Proven Study Shows Nearly All Parents Will Regret Not Following Their Dream

Are you a pushy parent, forcing your children to do the activities that you wanted to do? Making them do all the things that you’ve missed out on?


There’s a handful of reasons why parents do this – they know keeping busy with activities reduces the risk of your kids getting mixed up in the wrong things, you see an extension of yourself in your child, or you have unfulfilled ambitions that you want your child to live out for you.


There is absolutely no better joy than being a parent. It’s by far, one of the best things that we will ever do in our lives. But unfortunately, as parents, we tend to put our dreams on the back burner, and as a result of this, we have regrets or force our dreams onto our children. 


It feels as though it’s something that is expected of us when we give birth. Our lives have to completely change and this little bundle of joy has to be the center of our universe.


But there’s a problem with this belief. Our children will eventually grow up, they become independent and begin relying on us less.  Then they go to college, get married and start a family of their own. 


And now you’re left with a ton of free time and regret. Although it’s never too late to go back to school or start a business you might not have the same energy to get it going at this point.


This will prove to be your biggest regret, in fact, 76% of parents say that they regret not going after their dream. You regret not finishing school, not starting that business, not hiking the Appalachian Mountains, not writing that book, and this list can go on and on,


Listen, your life doesn’t stop because you had children. You can still be a good parent and go after your dreams of being a teacher, writing a book, or starting that business.


The only thing being a parent will do for your dreams is possibly making obtaining that dream a bit more challenging. And it’s likely that the route you planned on taking to obtain your goal will look differently, but it’s definitely not impossible.


And something that you should begin working on. 


Your personal dreams shouldn’t come before your family and part of being a mother is about sacrifice, right. Of course, if your personal dream is to hike the Appalachian mountains for a year then yes you’ll have to sacrifice that dream for a while. But there’s another option – you can do a week long trip every year hiking part of the mountain and picking up where you left off the following year.


There are literally hundreds of “valid reasons” why you should put your dreams on hold.  But these are excuses. Fear is by far one of the biggest factors. You’re afraid to fail at your dream and fail at being a parent. But what if you succeed. Imagine telling your children when they grow up how you didn’t let anything stop you from going after what you wanted. 


There are endless possibilities whether you’re looking to make money, start a business or continue your education to become a school teacher. So there’s no reason that you cannot finish going after your teaching career when you can get your California teaching credential while sitting at your kitchen table and become a virtual teacher.


There’s no reason you cannot continue doing the job that you love doing. You’re not a bad parent for loving your job. And sometimes you can have your cake and eat it too, there are hundreds of remote jobs that allow you to stay home while still earning an income


The last thing that you want is for your unfilled dreams to affect your children’s lives. We’ve watched tv shows and movies about this. Parents live their dreams through their children, by forcing them into activities that they don’t enjoy. Fathers pushing their kids into sports they don’t want to play, mothers signing them up for activities they wished their mothers signed them up for.


But these children are forced to do things that they have no interest in. 

So grab a cup of coffee or tea and start coming up with a plan to obtain your goal.

How to Secure Your Family’s Financial Future

Parenting is difficult, especially when you are concerned about your financial future. Making and managing money can seem overwhelming, but since it is an intrinsic part of modern life, you need to get better at integrating it into your chaotic life. 

If you want to get yourself and your family on the right financial path, get started right away. The more time you have to make changes to save money for your retirement, a house, college for your kids or yourself, the better off you will be. 

If money is like a game, then here are some tips to play it better: 

Understand the Basic Rules of the Money Game

Budgeting and savings play an important role in making the money game work for you. 

Budgeting is a tool to track where your money is going. When you figure out where your money goes every month, then you’ll finally be able to plan where you think it should be going. Yes, that means adding those secret cups of Starbucks you enjoy before you pick the kids up from school.

As we mentioned, saving your money is essential, too. Think of your income as a scarce resource. If you’re not careful, it can completely disappear from your bank account just when you need it to pay bills or take care of an emergency. By limiting how much you spend, you’ll have more money available for the things that you need when you need them. 

