get more sleep and better sleep – even if you have a baby that needs you throughout the night – there are some simple steps you can take. Here are five things that you should do:


1. Read as much as you can

You have a lot to think about as a new parent. From choosing the right baby clothes to ensuring that your child gets a good night’s sleep, your mind is always racing. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t take the time to research things you can do to improve your own life. 

There is no shortage of books, websites, and blogs that provide tips and advice for how to get a better night’s sleep — even if you have a newborn who is doing their best to keep you awake for hours on end. 


2.Track everything

There will be times when you feel like you’re getting the proper amount of sleep. There will also be times when you wonder if you’ll ever get back to your normal schedule. This is something you should expect. By tracking everything you do, you can pinpoint both the good and the bad. 

For instance, make note of when you go to sleep and when you wake up. This should include all the times that you wake up in the middle of the night to tend to your child. It’s important to get the proper amount of sleep, but you’re not going to do so unless you have a clear idea of what’s working and what’s not. 


3.Put away your phone

When you finally get the chance to hit your pillow, it’s time to fall asleep. Don’t spend time searching the internet. Don’t browse social media. The more you do this, the greater chance there is that you’ll stimulate your brain and make it more difficult to fall asleep. Keep your phone turned off. And while you’re at it, do the same with your television. 


4.Watch what you eat

Healthy meals are placed in plastic boxes

No matter if you have a new baby at home or not, what you eat before you go to bed can impact how well you sleep. This goes along with tracking everything. Should you find that a certain food doesn’t sit well with you, cut it out of your diet. 

A good example is eating spicy food before you retire for the evening. It may taste good on the way down, but it can result in acid reflux. And if that happens, you could suffer through a night full of pain while still having to care for your newborn. 


5.Upgrade your mattress

That old mattress should find its way to the curb sooner rather than later. Even if you think it’s comfortable, it could be wreaking havoc on your sleep and your health as a whole. Learn more about modern mattresses, as you’re likely to find that an upgrade can do wonders for your mind and body. 

Tip: even though online mattress companies are growing in popularity, it may be best to shop locally. This gives you the opportunity to test out each mattress on your shortlist before you make a final decision. Doing that can save you time, money, and aggravation over the long run. 


Final Thoughts

A lack of sleep can affect your mental and physical health, so you need to fight back against it to the best of your ability. The one thing you need to remember is that this is just a temporary phase. There will come a time when your baby sleeps through the night. That thought alone should be enough to keep you going. 

Take as many steps as you can to get more and better sleep. Even if you only take small steps in the right direction, it’s sure to do wonders for how you feel.

What tips do you have for sleeping better with a newborn at home? Is there anything that didn’t work for you?

How to Encourage Your Child to Study: 6 Tips and Ideas

Personality plays an important part in children’s academic success. However, most good students are not born with a passion for studying and the ability to embrace knowledge. While kids are not empty canvases you can design based on your wishes, they can, with your guidance, be directed to live up to their potential.

In other words, there are various strategies that parents can turn to in an effort to encourage their children to study. All of them require the parents to be aware of their children’s needs, conscious of the language they’re using when talking with them, and supportive during their struggles. With that in mind, here are a few tips and ideas that will help you motivate your children to study.


Cultivate a Reading Atmosphere

Children who love reading are more likely to have a positive mindset toward studying. That’s why it’s important to cultivate a reading atmosphere in your home. To do that, you need to lead by example. When kids see their parents reading (and enjoying it), they will be more likely to do the same. Reading can be your quality time with the kids before bedtime, and it’s a way to associate positive emotions with this activity. Other things that have the same effect are a home library, a reading nook, or fun trips to your local library.


Make Studying Fun

Studying is a chore. It’s something children need to do to achieve academic success and develop properly. Naturally, kids don’t enjoy staring at the books trying to memorize everything by heart until their brains hurt. When they view studying as an interesting activity, it’s easier for them to learn new information and retain knowledge longer.

Dramatic instead of silent readings can make it easier for kids to remember things. Also, kids need to take breaks in between learning sessions to be physically active. Since most people are visual learners, drawing pictures that illustrate important points helps them understand more complicated concepts. Finally, you can play educational games.


Show Interest in Their Education

Even when kids are independent in their studying, homework, and other chores, they need your support and guidance. You need to be on top of their schoolwork and communicate regularly with their teachers.

Also, it’s important to talk to your children to see how they’re doing at school and if they have some difficulties. Be informed about their exams and grades. There are some specific tests, such as the cognitive abilities test that assesses students’ abilities and potentials, that can also help you learn where to direct your attention.


