6 Ways to Spend More Time With Your Children as a Working Parent

Between work and daily responsibilities, life for parents can get really busy. Finding time to spend with your family can get scarce when you’re a working mom or dad. Guilt about working full time will set in and the worry about not having enough quality time may stress you out. Many parents feel as if they aren’t allowed to have time to themselves, have a night out with their friends, or even go to the gym. You are not ditching your child when you choose to go do stuff for yourself or with yourself. It is needed to keep a parent in good spirits so they can parent to their best ability.

Though it is good to have time to spend away, the time you do spend with your children is of great importance. Children benefit from having high-quality time with their parents as it strengthens the relationship and builds trust and memories. As they grow up they will look back and remember the quality time that they shared with their parents and it will affect them positively.

Building a bond with your children not only makes you happy but the family as a whole. If you’re too busy with work and life’s duties are taking over your free time, try to set up dates or times specifically for quality time. How you choose to spend that time matters too.

Do more activities together

Those small tasks or activities you may do on your own could be accompanied by your child. Do more activities with your kids to create a family oriented home. Invite your child to help you with something to make your child feel involved in your life and to help bring some fun to a simple task. Take this chance to laugh and be silly with your child; they’ll love it! Make a little room for them in your daily activities.

Fix things together

Home improvements and small projects are perfect ways to get your child involved. Not only will this teach them how to fix things on their own, but it will bring you together. Working together on something and getting them to use their hands keeps them away from the tv and into using their brains. Explain how things work and what to do so they learn and as time goes on have them show you. Anything that needs fixing, big or small, could be turned into a fun family project.

Make dinner

The feeling of cooking dinner with your family is a memorable one. Getting your kids to help you cook a meal will be the easiest part about parenting as they will enjoy the process more than you. Pick easy meals to show them. Give them space and allow them to make things themselves. The children will get a lesson in cooking and you will get a closer bond with your kids. Add a theme to your cooking night like, pizza night and watch your kids light up with excitement.

Read together

Reading to your children and having them read to you is a special moment. This time is intimate and will make you connect with your kid on a different level. Allow them to chose what they want to read and have them decide who reads. By broadening your child’s imagination and vocabulary, reading is the best way to kill two birds with one stone.


Take the time to plan a trip and from beginning to end, involve your children. Ask their opinions on destinations and every aspect of planning the trip. Traveling with your kids creates memories that they will have forever and a special bond between you both. Taking a trip somewhere, it doesn’t have to be far, makes kids excited about spending time with their parents. Your travels do not have to be expensive for them to be memorable. Choose budget based destination ideas. Kids pay attention to different things compare to adults so, the luxuries you may appreciate don’t affect kids the same.

You can even do activities that require leaving the house to spend quality time. Take a trip to the museum or the park and kindle your friendship with your kids. A trip to the zoo will bring excitement to your little ones as they have the choice to become involved with the animals. Most kids are ecstatic to learn and this gives them the chance to with their parents supporting them.

Work from home

If you’re comfortable enough to change a large part of your daily life, think about working from home. There are many careers that can be done remotely these days so, take advantage of it. You will free up more time that you can spend with your family. Find a job that fits you to make your life a little more about your kids.

Jobs can be done at home:

  • Virtual Assistant
  • Translator
  • Medical Transcriptionist
  • Web developer
  • Freelance Writer
  • Nurses
  • Traveling Physicians
  • Virtual Doctor

How to Survive a Cruise with Small Children

Cruising is often thought of as the ultimate vacation: spending your day lounging by the pool, fruity drink in your hand and enjoying a beautiful sunset before dancing the night away and then spending the next day with your toes in the sand on a beautiful beach. If you’re a parent of young children though, the idea of “getting away from it all” while changing diapers, dealing with toddler tantrums and trying to keep picky eaters satisfied can seem overwhelming at best and the impossible dream at worst.

Cruising with small children doesn’t have to be complicated or scary! With a little preparation (and a healthy dose of flexibility!), you and your children can make a lifetime of memories aboard your favorite ship.

Planning Your Cruise

When cruising with small children, careful planning can make all of the difference. Before you book your cruise, it’s important to research your options and pick the ship and destinations that suit your child’s temperament.

Perhaps your dream is to sail on transatlantic cruises from Florida? Maybe you want to see all that Alaska has to offer? Maybe spending the day swimming with dolphins on the shores of Mexico is more your style? Whatever your dream cruise is, it is important to choose the right ship. Many ships today have abundant offerings for young children, from all-day childcare to pools and water parks just for the ship’s youngest passengers. It is important that the ship is a good match for your child’s temperament and personality. If you know your child will have a meltdown when hungry, for example, book your cruise on a ship with all-day buffets or kid-friendly food options. If your child needs to be in bed by sunset, look for a ship with early dining options and evening in-room childcare.