Keep in mind, the amount you spend depends upon your income and expenses. Besides buying less, you can also save by not spending money on things that are available free. For instance, you don’t always have to pay fees for a bank account, some financial institutions offer a free checking account. That’s great because the last thing you need to be doing is paying an institution to hold on to your money.

If you make a simple plan on how to save, your money will grow. For instance, you can choose to deposit a certain percentage from your paycheck every month into your savings account. 

If your finances are currently out of control, create a budget and set an intention to save some money every month. Budgeting and saving aren’t difficult to learn, but it requires discipline to be consistent with keeping track of your money and setting some aside month after month.  

Improve Your Understanding of the Money Game

“You don’t know what you don’t know” is an idea that’s particularly relevant to improving your financial literacy. The things that we know about money, the things that we learned from our family, communities, schools, and jobs are fairly rudimentary, and they only make up a small part of the world of money management. The better you understand how money works, the easier it will be to make the right decisions to improve the quality of your life. 

There are many ways that you can educate yourself about money without having to enroll in a class on personal finance. You could, for example, read personal finance books, subscribe to personal finance blogs, and listen to podcasts on the subject. As you find out various money hacks, try them out, and learn from experience. 

Take a Break From the Money Game

Most people think about money all the time, always worrying about how to get more of it or part with less of it. But spending some time contemplating other forms of wealth will give you a sense of perspective. If, for instance, you are a kind and loving person, then you are rich in patience and compassion, and if you are a well-read person, then you are rich in knowledge and wisdom. Of course, your kids make your life incredibly exciting and fulfilling as well. They are where your success really shines. Although these qualities can’t be measured in dollars and cents, they add immeasurably to the quality of your life.

People too preoccupied with money, who think about it during the day, reflect on it before dropping off to sleep, and then think about it again as soon as they wake up, live in one of two extreme states: They either live in a state of aversion, a state of fear, or they live in a state of attachment, a state of greed. Breaking free of a habitual preoccupation with how much money you have in your bank accounts will free up your mind to appreciate many of the miracles of everyday life. And when you are happy, your family is happy too.

4 Tips for Mothers of Newborns Your Friends Were Actually Right About

The worst thing about being a first-time mom is the doubt. You doubt yourself about everything. You try to put a good face on it. But in your alone time, you break down in the shakes because you are afraid you are going to break your baby in 17 different ways before you even get her out of your belly. The list of things that can go wrong is longer than the list of things that can go right. You are scared senseless. And that fear is not entirely unfounded.

The second worst thing about being a first-time mom is the advice – the endless, unsolicited, insipid advice. Oh lord, just make it stop! Now that I think about it, that might be the worst thing. The never-ending stream of advice is truly awful. And thanks to the internet and social media, there is nowhere to hide. You always suspected that some of your friends were idiots. This period in your life will remove all doubts.

That said, they are well-meaning idiots. And they love you very much. Moreover, some of that advice is actually spot on. It can be hard to know which advice is good and which is, well, not so much. Here is some you have surely heard before. It’s the good stuff:

Boost Your Energy and Milk Supply

Breastfeeding is hard work and it literally takes a lot out of you, especially if you have twins. If you don’t do something to boost your supply of both energy and milk, you will find yourself, well… drained. The friend that told you about the breastfeeding protein powder deserves a gold star.

You can drink protein shakes and enjoy tasty energy bars that help boost that which a breastfeeding mom needs the most. More to the point, it helps you take care of yourself. Your newborns completely depend on you for everything. You do them no favors by not taking care of yourself. Like the instructions on every flight, in case of emergency, take the oxygen to supply yourself, then help the person you are with. That goes double for babies. You have to take care of yourself if you want to take the best care of them.