Provide Structure

Proper time and space management are crucial for motivating children to read and learn. Be consistent and definite when determining a study routine. Assign a specific time within each day for studying, reading, and homework. Having a routine will make learning a habit and a part of their system.

Spatial organization is also important. Kids need to have a quiet place without distractions where they can study. Show them how to tidy up their study table, but encourage independence in organizing according to their needs.


Put Them in the Driver’s Seat

Speaking of independence – in the educational process, children are often in the back seat, with the teachers and parents being the drivers. The lack of control over their education can cause them to withdraw from learning.

On the other hand, when they are given a chance to have direct input regarding their studying choices, they feel encouraged and empowered. Some of the ways to empower kids in the learning process include:

  •     providing them with options (e.g., when choosing a theme for a project)
  •     focusing on their areas of interest
  •     allowing them to choose their extracurricular activities


Highlight the Importance of the Process Instead of the Results

Children are going together in school

Parents want their children to be successful at school. However, pressuring them to get straight A’s can often be counterproductive. So, avoid emphasizing poor performance. Instead, highlight the effort put into learning and all the insights gained from the experience. Even when they get good grades, they should be aware that grades are not the main reason for studying.


In Closing

These tips will help you encourage your kids to succeed in school and guide them in a healthy way throughout their academic life. But on top of all these effective strategies, there’s the tip you don’t need because you already know it: be there for them and support them all the way.

How to Come up with a Custody Schedule That Works

Divorce is not an uncommon situation today, with half of all children in the US going through the experience of their parents getting a divorce. However, a marriage ending does not mean that the family has to end as well. Many parents who decide that their marriage can no longer go on are concerned about minimizing the impact of the divorce on their children and want to make sure that their kids still feel safe, secure, and with a family to belong to no matter what has happened between their parents in the past. When it comes to making sure that the impact of divorce is minimal on your children and they are able to continue growing up in a way that is happy and healthy for them, a custody agreement is often essential. This agreement creates guidelines for your family when it comes to parenting time and how responsibilities are shared, making it easier for you to adjust to your new lives and providing much-needed stability for your children.


Modern Custody Agreement Trends

Some experts have noticed that these days, dads are no longer satisfied with older-style custody agreements where kids tend to traditionally spend more time with their mother, and only spend time with their dads on one weeknight and every other weekend. The good news is that more dads are looking for spending more time with their kids and genuinely want to share the parenting responsibilities 50/50, rather than only going for this kind of custody agreement as a way of getting out of child support. While after a divorce, children do not get to see both parents at the same time anymore, it’s usually healthiest for the child if an equal custody agreement can be reached, as they are not spending more time with one parent compared to the other. For more information, check out Onward for advice on parenting time guidelines. Onward offers an app that you can use to split costs and childcare responsibilities with your ex, and their advice on parenting time guidelines can be used to help you come up with a custody plan that works best for you.


Popular Custody Agreement Ideas

The brother and a sister are standing together

With more and more children now sharing their parents more equally after a divorce, and more dads looking to spend more time with their kids than the traditional every other weekend, both families and legal professionals have become a bit more creative when it comes to the different ways that they can divide this time. Some of the most popular ways to divide parenting time when it comes to custody agreements include:

Alternate weeks: The child will spend one week with one parent, and then the next with the other. Most families switch over on a weekend or Monday morning.

2-2-5-5- split: With this type of agreement, parents will alternate back and forth with having the kids. First, there’s a shorter period of two days, then two longer periods of five days each. As a result, parents do not go more than five days at a time without spending time with their children and the children can spend one half of the week with one parent, and the next half with the other.

2-2-3-3 split: With this agreement, one parent will have custody of the child for two days, before the child goes to the other parent for another two days. The first parent then has three days, and then the other has three days. This allows parents to alternate weekends spent with their kids.

3-4-4-3 split: This type of custody agreement split allows parents to divide the week almost in half, with each parent getting the kids for three days one week, then four days the next.


How to Come Up with an Ideal Parenting Time Agreement

Every family is different, and when it comes to deciding on a child custody and parenting time agreement, different things will work for different people. While there are various ways to divide parenting time that you might be able to choose from if you think that one is going to work well for you, keep these tips in mind as you decide on a parenting time agreement to help you come to a decision that you can all be happy with.

Use an App: There are plenty of apps available now that are designed for co-parents to create shared calendars and more. This makes it easier to communicate with your ex when it comes to working out your schedule and can help you with parenting time over occasions like birthdays and the holidays.

Be Flexible and Creative: Standard parenting time or custody agreements might not always work for every parent, for example, parents might have unusual work hours that require a more flexible and creative agreement. If you or your ex-partner work unusual shifts, for example, then it might be necessary for you to spend a little more time coming up with an agreement that is going to work.