Ships with family cabins can also help make cruising with small children easier. Family cabins often have connected rooms or ways to section off a child’s sleeping area so that the adults can watch tv or enjoy conversation without waking up a baby. It is important to note that many ships do not have bathtubs in the staterooms, so if your child cannot use a shower, you might wish to pack an inflatable bathtub or plan on sponge bathing your child during the cruise.

Arriving at the Ship

When cruising with young children, it is essential to give yourself extra time to deal with diaper blowouts, hungry children or frequent bathroom breaks. If you can, plan to fly in a day early to account for any delays or last-minute issues. This also gives you time to pick up some snacks, diapers or other important items before you get on the ship.

When you first arrive at the ship, it is possible that your stateroom will not yet be ready for you. If you brought a stroller or a baby sling, start by taking a leisurely stroll around the ship to acclimate yourself to the ship’s layout—if you’re lucky, your little one will decide to take a nap during your walk!

Enjoying your Cruise

Cruising with small children might look a bit different than cruising with teens or adults. It is important to understand that many areas on a cruise ship are not necessarily baby-proof. Seek out safe places for your little one to freely explore. On many ships, there are designated areas designed just for young children. These areas are often staffed with caregivers trained to work with young children. During the day, childcare (or Kids Clubs) are often free of charge, allowing your child to play and enjoy their vacation with new friends while you enjoy some much-deserved kid-free time.

Evening childcare or in-room childcare is often offered at an additional charge. Check with your cruise line before embarking to see how in-room childcare works. For some cruise lines, these services can be booked before you board, while for others, in-room childcare is first to come first served.

Excursions and On-Shore Experiences

Many people find on-shore experiences to be some of the most memorable parts of cruising. When choosing your excursions, pay careful attention to the intended age of the excursion. Many cruise lines set age limits for excursions for the safety and comfort of all participants. Another consideration is the length and intensity of the excursion. If you have a child who is impatient with long bus rides or needs a middle-of-the-day nap, a long excursion might not be a good option. Look for family-friendly or child-friendly excursion options, especially if this is your child’s first travel experience.

Finally, it is important to remember that you and your child are on vacation! Relax, slow down, eat well and make memories. One of the best things for a child is to travel and experience the world. With careful planning, cruising with your young child can be a memorable bonding experience for your entire family.

Baby Sleep Tips That Will Result in Rested Parents and Kids

If you’re a new parent struggling with sleep, both yours and your baby’s, you came to the right place. Sleep is vital because it will help you have more energy to bond with your baby and reduce your risk of developing postpartum depression. Now, remember while we typically associate postpartum depression with women, new fathers can also experience this. It can get so bad sometimes that they can regret having a baby as a lot of things change when a baby enters the equation. One of those changes is not being able to sleep properly at night. Now having said that, here are some of the best baby sleep tips that will keep you and your child rested.

Understand baby sleep

Babies’ sleep routine isn’t the same as yours. Keeping your baby awake just to make them tired and sleepy can often have opposite results. There’s something called over-stimulation that will make it difficult for them to fall asleep and stay asleep. An overtired baby will sleep shorter, so keep that in mind.

Start with a swaddle

During the early months (four to five), babies have the startle reflex that makes them feel like they are falling constantly. This causes jerking movements that can wake up your child. However, if you keep them in a tight swaddle, it will prevent them from startling themselves while they sleep and allow them to sleep longer and better. When your baby is snug as a bug in a rug, you will also get to catch more sleep!

Try dreamfeeding

The dreamfeed is the feeding that you give your baby just before they go to sleep. This prevents them from waking up just as you get into your own bed which is the worst thing in the world for a tired parent. The dreamfeed will really help your baby get more sleep and give you some extra bedtime before getting up.

Limit day naps

Waking up a sleeping baby might sound cruel, but long day naps will definitely rob both you and your child of nighttime sleep. Make sure your baby doesn’t sleep more than 2.5 hours at once. Wake your baby up gently, offer to feed, keep them awake a little and allow them to grab another nap. If you feel like they need more sleep, prolong that one nap and go back on track with a next nap.

Invest in cozy baby clothing

Baby’s skin is very sensitive and even the slightest discomfort can cause irritation and even pain which will make it impossible for your child to get a good night’s sleep. Luckily, today you can find organic baby clothes made of bamboo that is stretchy and provides your baby with a perfect fit. These are super soft on your little one’s delicate skin yet are perfect for both sleep and daily activities. Plus, the cuteness factor is immeasurable!