Get the Right Nursing Bra

When you’re breastfeeding, a bra is no longer just underwear. It is a vital tool for you and your baby. Avoid the most common mistakes when buying a nursing bra. An example is a size. Many make the mistake of buying a bra that is too big because they think bigger is better. This is not true. What you need is a bra that fits properly.

Another common error is thinking the pregnancy bra will suffice for nursing. That is not true. While you want support from both, the nursing bra will have cups that are easier to lower and more padded cups to prevent leakage. There are plenty of areas where you can save money as a new mom. But a nursing bra is not one of them. Take your time and find a good one.

Don’t Assume Your Baby Is the Exception

Try not to take this the wrong way: While your baby is special to you, your baby is not special generally speaking. In your lifetime, babies will be born by the billions. Yours is one of them. If you fall into the belief that your baby is special, you might miss warning signs of common infant and newborn problems. You can also fall into the trap of thinking that something is wrong with your baby when they are perfectly normal. Your baby is special in the same way that every mom’s baby is special. Try to keep some perspective.

Buy the Best Camera You Can Afford

There will only be one first step, first word, and first giggle. You don’t want to entrust those firsts to some garbage smartphone camera. The reason you want the best camera for all the special moments is because 20 years later, the quality of pictures will be so far beyond what we have today, the pictures you take right now might not age well. So get the best you can because you can’t go back and retake those pictures. You get one shot for the really important ones. Make it a good one.

Sometimes, your annoying friends are right. Give a special thanks to the ones who advised you to get milk and energy boosters, to get the right nursing bra, to keep a level head about your baby’s specialness, and to get the best camera you can afford.

Modeling These 4 Values Is Hard, but Worth It

No one ever said that being a role model was easy. In fact, it is so daunting of a task, many people actively disavow any responsibility for being a role model. It would be nice if that were possible. But it isn’t. None of us have the privilege of living in a selfish bubble where we can do anything we like without having an impact on anyone else. That is simply not how it works. And if any part of you fantasizes about being in such a bubble, you should not become a parent.

As a parent, you are not in a bubble. You are under a microscope. Everything you do is magnified, studied, and mimicked by your child. It doesn’t begin when you bring your baby home from the hospital. Learning begins in the womb. Your influence as a role model to another human being starts before you see your child’s face. There is never a time when your actions are not shaping your child. If that seems like a lot of pressure, it is.

The good news is you can do this. It helps to start the process by already having some strong life values in place. You need to think about what kind of person you want your child to be when they grow up. Then be that person. Here are a few values you are going to want to pass on:


Your greatest asset is your brain. And that will be true for your child as well. Their ability to think clearly and without the influence of intoxicants might be the life or death difference for them. It is the difference between doing well academically and doing poorly. It is the difference between being an employee and being the boss.

Unfortunately, it is all too easy to fall into the wrong crowd and bad habits that become debilitating addictions. If your child sees you taking intoxicants, the likelihood of them doing the same is much greater. You would be heartbroken to learn that in her late teens, your precious little angel is experimenting with methadone. Even if she does not become instantly addicted, it can destroy her opportunities.

Consider the jobs that require urine testing. So how long does methadone stay in your urine? It can be as many as two weeks. One night of partying can be the difference between success and a lifetime of struggle. Don’t play games with your mental health. In that game, your child is likely to be the biggest loser.


If you teach your child to love the planet while doing things to hurt it, they will learn from what you do rather than what you say. Sustainability has to be more than a slogan. It has to be a mission. You don’t get a badge for going halfway green. It is a commitment that has to permeate all your choices. You can’t have this one area in your life where sustainability doesn’t matter. Nobody is perfect. And your child does not have to see you being perfect. They have to see that it really matters to you. Show them that, and it will matter to them as well.

Make It Right

The first thing you learn as a role model is that nobody is perfect. You won’t be, either. So if you are a person struggling with substance abuse disorder, or anything else, the best thing you can do for your child is to let her see you making it right and staying on the path to recovery.

