5 Healthy Habits For Busy Parents

If you’re new to parenting or are a master at managing time, you know that having healthy habits is the key to staying sane, staying strong, and oh yeah—staying healthy.

Plus, you’re not just thinking about yourself. You’re looking at all the ways that your actions positively affect your partner and children.

Most parents realize that they are setting the standard by what they think, say, and do. And, it’s not that we have to be a perfect specimen without flaws. Heck no. We are human beings. We will mess up and muck around sometimes. 

But in the big picture, we all want to live well and live quality lives to a ripe old age. We want to be there to see our babies grow up, go to college, get married, and have kids of their own. 

So, what can you do today to create the healthiest habits for yourself and your family? 

Here are 5 tips to steer in a smart and healthy direction.

Drink More Water

As human beings, we are made up of a large part of water. The only thing is, we tend to forget this until we’re thirsty. One of the most important things you can do is drink water. Drink it early in the day. Drink it often. Drink it instead of sugary stuff. Drink it and get your family in the habit of choosing water. 

It’s a single thing you can do. You might want to have a sip right now. 

Use Stainless Steel Cookware

We’ve all heard about the nasty stuff in aluminum pans. It’s not what you want to share with your precious loved ones. Choosing stainless steel saucepans is a smart way to feel good about what you’re cooking. You will keep your family healthy and safe.

Plus, you’ll make the most delicious sauces for healthy meals. Pasta with tomato sauce, anyone?

Eat Your Greens

If there’s one thing that you can do to help yourself and your family, it’s eating more produce. Eat greens that you’re getting locally—at a farmer’s market, or self-pick farm. Choose seasonal produce to keep things interesting and in tune with the changes in the seasons.

We often tend to model the habits of people around us. No doubt you notice this with your children. If you are picking away greens, guess what your kids will do? If you are pushing produce off the plate in favor of starchy foods, your kids will follow suit.

By eating more greens, you will naturally eat less meat. You’re building a healthy habit and nurturing yourself and those around you. 

In addition to eating healthy, it’s advisable to take some dietary supplements as well, to ensure that you’re getting enough vitamins and minerals on a daily basis. There are a lot of different brands available in the stores, but not all of them are equally good. Make sure to check the label with ingredients before making the purchase. Supplements with natural ingredients, such as Nature’s Happiness, are a great choice.

Get Active

Staying healthy goes well beyond the kitchen. One of the most powerful habits you can build is getting active and staying active

You can do this alone, with your partner or spouse, and with your children. Many families find that by exercising together, they have quality time to connect, play, and stay healthy.

If you’re short on ideas, talk to other parents. Take a look around your neighborhood. Make a point of talking to people who are exercising and staying active. Find out what they did to get started. How did they get and stay motivated? Explore different activities in your community. Is there a park, walkway, or hiking trail to go on? 

Additionally, look for opportunities to make exercise a group activity. Perhaps there is a community center or local group that already has activities planned. You may meet other parents and children, expand your network, and boost your activity levels. 

Link To Other Habits

The interesting thing about healthy habits is that they support each other. If you do one, you’re more inclined to do another. In other words, if you’re drinking more water, you may be choosing fewer sweet sugary drinks. If you’re eating more greens, you’re likely eating fewer nasty fats. If you’re getting and staying active, you’re not modeling being a couch potato for your kids.

In addition to healthy habits supporting more healthy habits, there’s another secret to staying healthy. Start small. Start to link on new habits to ones you’re already doing. For instance, drink a sip of water while you brush your teeth. Drink a bottle of water while you exercise. By linking up new efforts with existing ones, you’re boosting your overall health—and healthy habits.

5 Natural Ways To Reduce Symptoms Of Menopause

Women who reach their late 40s and early 50s will naturally experience the symptoms of menopause due to the inability of the body to produce estrogen. The body goes through different stages namely, perimenopause, menopause, and postmenopause. During these stages, women may experience different signs and symptoms that usually do not need medical treatment. However, menopausal women are also vulnerable to health complications such as diabetes, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases. Hence, some symptoms can have serious health problems and require medical attention.

While menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, weight gain, chills, night sweats, sleep problems, and mood swings could last for months and even years, there are natural remedies that will alleviate these irritable symptoms. Furthermore, natural remedies are the best option for women who do not want to undergo estrogen therapy.

1.Prevent Osteoporosis By Eating Foods Rich In Calcium And Vitamin D

When the body stops producing estrogen, menopausal women become vulnerable to osteoporosis. During menopause, bones can weaken due to hormonal changes, thus, it is vital to consume foods that give nutrients to your bones.  Calcium-rich foods such as fish, dairy, and green leafy vegetables can easily be obtained in the market. Moreover, cereals, fruit juices, and soya drinks are fortified with calcium. Vitamin D intake, on the other hand, can strengthen your bones and highly prevent fractures. Sunlight is the main source of Vitamin D, however, there are food supplements such as fish oil or cod oil that are also fortified with Vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency not only affects bone health but also is linked to cancer and chronic diseases. While there is much expensive therapy such as anticonvulsants and menopausal hormone therapy, the need for an inexpensive alternative therapy should be a high priority. Hence, treating vitamin D deficiency could eliminate the symptoms of menopause. Furthermore, vitamin D deficiency is also attributed to mood disturbances and musculoskeletal aches.