Play some white noise

No one likes to miss a party, not even babies. If you leave your child listening to all the fun that’s happening around the house, it can be very hard for them to fall asleep. So, bring some party to them in the form of a light fan or white noise machine. Getting your baby used to noise will be super practical in the future when you have guests over or have a family outing. Your baby will probably end up sleeping right through the event without you having to shush guests.

Come up with good routines

Babies love a good routine. They bring some order into a chaotic world and provide them with a sense of safety. So, make sure to choose a good pre-nap or pre-sleep routine that works for you and your kid. For instance, you can take the baby to their room, close the blinds, turn on the noise machine, sing a song and end your routine with a few soft loving words. You can say “I love you and I hope you have a good nap”. A full bedtime routine might be a bit longer and can involve a bath, massage, reading a book and feeding. However, what’s important is to stay true to your bedtime routine as much as possible to cue the baby for sleep. Over time, your child will learn what follows after a bedtime routine and will instantly become sleepy.

Learn to move your baby

If your child falls asleep in your arms, it can be tricky to move them without waking up. However, there are a few tricks. Watch their eyes and see if their eyes are moving under the lids (this means they are in deep sleep). Wait until their muscles are relaxed and listen for deep breathing. You can even administer a little test: Lift your baby’s arm and drop it. If they don’t stir, you can safely move them. Still, try to be as gentle as possible when laying them in the crib. Keep one hand on their back and one hand on their tummy to provide a continuous pressure that eases the transition. If they start to move, pat their belly a bit before you pull away. Also, try to maintain the same position as you pick them up and lay them down (as flat as possible). If you struggle to keep the position while putting them down in the crib, grab a step-stool to make putting your baby down a bit easier.

Ditch harsh lighting

Sleeping in total darkness provides babies and parents with the tightest sleep. But, what do you do when you need to change a diaper or engage in a bedtime story? You need some lighting that doesn’t disrupt your baby’s inner clock. Luckily, there are light wavelengths that are less likely to awaken your child completely. White lighting that contains the blue part of the spectrum is the most harmful to sleep, especially when it comes to young children. So, if you can block that blue light, you might minimize the negative effects of lighting at night. Think of grabbing low watt amber bulbs that will provide you with enough illumination yet protect your baby from blue wavelengths. There are also blue light filters that can reduce the negative effect of viewing electronics at night.

Sometimes, even 5 minutes of extra sleep will mean the world both to you and your baby. So, keep these tips in mind and you’ll have a well-rested and energetic family!

How to Help Your Kid Cope When a Grandparent Has Dementia

Dealing with a parent who suffers from some type of dementia is rather difficult, but if, on top of that, you have your own children to worry about, the whole situation becomes double the challenge. Still, keep in mind that you’re not alone. Many people face the same difficulties as you do and look for the best ways to approach their kids so that they can effectively help them cope with the change they see in their grandparent(s).

Try your best to answer the kids’ questions

It’s perfectly fine to open up to your kids on the matter of their grandparent’s dementia. After all, there’s no other way for them to learn more about this properly than by you talking to them. So, if they ask you questions, don’t hesitate to answer them. And if you happen not to know the answer, tell them so. There’s no reason to avoid this subject with kids when all they want is to understand what is happening to their grandparent better.

Of course, answer with the kids’ age in mind

As mentioned, being open with your kids about their grandparent’s condition is paramount if you wish to establish a better connection between your parents and children, and help the kids deal with the situation as painlessly as possible. But, you also have to provide the answers in an age-appropriate manner. You may be more open, logical and even use medical terms with a teenager, but if you have pre-school kids, use the simple terms they will understand.

Encourage the connection

Depending on the type of dementia and the overall condition of their grandparent, the kids can explore different ways to spend some quality time with them. Of course, you should suggest ideas as well. Sometimes it’s enough to watch TV together or have your kids read to the ill grandparent. And in case your parents enjoy some of the current dementia home care programs, the professionals on the matter can suggest activities that would both grandparents and children find entertaining. These programs are highly individualized with skilled and energetic staff that’s always there to help.

Share the fondness and love in your parent’s stead

In their state of confusion, your kids’ grandparent may not be able to express all the love, pride and fondness they feel for them. Not to mention that younger kids may misunderstand the behavior and think that their grandparent no longer cares for them. This is why it’s so important to talk about all the loving and nice things the grandparent has said about your kids and communicate the love they feel for the youngsters.