Consider the Children’s Schedules: Often, this has to be the top priority when coming up with a custody agreement as the last thing that you want is to cause disruption to your child’s life. If your ex lives nearby and is easily able to take children to after-school activities and sports, for example, this is unlikely to be a huge problem. However, if not, it’s important to think about how a custody agreement is going to affect your child’s schedule and what the best way to minimize the impact will be.

Ask Your Child: While most experts don’t recommend allowing your child to make the final decision, it’s worth getting their input on what they think might work for them, especially if you have older kids who are capable of understanding what’s going on and can voice their own wishes. Not only could speak to your child make it easier for you to come up with ideas that you may not have thought of yourself, but it also demonstrates to them that hearing them is a priority during what can be an unstable situation.

Deciding on a custody agreement that works for everybody is not always easy, but with the right strategies, you can create a schedule that everybody is happy with. 


Seven Handy Tips for Brand-New Parents

Statistics show that 12% of parents feel prepared when they have their first child. Are you ready to have your first child? How is your partner feeling about it? What things can you do to prepare yourself for this time? No two couples will navigate parenting in the same way, but there are some things that you can do to try to make the process go smoother. Keep reading to learn a few tips for new parents.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

There is the old saying that it takes a village to raise a child. This holds true even today. Many people in your life will likely be offering their time and resources to help you adjust to this new stage in your life. While it can be tempting to decline their offers, it doesn’t hurt to take them up on it. If they want to cook you dinner, it might mean that you and your partner have more time to spend together or that you don’t have to try to make it to the grocery store before dinnertime that day. Saying, “I need help,” is not a sign of weakness — but rather, a strength in this situation. 


Sleep when you can

The first year of a baby’s life usually does not mean a lot of sleep for its parents. Sleeping when you can is important. Your sleep schedule will be dictated by the baby, so napping is encouraged when there is an opportunity for it. Taking turns letting each other take a nap during the day or weekend can help with this. Depending on your feeding approach, taking turns feeding the baby at night can help you each get more uninterrupted hours of sleep each night. 


Prioritize each other

While the baby is the main focus once it is born, it doesn’t mean that your relationship with your partner goes out the window. Continuing to prioritize each other by talking each morning and discussing how each of you is handling the new change in your lives can help you stay on the same page and provide for each other’s needs. 


Get outside

Go for a walk. It sounds simple but new parents cannot be stuck inside the house the entire day. Exercise will be beneficial for both of you and there are strollers and swaddles that you can transport the baby in. Getting outside will help interrupt the mundane nature of caring for a newborn for hours on end. 


Take time to relax

Watch your favorite TV show at night, put on a movie together, play some music. All of these things can help you wind down from some of the stresses that come with being a new parent. If you are always running around and never give yourself a chance to relax, other issues can begin to build up. If you see your partner needs a break, offer to take over so that they can relax for a while. 


Talk, talk, talk

Communication is extremely important when you have a newborn. What do you need? What does the baby need? What does your partner need? You don’t want to arrive at the situation in which one person feels like they are doing it all while the other feels helpless. Constantly communicating your needs and what each of you could do to solve issues is key.


Be confident

Family is the safest place for the children

There is no one way to parent a child that is any better than another. Having confidence that you will be great parents and building on this confidence through experience is key. The more repetitions that you get in with caring for the baby, calming down the baby, feeding the baby, etc will make you more comfortable with the process as a whole. 


You’ve got this!

These tips are just a few of the many things that you can do when caring and preparing for a newborn. It will be a stressful time but you will develop routines with your partner that work and slowly gain control over how to parent the new addition to your family. Accepting that you are not going to know everything and being open to learning new things each day will help with this process. And, before you know it, it’ll even start to feel like second nature to you.

How to Make Baby Videos Go Viral on TikTok

Going viral on TikTok whether for baby videos or for something else boils down to just a few things.

Those are authenticity and originality and of course your ability to capture the attention of the viewer within just the first few seconds.

Making baby videos go viral uses the same techniques as do any other video. However, there are some tips and tricks that when utilized will make any video go viral, and anyone can adapt those as soon as you finish reading this blog. 

Stick to the very end, for you have prepared a special tip. But that special tip cannot be understood without reading something, that which you need to find within this article. 


Play with the emotions of the audience 

That might sound like something bad. It is in fact not a good thing to be playing with the emotions of other people. 

But the sad reality and the fact remains that the whole entertainment business and the social media, marketing and sales, are built on the premise that you need to be able to trigger emotions if you want someone to do something for you.

For salespeople, it might be that they want to sell you something by triggering certain emotions while marketing may want to sway you towards certain products. 