2.Consume Black Cohosh Herb

Black Cohosh is used to treat menopausal women who experience night sweats. It helps relieve the body of sleep disturbance as well as prevent mood changes. Fortunately, Black Cohosh is already in tablet or capsule form, hence it can easily be obtained.  As with other food supplements, it is always crucial to talk to your doctor before taking Black Cohosh as this may cause interference with your other medications.

3.Consider An Acupuncture Therapy

Acupuncture is another natural remedy for menopause that has essential benefits. It is a treatment that alleviates conditions relating to anxiety, hormonal imbalances, insomnia, and mood irritability. When you go through the treatment, acupuncture balances your hormones to improve your emotional wellbeing. In some medications, acupuncture is combined with aromatherapy to improve your health during the menopausal stage.

Acupuncture as a therapeutic alternative in treating menopausal symptoms has effectively treated menopausal women who are in the perimenopausal stage. Moreover, acupuncture therapy is safe and effective in treating hormonal fluctuation and other various health conditions.

4.Practice Relaxation And Controlled Breathing

Relaxation is very important for women who are already experiencing the negative impact of menopause. While this may be an easy thing to do, a lot of women are having a hard time controlling their mind and emotions. During menopause, factors that trigger your symptoms are inevitable, however, you need to get familiar with your breathing pattern. To do this, you need to go to a quiet location and free yourself from anxiety and worries.

Mental imagery relaxation is a type of relaxation that focuses on creating positive thoughts and affirming positive talks. You need to identify negative thoughts and transform this negativity into positive ones. On the other hand, progressive muscle relaxation can be done by letting go of all the tensions in your body, take a few deep breaths and exhale slowly. In this way, you are able to process your emotions and eventually create a positive feeling.

Since menopausal women tend to be emotional and depressed, the practice of slow breathing helps decrease fatigue and stress. Daily repetitions of slow breathing techniques reduce the symptoms.

5.Include Regular Exercise In Your Daily Routine

When you are already in your menopausal stage, it is most important to develop a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise. It will not only benefit your body by minimizing the effects of menopause but exercise will also improve your overall health. With regular physical activity combined with a healthy diet, you will eliminate the possibility of gaining weight. Depending on your body needs, you can do so many physical activities that will strengthen your cardio, burn body fats, and strengthen your bones.

Yoga and meditation are also effective in dealing with menopause because they promote relaxation and relief. Consistent yoga practice promotes better blood circulation throughout the body. Yoga is also associated with eliminating weight gain, improving mental focus and emotional stability.


When should you see a dentist for an emergency tooth removal?

It’s difficult to tell which dental problems are accidents because there are so many different types. Having to wait a day and seeing the dentist in more extreme situations can be the difference between leaving the tooth and losing it. Don’t know how to tell what’s important and what can wait? Look out for these signs to know when you need to visit an emergency dental clinic.

Discomfort or sensitivity 

The newly crowned tooth could be fragile right just after surgery when the anesthesia wears off. If the crowned tooth still has a nerve in it, you can sense heat and cold sensitivity. Your dentist can advise you to clean your teeth with such a toothpaste that is designed for sensitive teeth. When biting down, any pain or sensitivity means that the crown would be too far forward on the teeth. If the problem persists, your dentist can recommend a new dental crown.


Experiencing toothache

Gum disease and inflammation can cause unexplained, chronic, and serious toothaches. Try any at-home remedies first if the pain is mild. However, if the pain persists or becomes more severe, you can contact an emergency dentist. You might have had an abscessed tooth in the worst-case scenario. If there is indeed a lump on the tooth that gives you discomfort, feel along the gums. Fever, tooth irritation, and swelling of the mouth or face are some of the other symptoms to look out for. Find an emergency dental clinic as soon as possible if you have either of these signs.


Chipped crown

All-porcelain crowns are accessible, as well as porcelain modified to metal crowns, some of which are effortlessly chipped. If the chip is minor, it can be repaired with a composite resin while the crown remains in the mouth as a temporary replacement. If the chipping is still beyond repair, the dentist will ask you to remove the crown. In this scenario, it becomes necessary for you to immediately start locating emergency dentist nearby.


Crowded tooth

To avoid crowding, your dentist can recommend tooth extraction if you already have more teeth than your jaw can accommodate. Some patients, for example, will have a tooth pulled for orthodontic purposes in order to maintain a straight face. Any dentists and orthodontists would rather not have to remove a tooth before starting orthodontic treatment. It could, however, be appropriate for certain patients, and hence in such cases, tooth extraction may be necessary.