Make the most out of available literature

You don’t have to rely on your power of explanation only when it comes to helping your kids cope with their grandparent’s dementia. Thankfully, you can also utilize some books that carefully and engagingly deal with the whole process of dementia change. For instance, books such as Still Alice or Dancing with Rose are good for older kids, while the younger kids may benefit more from books like Still My Grandma or The Memory Box. If necessary, you can read it to them.

Whatever unfortunate situation you may find yourself in, don’t leave your children in the dark. They deserve to know what’s going on with their grandparent. What’s more, being able to understand what’s happening to their grandma or grandpa will help them overcome their own insecurities, and spend some more quality time caring and enjoying the company of their grandparent. This will mean the world for all of you as a family.

Best PC and Tablet Games for Kids

Kids and video games are inseparable. Therefore it becomes our duty to make sure that kids play age appropriate and productive online Pokemon games  which will assist in problem-solving and decision making. Here we have prepared a list of games that are available on both PC and Tablet, are gender neutral and are appropriate for the age group between 5 to 11 years of age.

  1. Sago Mini Friends

This game is specially crafted for toddlers between 3 to 5 years of age. It is simple and sweet in nature, promotes creativity, teaches sharing and instills empathy in children. It also assists in developing puzzle-solving abilities. In this particular game, the child is allowed to select a colorful character that explores and visits its neighborhood and the neighbors. In total there are five friends and ten various activities that can be carried out by the main character. If this is a game that you’re interested in letting your children play, be sure to get the best gaming laptop for the money for an amazing gaming experience.

  1. Lego Creators Islands

This game lets your kid build their own virtual Lego world. The game is set on Lego Creators Island where kids have to collect bricks in order to construct Lego structures, vehicles and also animals on each island. Here kids can explore, build and play on different islands which can be visited a number of times to rebuild in fun and new ways. This game is specially crafted for tablets and Windows versions can be found on a few websites.

  1. Toca Kitchen 2

Toca Kitchen is a game series developed by Toca Boca games who are expert at creating a mixture of education, fun, and play.  In this particular game, you choose a character to feed your very own invented recipes and dishes by mixing various different ingredients and play the chef for the day.

  1. Disney Crossy Road

Disney Crossy Road is a game designed and produced by Disney, Mighty Games, and Hipster Whale. It is a totally different take on old Crossy Road game where characters hopped and explored endless landscapes while avoiding trains and crossing Dunk Rivers. In Disney Crossy Road, characters from Disney are utilized with better game visuals and improved mechanics. In this version, there are more than 100 characters to be discovered and coins to be collected while exploring the landscapes.


  1. Fruit Ninja

Fruit Ninja is a game that is developed and published by Halfbrick Studios and can be played across various platforms. In Fruit Ninja, your mouse pointer or digit is converted into a sword with which you are supposed to cut the fruits that appear on the screen into two while trying to avoid game-ending bombs. This particular game also offers local multiplayer that enables more than one kid to compete with each other.

  1. Little Alchemy2

Little Alchemy is a match-and-discover puzzle game which brings out creativity and imagination in the kids. In this game, player mixes various items to create and build their own virtual world. Sometimes inventions like adding water to water to create puddle are obvious ones while other times they can be funny and whimsical. For instance, combing metal and pigeon would give you a plane.

  1. Contre Jour

Contre Jour is a physics-puzzler game that is developed by Mokus and published by Chillingo. The aim in this game is helping the protagonist Petit to reach the glowing exit by click-dragging hills, utilizing catapults, dangling tentacles, etc in order to maneuver his movements. Eye-pleasing visuals along with clever levels are sure to develop the problem-solving ability of your child through this game.

  1. Spelunky

Spelunky is a 2D platform game that is accessible on Microsoft Windows. Here the player has control over the protagonist, i.e. spelunker who explores caves while collecting treasures, fighting enemies, saving damsels, and avoiding traps. The series of different caves are generated procedurally to make every single run through unique.


Age appropriate games can aid children to develop problem-solving and cognitive abilities, improve decision making, build dexterity, etc. Hence it becomes necessary that we choose games that influence a child’s personality in a positive way instead of games that have a negative influence or are passive in nature. The above-given list of games is engaging, comes along with great visuals and makes seeking knowledge and developing personality fun and interesting.

Assisted Living: How to Tell If Your Parent Needs It

Caring for an aging parent with a health issue is never easy. It can become quite overwhelming with constant challenges along the way that can take a toll both physically and mentally. Moreover, it weighs down on other family members as well.