Some of the mistakes you make with your child as a witness will be pretty bad. You will not ruin them for life just because you are human. The damage comes when you don’t take measures to correct the mistake. If you treat lapses in values as if they were not a big deal, then the value you are hoping to teach will be no big deal to them. It is okay to make mistakes. But when you do, take the extra step of making it right. To make things right is one of the most important values you can pass on.

If no one told you that being a parent meant being a role model, surprise! It does. Start with the values of being clear-minded, being eco-friendly, and most of all, making things right when mistakes happen. Get those right, and you will be the greatest role models your child will ever have.

How to Teach Your Child to Take Care of a Dog

Getting your child a dog is a potential lifelong commitment. Before you jump into getting one, make sure that your child is ready for the responsibility that it takes. Adding a dog to the family gives your child the opportunity to learn how to care for and meet the needs of someone else. Doing this can have lasting positive effects on your child throughout their life. 

Commitment to Training 

Dogs are wonderful and fun but they also need some training to be good houseguests. The last thing a mama wants is to have to scrub poop stains off the carpet every single day. Not only that, but you’re going to want to be able to have guests over without your dog jumping and knocking them down. 

Careful consideration must happen to ensure your pet is properly trained. If you’ve never trained a dog before, visit an online vet chat room where they can teach you a bit more about your animal. Once you learn how to train them, you have to be diligent about it and stay consistent. Everyone in the household needs to be on the same page in order for it to work.

Keeping Structure 

It is very important to teach your child to maintain structure with your dog. Pups need to eat at certain times throughout the day and they also need to go outside at specific times as well. To prevent your child’s pet from pooping in the house, try to let the dog outside in-between and after meals. 

It is also important to set up a consistent time to walk and exercise the dog so that it can stay healthy. Your child may have responsibilities of their own that they need to learn to prioritize as well. Yes, it is very important for your pup to get care of, but it isn’t helpful if your child sacrifices their own responsibilities to do that. Thus, your kiddo needs to learn time management. For example, they need to be able to take their pet for a walk and finish their homework in time for bed

So before you get a dog, it is a good idea to sit down with your kid and talk about how they will manage their time.

Cleaning up Messes 

No one wants to clean up the mess that a dog makes. When children think about having a pet, they seem to only think about the fun parts. But it is important for kids to be the main ones cleaning up their dog’s mess. 

If the dog goes to the bathroom inside of the house, have the child clean up the mess and reinforce the pup’s training. If their pet knocks something over, have your child pick it up and help teach the dog to be more gentle. 

Every mess is an opportunity for both the child and the dog to learn something.

Having Lots of Fun 

It seems obvious that it’s important for your child to have lots of fun with your dog. Unfortunately, once the excitement of having a new puppy wears off it’s easy for a kid to play with them less. Young kids often get distracted by and more excited about new things. If you notice this, try to remind your child that dogs need lots of love, affection, and playtime daily.

Extend a Hand 

It is definitely important for your child to learn to care for their pet. But, it’s equally important for mom to extend a hand from time to time when it gets hard. Sometimes they just can’t do it all on their own. This will teach your child that it’s okay to need help. Also, it will allow them the chance to mess up without sacrificing the safety or wellbeing of their pet. 

All in all, the lessons and love your youngster will learn from gaining a new best friend will be worth it.

Fun Ways for Kids to Discover the Past

The point of studying history is to discover ways to avoid the mistakes of the past. At least, that is the hope that most parents have for their children’s future. Here is a bonus- learning about history can be fun! Finding new ways to learn about the past can open a whole new world to kids and parents alike.

Historical research and discovery are so much more than just opening up a dusty textbook. Parents can help to immerse their child in history using all kinds of media. Music is an excellent resource because it’s interactive. Merely placing a Bluetooth turntable in the living room can change the way that your child understands history. Listening to music on vinyl or cassette helps facilitate appreciation in sounds from the past. Dance to the music together and then talk about which genres of music you each like best.