In the same way, you should make videos that incite certain feelings in people when they watch your videos. 

The harshest one, or the most popular one that is so damn sticky in our day and age, is FOMO. if you don’t know what FOMO is, it is fear of missing out. 

Millennials are full of it. Even Gen Z and all the other generations have caught on to this feeling. 

This ugly feeling is what makes people make the kind of decision they make rather than financially and psychologically, like buying a new iPhone every time it releases another version. 

In the same way, if you are to make a video that ignites this very feeling in the hearts of the viewers, you are guaranteed to receive twice more than the number of followers you have. Buying followers on TikTok also might help in your efforts for baby videos to go viral as the algorithm rewards following growth.

This is not to say FOMO is necessarily negative. But there are other emotions that play as big a role if not better. 

They are aspirations, admirations. If you are to show the best side of your baby, couples expecting a baby are more prone to watch it.

How does playing with positive emotions work?

Playing with emotions means teasing them with the good sides of what you are having. If you intend to make the baby videos go viral on TikTok. Then show the good sides.

TikTok channel  example- credit to @wren.eleanor

Film the moments when they are cute and are doing something that is out of the ordinary. Something that may make the audience interested in the idea of what it is like to have a baby. 

You can consider success when your videos convince people to have a baby. While this is really difficult to do, it should be the bar you are aiming to hit. 

Making baby videos go viral then comes down to this one point. It is how well you can fire up that emotion. 

However, that should not just be limited to shooting.  Including great music that affects the subconscious is another great way to make any video go viral. 

If you have ever spent some time on TikTok then you perhaps came across a similar or the same song more than once in one session. 

When songs go viral onTikTokthey go viral like crazy and be everywhere. Of course, you will need to filter that music out to find what fits best for baby videos on TikTok. 

But the tactic is the same and it works for every other type of video as well. 

TikTok challenges and trends 

There are numerous challenges on TikTok all the time. From hashtags challenges to trends to challenges encouraged by celebrities and influencers. 

Taking part in those challenges helps your content with discoverability and depending on the content, its engagement might make it go viral.

It also depends on how well you utilize the tricks above and those below that are about to come. 

Because just those are enough to make baby videos go viral on TikTok or any other video for that matter. 

Have you ever heard about the Ugli baby challenge?

You perhaps did not. But if you did you know how a lot of creators went viral due to their content. 

But those were just the type of content that actually would have gone viral regardless of the trend. This is not to take away anything from the trends which we so highly spoke of.

But to add to the importance of the point we are about to make next.  It is that originality plays a huge role. 

Whether you want to make your baby videos go viral on TikTok or make your business known. Original content is the type that attracts people. 

Originality doesn’t mean without edits and poor quality resolution and poor aesthetics. It just means it is you, and your baby in the video.

Unlike other platforms, TikTok is not that evergreen. If you are to post something or follow along on a challenge, you are to be vigilant and keep doing that again and again. 


The untold secret of viral videos on TikTok

The untold secret of going viral on TikTok is that you need to make an impact as soon as someone sees your content. 

TikTok channel example – credit to @chloeboboey

This means you will need to make a video that captures the attention of a person within seconds. Which is why we call this secret “The Seconds Secret”.

For example, when you are surfing on TikTok, have you ever skipped a video just because it wasn’t interesting and engaging. I’d argue you do this a lot, and perhaps all the time. 

Well, you are not the only person who does this. That is why when you are creating a video you should think about it from the perspective of the user. 

If you can’t keep them for three seconds you can’t keep them at all.

Thus, focus overly hard on the beginning of the video and how it affects the viewers. Because once they stay, chances are they will watch it till the end. 

Plus, longer watch times send signals to the algorithm that your content is interesting and is worth watching. And the algorithm will recommend it to many other users as well. 

Making baby videos go viral takes this content even more literally. Because an average TikTok user is not interested in watching babies, especially the Zoomers or the youngest generation. 

Although TikTok initially was known for its young demographics, nowadays it has been balanced a little bit with the inclusion of millennials. 

This means baby videos will be of more interest to those older demographics, which makes it even more necessary to make the dazzling intros into each and every one of your videos.

Video is the most powerful communications technology on the planet. And, if you are looking for ways to make your videos better, Larry Jordan’s tutorials are a great resource:

To wrap up

Before summing up, it is important that we mention like many blogs do that choosing a niche, and working on high-quality content is also important. 

Those tips and advice have become so cliche that this article focused on the more psychological part of making any video go viral including baby videos on TikTok. 

At the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how you get views, it just matters you get them.

However, by following these three tips you increase the chances of getting views organically and in a way that will increase the chances of engagement.