Knowing that most health problems, especially Alzheimer’s and dementia, progress in time, many families consider assisted living as a possibility. At some point, caregiving becomes a burden too heavy to bear and the cost of paying it too high. What is crucial in this process is recognizing when is the right time for your beloved parent to join an aged care facility.

According to experts, the following are typical signs that the time has come for assisted living arrangements.

Escalating care needs

If your parent is still in the early stages of their illness, your first step should be getting the paperwork in order. Before things escalate and your parent’s cognitive functions become compromised, it’s important you all plan ahead before it comes to making the critical decisions.

Next, you need to evaluate the current situation you’re in. Ask yourself whether you can handle your parent’s care needs, both physically and mentally, or the health of both of you is at risk. If the answer is positive, you should consider the option of assisted living.

This should be a joint family decision and before you make your final choice, do the research so you can pick the best place possible. Visit the communities before choosing and be sure they offer proper medical support and amenities suitable for patients with the needs your parent has. For instance, at Mark Moran Vaucluse retirement living residents will receive individualized care, 24-hour medical support, a life free of concerns and financial security. Set in gorgeous surroundings with panoramic views of the ocean on side and gardens and the city skyline on the other, residents are always in close contact with the healing powers on nature and sunlight.

Behavioral changes

Behavioral changes commonly accompany dementia and this is particularly hard on the caregivers as it causes more pain and even resentment. Sundowners syndrome is very characteristic of Alzheimer’s patients where they become very agitated as the day progresses. It can disrupt the family routine and take quite a heavy toll on the caregivers. Wandering becomes much greater and frequent so the probability of falls and injuries increases. When it gets to this state, it’s time to consider placing your parent to an assisted living facility.

Caregiver stress

Watching a parent lose their health can never be easy. For children, this means they lose the parent twice – first to the disease, then again when they pass. It’s hard not to ask yourself if you’ve done all you could have so it’s normal to feel anxious when you decide it’s time to move your parent away.

It’s almost inevitable to feel stressed and the usual symptoms are disabling anxiety, avoidance behavior, depression, and hypervigilance. These symptoms do not only come from the pressure of taking care of your ill parent, but also from the disruption to the normal daily routine. When you spend most of your time caregiving, eating and sleeping patterns are disrupted and your health will suffer.

As a caregiver, it’s hard to find enough time for your loved ones, let alone yourself. However, staying healthy is one of the most important things you need to do in order to provide the care and support your parent needs. Therefore, find a way to rest and recuperate and seek out the help and support from professional counselors and therapy groups, if necessary.

Assisted living is a great choice to help your parents. But it’s never too bad to have an extra dose of safety. By using wandering tracking watches you will feel more relaxed knowing your parents are where they should be. 

The bottom line is that as a human being, there’s only so much you can do without compromising your health, so make sure you do your research and evaluate all your options before making the important decision of placing your loved one in an assisted living community.

Essentials for Staying Fit as a Busy Mom

Being a mom is probably one of the most fulfilling things in the world, but even with a toddler running around, you need to have some me time that you’ll dedicate to yourself. Staying fit as a busy mom might seem difficult at first, but with some time-management, you also can look good and have time for your kids at the same time. Here are some essentials on how to achieve your body goals and still spend some quality time with your family:

1. Be organized

Managing your time while having kids should be an Olympic discipline, no kidding. Since you’re probably too busy to fit exercise into your schedule, the best option is to manage your time carefully. Planning your day ahead can be very useful, so get yourself a daily planner notebook or find a to-do-list app. That way, you can know when you have some time off to spend on working out. Instead of being stressed, make sure your day is planned, so you’ll be able to exercise without feeling stressed. If you’re someone who likes to be more spontaneous, you don’t need to plan everything in advance, but at least make sure you have the most important tasks written down. That’s how you can keep track of everything you’ve done. Try to find at least 30 minutes during the day when you can work out.

2. Remember that movement also counts

If you don’t have enough time or money to go to the gym, remember that any type of body movement is considered exercise. Running around your kids still burns calories, and carrying your toddler around can help you tone your arms. Don’t feel overwhelmed if you can’t afford to go to the gym, try walking instead of driving, playing rough-and-tumble with kids and spending time outdoors as much as you can. Kids love being physically active, so going for a swim is a great way to have fun with your children and also stay fit. In some countries, such as Australia, women work out more than men, and being a mother should never stop you from staying in shape. A lot of women use motherhood as an excuse, instead of finding a way to do both.