Genealogy just got a whole lot easier thanks to websites such as and others. Some even offer free trials and subscriptions. These sites make history relevant by helping families discover how their ancestors affected the past (and their future). Finding out that someone you are related to did something amazing or historically significant can inspire children to think about their own life and future in different ways.

Another option for discovering information about the past is using video conferencing platforms to interview older relatives. Facetime, Zoom, or Google Meets can offer opportunities for virtual interviews when distance or health concerns may otherwise prevent these extraordinary conversations. Planning interview questions with your child can focus the direction of your discussion. You may find out important and fun new tidbits about grandparents, including war experiences, experience with technology, past careers, and historical event recollections.

Since families are spending more time than ever at home, it’s a perfect time the break out the old VCR or DVD player and to watch some classic movies together. Many films accurately portray the historical events that make our world what it is today. Whether it is a western, a documentary, or an old Hollywood drama, there are treasures to be found if you know where to look. If these old-school mediums are hard to come by, digitally remastered options are often available on-demand through popular streaming services like Netflix.

If admission is available in your area, museums are a history buff’s go-to for a reason. Touring displays recreated to teach about the past are a hands-on experience that most kids enjoy. Some museums go above and beyond to make these experiences interactive. If in-person tours are not available, take advantage of the virtual tours that have been created as an alternative. This is a safe and easy way to learn about history from the comfort of your own home. Some museums provide a premade scavenger hunt to help guide your learning, or you can create your own! Ask your child what they want to learn about, and let that guide your virtual visit.

History can be a great way to connect with your child and to show them that the past can help determine the future in many ways. Making it relevant and fun is a secret that many excellent teachers have mastered using great resources and stepping away from the usual books and lectures. Facilitating learning makes it meaningful, so use these tips to guide your child into a love of learning and a passion for history.

Getting Your Adolescent Off Meth: Consider A Private Drug Treatment Center

When it comes to drug rehabilitation services, you need to remember that every treatment center is different. What makes a center suitable for meth addiction are the features and amenities on offer. Keep in mind that every clinic has its own set of programs and specialties. On top of that, you have to keep in mind that every human being is different as well, which means a top-rated clinic will ensure a treatment and therapy plan according to your needs.

If you are looking for drug detox in Iowa to get your adolescent child off meth, you need to remember the top features that make a rehab clinic ideal for the issue-at-hand.

Look for the specialties

Every treatment center specializes in the treatment of a particular type of addiction. Of course, rehab centers offer multiple specialties, but it is still vital to make your choice depending on the type of drug use. Always make sure to choose a rehab center that offers therapy programs in accordance with your addiction.

Check the success rate

A high success rate is the best indicator for a top-rated meth rehab clinic. The higher the success rate, the higher is the rating of the rehab center. Keep in mind rehab centers might define their success differently. So, always make sure to ask your questions regarding success stories and rates before making your choice. Remember that rehabilitation success is always defined by long-time and permanent sobriety.

A clear focus on the actual issue

According to medical experts and rehab specialists, addiction is always the result of some sort of underlying issue. A proper treatment protocol will address the underlying problems and causes for long-term sobriety. When the underlying issues are addressed, recovering addicts do not relapse. This is why it is essential to ensure dual-diagnosis at your clinic of choice before signing on the dotted line.

About comprehensive 1-on-1 therapies

As stated in the previous section, there are several therapy options for drug rehabilitation and treatment. Drug issues are always resolved better when treated from several different angles – physical, mental, and psychological. Rehab groups and centers are supposed to offer one-on-one therapy sessions to deal with the underlying issues better. Here are some of the therapies you should be aware of – ask your questions before signing the contract.

  • Biofeedback
  • Cognitive-behavioral
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy
  • Experiential
  • Faith-based
  • Holistic
  • Motivational enhancement

A focus on family

Addiction and rehab both affect the individual as well as the family. Keep in mind that family is the best support system any recovering individual can have. This is why it is highly crucial to ask whether the family is a critical part of recovery at the rehab of your choice. Every top-rated rehab center always includes the family in the therapy and treats them as part of the program. Programs are supposed to offer extensive education, support, and other resources for the addicted individual and the family.