3. Ask for help

Many mothers feel like they have to do everything by themselves, instead of admitting that asking for help is normal. Even if you’re not one of them, if you think that your family and work duties are stopping you from staying fit, then maybe you should consider asking someone to give you a hand. That can be your partner, friend or a babysitter. There’s nothing wrong with going away for an hour and spending time on your physical well-being. It’s no longer that difficult to get affordable activity clothes. For example, finding comfortable gym wear in Australia has never been easier, and with some effort, you can look gorgeous and feel fit while raising your little ones at the same time!

4. Do it at home

For some, working out at home might feel normal, but others like to leave the house. If you find going to and from the gym time-consuming, then you might want to consider exercising at home. It can be convenient for busy moms like you, since that way you can be more flexible. Whether you prefer Pilates or a treadmill, working out at home will give you all the privacy and you can also watch the kids. Even better, bribe them with a cartoon marathon, so you can work out in peace. Home exercising can have many benefits, so if you’re still uncertain, there’s no better place to start than your own home! You can even take breaks to go and check on your children. Home workouts are convenient for working moms because they cost next to nothing and you can do them whenever you want.


So, staying fit isn’t something you should live and breathe, especially if you have children demanding your attention, but exercising occasionally is definitely recommended. Use every chance to move your body. That also includes dancing with your kids to the music you love the most!

Effective Strategies for Single Parents Who Are Facing Overpowering Debts

Struggling financially could be really tough for everyone. It could, however, be extraordinarily stressful in the case of a single parent who is juggling with his finances, parenting, and work all on his own. If you are a single parent, you seem to be responsible for the smooth functioning of your household and happy life for your family especially, your kids. As you are running the show without a partner, you would be solely responsible for your family’s destiny. We know that many individuals are compelled to live with a huge trauma of financial concerns for years before they start seeking debt relief options and effective debt solutions.

https://www.forbes.com presents some mind-boggling statistics to prove that the United States is actually, plagued with debts. “Average credit card debt for indebted households is now at $16,048, and average student loan debt surged over $37,000 last year. The average loan for a new car is over $30,000 and nearly 69 months long, and Americans owe an average of $196,014 on their mortgages according to Experian.”

We know that slow to almost the flat growth rate of income has definitely, not been able to keep up the pace with the ever-increasing costs of living during the last decade and that has compelled several individuals to depend largely on credit cards and some other effective means of credit for getting by. Since credit has been relatively easier to acquire particularly, during the past two years as lenders and banks have actually, eased some of the lending practices. However, now the debt issue would be further aggravated.

“Americans are in a borrowing mood, and their total tab for consumer debt could reach a record $4 trillion by the end of 2018. Americans owe more than 26 percent of their annual income to this debt. That’s up from 22 percent in 2010. It’s also higher than debt levels during the mid-2000s when credit availability soared” as per https://www.cnbc.com.

One of the worst affected groups is single parents, as far as this ever-increasing credit card debt issue is concerned. Leading a life with just one income could prove to be difficult and full of hardships if you need to bear the cost of bringing up kids. Kids are certainly a costly proposition and no doubt about that. Single dads or moms need to take care of both the basic requirements such as food, shelter, and clothing and also, the finer requirements such as school supplies, medical expenses, and costs associated with extracurricular activities every month.

We know that when you do not have adequate money for making ends meet, several single moms and dads would be depending largely on credit cards for getting by throughout the month. Without radical modifications in the overall lifestyle or a substantial increase in the income, things could culminate in insolvency eventually. However, here are some simple but effective money-related strategies so that they could help you stay away from overpowering debts. Visit toptenreviews.com for perfect debt management and relief solutions.

Generate a Realistic Budget

Most Americans are not used to having a budget and many of them have no idea about ways to create a proper monthly budget. Most people in the United States only love to go on spending money and paying the bills and that is precisely the way they get by throughout the month until the month end. The fortunate ones have ample amount to get through the entire month without any monetary hassles. However, many of them would surely encounter a major shortfall of cash compelling them to use credit cards to make all the payments whenever bills are generated. Americans need to realize that chalking out a budget is a wise step and is not such a difficult task.

You must understand that you have access to a fantastic array of resources and even if you have no knowledge or experience in creating a personalized budget, you could easily go about creating one with the help of effective budgeting tools online. Chalking out a monthly household budget would imply allocation of your portions of income to specific expenses and ensuring that you stick to the budget every month.

You must not dedicate more than 30 percent of your income towards housing since that may lead to financial shortfall or crisis eventually. If you clearly make a comprehensive list of all your present financial obligations and compare them to precisely your net income, you could understand exactly where you are going overboard and overspending. You could even calculate how much shortfall is there in terms of your income to run your family comfortably.