Private clinics and Maryland dual diagnosis treatment centers are the best options for treating the meth addiction of your adolescent kid. Here are some of the other features on offer.

Experienced staff

One main reason to go for rehab clinics for drug addiction is the 24-7 care offer. Keep in mind that rehabilitation is challenging, and the recovering individual will go through withdrawals and physical symptoms. This is the main reason why experienced, trained and certified staff is hugely crucial for a rehab center’s proper functioning. Every thriving treatment center employs registered nurses and accredited staff members. Even though it doesn’t guarantee the quality, it is still an excellent indicator.

Post-treatment care

You also need to remember that the care doesn’t end after the rehab stint. Following in-patient rehab therapy, every recovering individual will need to go through outpatient treatment. Extensive post-treatment care is essential when it comes to complete recovery. Every top-rated treatment center recognizes the importance of post-treatment care and provides it. Ensure that your rehab center offers 12-step programs, counseling, group, and family therapy sessions as part of the post-treatment care.

About vocational support

Many rehab centers offer career ideas, counseling, and guidance to manage long-term sobriety. Jobs allow every individual to maintain sobriety by providing them with a sense of purpose. It also reduces downtime and keeps the individual engaged in activities and social situations. Jobs are for personal satisfaction and a sense of achievement. Always look for a rehab center that provides you with vocational support and career guidance programs.

Exercise and nutrition

Lastly, you need to look into the rehab center’s food and nutrition before making your decision. Addicts severely neglect their health, and this means during the recovery, nutrition is highly crucial. Food allows a recovering individual to feel better naturally, and every top-rated rehab center provides proper nutrition and exercise facilities to heal the body from the inside.

Always look for a reputable private rehab center when it comes to drug recovery treatment. All the best!

Getting Married with Children? Here’s What You Need to Know

Getting married is a tricky business requiring the soberest of considerations and the most delicate of care. It is a lifetime commitment that ends up being so for only about half of the people who attempt it. There is no real data on how happy the other half really is in that commitment. We all know people who have kept their marriage together because of external pressures when they likely would have been much happier splitting up. Staying together through gritted teeth is not exactly the portrait of a happy marriage.

Add pre-existing children to the mix, and you have made a complicated arrangement fraught with dangers even more fraught. The whole idea of dating becomes twice as challenging. Exactly when is the right time to introduce the children to the person you are dating? When do you trust that person to be alone with your children unsupervised? If the kids are a little older, how much should their opinion be weighed into your overall decision? Getting married with children is a daunting task, especially if you want your marriage to survive happily ever after. Here are a few more things to consider before tying that multifaceted knot:

Engagement Is a Promise to the Whole Family

When you are engaged to be married, you are making a commitment to a person. When that person has children, you are making an even bigger commitment. The engagement rings selected for a commitment with children should reflect that bigger commitment you are making.

An expensive ring is an announcement to the community that you have the resources to make good on your promise. When children are involved, you are making an even bigger financial promise. Children are expensive with or without a partner. You have to be prepared for that financial responsibility out of the gate.

Loving your partner is not enough. You also have to love the kids as if they are your own. If you cannot do that, you are not ready for the commitment you are making when marrying a person with children. If you are unsure about your partner’s commitment to your children, you should not accept the engagement until you’re sure.

Your Family Values Have to Be Aligned

It is possible for you to marry someone with whom you disagree on a variety of secondary issues. But this is not just about you anymore. It is also about your kids. Compromise on your values all you like. But you are responsible for the values taught to your kids.

If you believe in living a sustainable lifestyle, you can’t exactly marry someone who holds green initiatives in disdain. That person will be teaching your kids. That is an entirely different level of disagreement. You might be able to tolerate religious differences. But do you really want your kids brought up in a way you find religiously offensive?

Even if that wasn’t an issue, your kids would see mommy and daddy at odds all the time. That is confusing and frightening. It is even worse when you tell them one thing while your partner tells them the opposite. You need to make sure your values are aligned before taking the leap.

Both the Kids and the Marriage Come First

It is a false dichotomy to pit the kids against the marriage to see which comes first. The instinct is to sacrifice all else for the kids. But if that is your frame of mind, you probably shouldn’t get married at all. You are doing your kids no favors by subordinating your marriage for their affection. You are sending the message that one can be married or have kids and be happy, but not both. You will ultimately be setting your kids up for bad marriages.

Instead, model to the kids what a healthy and loving relationship between two people should look like. Don’t turn the kids into entitled little monsters who don’t know how to be emotionally available to someone else. Model a good marriage, and you will be doing more for your kids than if you focused exclusively on the kids.

Getting married with children already on board is a difficult road to travel. And while it will seldom be easy, it will be possible if you understand the commitment is bigger. The values have to be aligned. And you have to be as committed to the marriage as you are to the kids.

A Healthy and Happy Mom Is a Better Mom

Staying happy and healthy as a mom is easier said than done, but doing so is essential, not just for your husband and children, but for yourself, too.

Motherhood is one of the most exciting phases in most women’s lives, but the thing is – it can be quite exhausting. Between caring for your children, maintaining relationships, and running a household, the role of a mom can be quite a demanding one, to say the least.

Yet, we all know at least one mom who somehow manages to stay on top of her tasks while still being a great mom. And no, she’s not a Supermom nor does she have any special powers. Her “superpower” lies in her ability to prioritize herself, her happiness, and her well-being, which helps her be a better mom for her little ones. With these couple of tips in mind, you can do it too.

Ask for help

To some moms, asking for help is like admitting “I can’t do it on my own”. To them, it may feel like they’re letting their little ones down. Because of that, they’d rather skip the fun stuff with their husbands or their gal pals, often making sacrifices due to the pressure they feel.

A happy mom, however, understands the importance of delegating tasks. To her, asking for help doesn’t equal being a bad mom. It simply means she’s making time for other aspects of her life. Therefore, cut yourself some slack, and instead of letting that FOMO get the best of you, simply say that one little magic word: “Please”.

Snack smart

It’s understandable that, as a mom that’s constantly on the go, you don’t always have the time or energy to make smart snack choices. This is when meal prepping comes in handy.

 A happy mom knows that planning her meals in advance is key to sticking to a healthy eating plan. This is why she’ll always have her veggies and fruits peeled and cut in advance and stored in a Ziploc bag. That way, she can just grab the snacks and go without thinking.

Focus on a healthy diet

As a busy mom, eating healthy isn’t always easy, but it’s doable. For starters, buy fresh, wholesome foods, and go for organic whenever possible. Focus on incorporating superfoods into your diet – go for salmon, walnuts, soy, and oats.

They boost health protection and, much like certain types of oils, contain heart-healthy fats. There’s a reason why unsaturated oils made from nuts, seeds, and especially olives are a staple in Mediterranean diet, and the benefits of oils such as olive oil for heart health are well-documented. The best part? You can take these oils in a form of a supplement, so adding them to your diet should be a piece of cake!

Get your sweat on

Healthy diet and regular exercise go hand in hand, and the best results come when you put in the same amount of effort into your training as you do into your nutrition. The thing is, our workouts often get pushed off because of our jam-packed schedules.

The good news is, you can train your mind to get down to business and start exercising even when you don’t feel like it. Just schedule it like any other important task (e.g. attending a parent-teacher conference). As for exercising, it can be everything from working out in the gym with your gal pals to exercising solo on your living room floor. If it’s getting you sweaty, anything goes!

Put on some real clothes

As a mom, it can be far too tempting to stay in your pajamas or other comfy clothes all day long. You don’t have to leave the house for the day, so you might as well feel comfortable, right?