Make Your Bill Payments Timely

You need to stay updated on your bills. You simply remember that if you fall behind on your credit card repayments it may trigger some serious repercussions.

Remember lenders would surely be reporting late payments and the entry would show on your credit report so your credit score could be hurt or damaged. Moreover, lenders tend to be less forgiving and quite strict in terms of late payments. They would be charging really stiff penalty fees on account of late payments. It is important to take some proactive measures if you are failing to pay your monthly bills as per the already scheduled due date. You could request lenders to shift the due date to a more convenient or favorable time every month. Moreover, it is best to pay off all your bills that charge the highest penalties for late payment on a top priority basis.

Get Rid of Unnecessary or Frivolous Spending

You need to evaluate your spending. Go through meticulously all your bills every month. It is the best time to reassess your spending habits and identify effective ways of eliminating expensive and unnecessary expenses. Go through your phone or cable bills and identify areas where you could reduce your monthly payments every month. Start doing some cost-cutting every day and consider lifestyle modifications.


You must follow the above strategies to stay out of overpowering debts. You must consider making certain lifestyle alterations as a single parent and run your house accordingly. You could avoid drinking the costly morning coffee or consider opting out from all sorts of eating out temptations. Try to reduce small expenses that seem quite insignificant as compared to your day-to-day existence. Manage your finances well to stay out of debts.

Baby Teething: What Are Its Signs and How to Soothe the Pain

Teething usually happens between the sixth and twelfth month, and it can be a very uncomfortable experience for many babies. This is why it is important for parents looking for a children-suitable dentist to choose the right one for their child. From crying to having a slight fever, teething will be one of the most exhausting and tedious periods in baby’s but your life as well. Just hearing and seeing your baby going through any type of pain and discomfort will be heart-breaking for you as well, which is why you should be prepared and know exactly how to recognize the first signs of teething, and how to soothe the pain.

Red and swollen gums

The change in the baby’s gums is one of the first signs that your little one is teething. If you notice their gums are red, swollen, bruised and sore, the baby has started teething. Massaging the gums with your finger is one of the best remedies that will soothe the baby’s pain. Make sure you’ve washed your hands well first, and gently press a cold finger to baby’s gums, slowly massaging it. Herbal remedies can also be great for alleviating pain, so consider mixing clove, catnip, chamomile and rosehip, cover it with olive oil and simmer in a small saucepan for 4-6 hours. Strain the infusion and let it cool down in the fridge. Soak a cloth in the infusion and rub it slowly on the baby’s gums.

Excessive drooling and biting

They will put everything in their mouth once they start teething, and even if you don’t feel a tooth coming out yet, the baby knows it’s about to grow so it needs to chew on various objects. This will cause excessive drooling, that can last up to a few weeks before you notice a tooth erupting. The pressure of eruption can be unbearable, which is why the baby will need to chew on everything trying to get a bit of relief. This will also make the baby fussy and disrupt their sleep. One of the things that can help the little one ease the discomfort are baby teething toys that they can chew on and have fun while they’re at it. A teething mitt with silicone shaped teethe sewn onto the top is one of the greatest teething toys your bundle of joy can chew on and not worry about dropping it on the floor. The baby’s mouth and hands will stay happy and occupied, while the pain will be soothed efficiently.

Refusing to eat

Losing appetite is one of the signs that your baby is teething. Sucking and chewing on food will put a lot of pressure on baby’s gums, which can only increase an already annoying discomfort, so if you notice your baby lacks interest in food, you know what the problem is. This is the time for you to switch from solids to mesh teethers with frozen fruits and veggies inside. Make sure you stay away from any food that can cause choking. Older babies can have a frozen banana or make natural teething biscuits.

Rubbing of the ear

Gums are connected to the ear cavity as well, which is why your baby will feel a slight pain in the ear the minute they start teething. This is precisely why you should pay attention to your little one, and if you notice they’re rubbing their ear you’ll now it’s the time for pain relievers. Reducing inflammation that stimulates nerves which causes pain is another way to alleviate your baby’s teething pain. Putting your baby on a low inflammatory diet is one of the possible options. Instead of feeding them solids, refined sugar, dairy, potatoes, flour and other white foods that cause inflammation, think about switching to healthy fats such as whole eggs, butter, avocado, and coconut. Include various fruits and veggies wild seafood and pastured meat.