As great as it sounds, rocking comfy clothes all the time may affect your mood and confidence negatively. Think about it this way: we dress ourselves to match our mood. Therefore, it makes sense that, in order to feel good, we would pick clothes that are fashionable and flattering. That’s not to say you have to get dolled up every single day. But putting on some real clothes, like a nice shirt or even a skirt, can go a long way in making you feel good, and making extra effort in the morning is sure worth it.

Schedule “me time”

Feeling drained and worn out? Many moms can relate to this, mostly because they put all their time and energy into taking care of others. While prioritizing your family is essential, taking some time for yourself is just as important.

As busy as your schedule may be, try to make room for “me time”. Whether that’s a 30-minute bubble bath, a quick walk around the block, or a short meditation, making time for yourself is a must, and it’s not selfish – it’s self-care.

Wrapping up

The role of a mom can be demanding at times, and prioritizing your happiness and health can sometimes seem downright impossible. However, if you take the time to develop healthy habits, you can make your daily life much less stressful and far more enjoyable while at the same time setting a great example for your kids.

Here Are Some Ways You Can Take Care of Your Family During the Pandemic

Something like a pandemic leaves us all feeling a bit helpless and defeated. What can we possibly do against an enemy that is literally in the air we breathe? We cannot see the coronavirus with the naked eye. And none of us are walking around with microscopes powerful enough to detect it. We don’t know when it is directly attacking our family. We don’t know which of the people in a 20′ radius of our children is a carrier of the plague. We just send them off to school and hope against hope for the best.

That’s no way to live. That feels more like surrender. While you don’t have a handy way to detect the coronavirus, you are not helpless. There are many things you can do to protect your family. One of the most important things you can do is to persevere. Do not give up on them. They need you more than ever.

You don’t have to be a doctor or a superhero to keep your family safe. That doesn’t mean that nothing bad will ever happen to the people you love. It is inevitable. But when bad things happen, you are strong enough to deal with them as they come. In the meantime, here are some of the things you can do to keep those bad things at bay:

Plan for the Worst

One of the greatest pieces of wisdom you need to live by in a crisis is to hope for the best but plan for the worst. It might not be the coronavirus that takes you. But over a long enough timeline, we all must take a bow and leave the stage. The one thing completely within your control is how your family will be taken care of when that happens.

If you don’t have it already, no one needs to tell you that you need life insurance. You already know that. There might be a few things you don’t know such as, is life insurance taxable? Does being a smoker make you ineligible? How much more will you have to pay if you have a pre-existing condition? These are the kinds of questions you will need to resolve before choosing a policy. But don’t delay in getting those answers and making that choice.

There are too many stories to count where a young, healthy bread-winner passed unexpectedly and left the family with no way to carry on financially. One simple act can guarantee the protection of your family in the face of disaster. Don’t be someone else’s cautionary tale. Be the hero your family deserves.

Don’t Let Your Family Stay Inactive

You also know that it is time to get your family off the couch and back in action — any action. You just need to get creative about getting your family outside. If you don’t have a park in your neighborhood, drive to one in the city. Better yet, take them on a road trip and take a nature walk in the woods. Too cold? Grab a frisbee and do something more active. The grace period for sitting around and doing nothing has passed.

Throw Away the Junk Food

You have let the food situation get out of hand. You have gotten so used to ordering food delivery that you have forgotten how to make a healthy and tasty vegetarian dish from scratch. What you have to do is stop ordering the tacos and throw out the junk food that has accumulated in the fridge and the cabinets.

A lot of people have given themselves an extended grace period for eating poorly. When everything does get back to normal, families are going to find that everyone is 15 lb. overweight and a lot of people will be declared pre-diabetic. Take control of the situation right now before things get out of hand.

We are headed into the second year of the pandemic. The fact of the matter is it might not go away anytime soon. All grace periods must be canceled immediately. This is not the time to wallow in defeat. This is the time to be a leader and take action. Protect your family by getting life insurance, getting them moving, and taking a stand against junk eating. Stop worrying about what you can’t do and commit yourself to what is well within your grasp.