Mild fever

Teething can also cause mild fevers and colds because the immune system lowers at that period of the baby’s development. This is why you should try to boost your baby’s immune system, and prevent or just quickly make the fever go away, and the inflammation along with it. One of the options to continue breastfeeding and offer your baby the necessary antibodies to build their immune system. Furthermore, a vitamin D deficiency can also cause the immune system to drop, so feel free to give the little one liquid vitamin D drops. Probiotics can also boost the immune system, so don’t forget to build a healthy gut flora that will keep the baby inflammation-free.

Final thoughts

Teething is one of the periods that will be most uncomfortable for your baby, and probably for you as well. However, just make sure you notice that your little one is starting to grow teeth on time so you can offer them appropriate pain reliever as soon as possible. The sooner you ease their discomfort the less painful the entire process will be.

Loans for Bad Credits for Single Parents – How Can it Help You?

In the event that you are a single parent, then you must already be aware of the fact that it is really difficult to maintain financial security. For single parents, the pressures are manifold. Taking care of a child means added expenses and pressures. The tensions will be even more if you have to support more than one child. There are different types of expenses involved, apart from your own personal expenses you would also have to look after the interests of your children. A lot of single parents take loans to help themselves with their finances. But later on, they find it not easy to repay the loans. In this article, you will learn about some loans that you can take to help repay your bad credits and lower your debts.

The problems of single parents

A single parent will be more than likely to require help with financing than the married couples. Two people are earning for married couples, which means that the income is more and the expenses also get shared. However, single parents can often find it really difficult to have their loans approved, especially if these apply for unsecured personal loans. The reason for this is that financial hardship will tend to cause really bad credits for the single parent and this would scare the lenders away. But there are some lenders still, who would be more than willing to give out loans regardless of any bad credit. These loans can be customized and tailored with a lot of flexible terms which would be beneficial for a lot of single parents.

Some general solutions that are usually not suggested

Single parents who have unfortunately got involved in some debt problems or problems with credits and are in dire need of some urgent financing will tend to be using a lot of financial products which are really not meant to help in solving such problems. Getting the balance transferred in your credit card would really be a prime example in this issue. The balance transfer is typically designed to do product migration and not for providing emergency financing. Hence, as a result of all this, even if you get a special promotional period on offer, but the terms that will be on your outstanding debt after the end of the promotional period will be really difficult to bear with.

Also, a very popular and common form of an alternative that people use is taking home equity loans. It is altogether easier to get qualified for getting approval for the secured loans when you got low credit scores. However, the terms that are on this consolidation loans and the home equity loans would really not be beneficial for you. And in addition to this, the debts would be completely secured now, and that would mean that you would be risking a lot, like losing out on your property to the lender, in the event you fail or miss to make your monthly payment.

The conditions that single parents face with bad credit loan

Do you know what the main problem with single parents is when it is about taking loans? It is their income. With couples, they can add both their incomes in order to be qualified for the loan approvals, but with single parents, it is not so. They will have to be completely on their own. Thus, the core issue that becomes a problem and an obstacle to the loan approval for regular loans would be the extra limitations to the bad credits: one single income but extremely high expenses. The answer to this is also quite simple. You must design the loan with a lot of affordable payment schemes so that there is little impact on singular and limited income.

Hence, the bad credit loans get tailored specifically for the single parent. To ensure that the right effect in low monthly installments which the parent can easily pay off, the lender would be extending the schedule of the payment that would be determining the consequentially minor yet easy to bear loan installment. However, it can still be not enough for a long time as the borrower would be running into some cash emergency at one time or the other, and then, can fail to make the payments on time at certain stages. It is for this reason that lenders will be adding to the loans the unique ability to even interrupt the repayment for some time period. It is understood that the interests would still be generating. However, the next payments would still be agreed upon to have settled some months later.

Some solutions for flexible refinancing

One of the extra and additional features that you have with the bad credit loans is that they can get refinanced if the borrower makes a request for it. This request can be made at absolutely any point during the schedule of the repayment, particularly if the payments have become too much onerous and difficult for the borrower to be able to afford.

These schemes are designed specially to ensure that the borrower remains up to date, and constant with their payments and their credit also remains unaffected. In fact, the credit score will improve with time when the monthly repayments get recorded in their credit history. The options for refinancing will be aimed at protecting the repayments of the loans from any defaults in order to help in the recovery of the credits processes.

You need to go through various debt consolidation reviews first before you decide to take a debt consolidation loan to help you repay your personal loans.


For a single parent, life is hard. The difficulties that have to encounter are manifold. One of the worst difficulties that a single parent can face is with maintaining financial independence and remaining free from financial worries and remaining financially secure. Taking a bad credit loan can help single parents. Hopefully, the information mentioned in this article will have helped you.