Loose crown

The cement throughout the crown will also wash away, causing the crown to loosen. It not only causes the crown to loosen, but it also enables bacteria to enter the tooth and induce decay. If a crown feels weak, get it repaired or removed as quickly as possible.


Abnormal Teeth Development 

When multiple teeth get affected or fail to emerge from the gums, abnormal tooth development happens. Infections and diseases associated with discomfort and gum irritation are more prevalent in teeth that have been affected. If you have either of these signs, you can seek treatment at a nearby hospital that offers emergency tooth extraction. When there isn’t enough space in the jaws, wisdom teeth get entrapped. As a result, wisdom teeth get lodged in the gums or force other teeth out of the way.

These problems are more common in people who have wisdom teeth. The majority of people grow wisdom teeth and have them without problems, while others are unable to hold them and may have them extracted. If your kid is experiencing sudden abnormal teeth development, you must take him or her to a pediatric dentist Voorhees NJ.


Crown falls off

The crown may come loose for various reasons, including deterioration of the existing tooth and loosening of the cementing substance. If anything happens to you, you’ll need to scrub both the crown and the front of your teeth. A dentist will be using a temporary tooth cement or dental glue to replace it temporarily. For long-term outcomes, the dentists will provide detailed guidance about taking care of the tooth and crown. A dentist may decide to re-cement the crown or replace it with a new one.


Allergic reaction 

Many people can develop allergic reactions to the metal used in crowns. This is extremely rare; however, if this happens, opt for another material for the new crown.


The appearance of dark line on crowned tooth 

A faint indentation along its gum line of your crowned tooth is normal if you have a porcelain-fused-to-metal crown. The crown’s metal seems to have been visible across this dark line. This is not really a problem in and of itself, and you need to visit a dentist and ask him to remove it if you do like the way it looks. If you need a recommendation, you can get fillings from the Dentist in Clifton.


Make sure if you or any one of your loved ones is facing any of these issues, you must visit the dentist immediately.

Is Someone You Care Grieving a Loss? Here’s How You Can Help

Losing someone close can be quite stressful, as the thought of not being able to embrace the bond physically can be overwhelming. If you are someone whose friend or family member is grieving a loss, knowing ways to comfort them can help.

But hold on! Do you have any idea about the grieving process? Well! Before you move on to other options, the first thing you must do is understand the grieving process. Doing so will allow you to understand your friend or family member better. Keep reading, and you’ll learn more about it.


Supporting Someone Who’s Grieving a Loss

I will not say: Do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.J.R.R. Tolkien.

First things first. Understand that the grieving process is too personal an emotion. So, ideally, there is nothing right or wrong with the way it is done. However, it’s quite an emotionally exhausting process. Unpredictability rules the entire process of grieving. So, by all means, never tell them this, “This is not the way you should feel or do things.”

Besides that, you must know that grief encompasses a multitude of extreme emotions or behaviors. So, there might be some chances that the person might lash out at you or cry for hours. Therefore, avoid judging them.

Lastly, there is no ideal timeline for the entire process. Many people take approximately two years to recover after losing someone. But it can vary (shorter or longer) depending on the person. Never pressurize them to move on.

Now that you know how to support the emotional upheavals, the following tips will help you with other options that might be helpful.


Support Them in Handling Their Tasks

Offering practical support is the best thing you can do for your friend or family member. For example, the first thing they would need is a “funeral home.” So, help them find the one that’s appropriate as per their needs. For instance, if your friend is a Los Angeles resident, help him/her find the best los angeles funeral home by narrowing down choices. Other than that, you can also offer support in their day-to-day tasks or help with their kids or pets (in case any).


Send Something Meaningful

Sending flowers is lovely. But if you don’t know whether that will be appropriate, think out-of-the-box. You can choose something from the list provided below.

Send home-cooked meals
Give remembrance gifts
Send Gift cards or letters
Give care box with self-care items

To Sum it All- Be There to Support Your Friend or Family Member

Whatever you choose, make sure they don’t isolate themselves. Make them comfortable enough so that they can lean on you. How is that possible? It’s rather simple. All you have to do is “show up.” Check on them from time-to-time. A simple “I am there for you” or “I am thinking of you” will help them immensely.

Remember, the grieving process is not easy. The bereaved might not even have any idea how to go about it. Just helping and supporting them through this time will help them quickly recover from the ordeal.

5 Promising Breakthroughs in Family Medicine

Medical breakthroughs are happening all the time, but today it seems like some of them focus on making the lives of families like yours better. The key is knowing what those breakthroughs are so that you can use them. The following are five promising breakthroughs you should know about.


Home Self Blood Test


Blood tests are necessary every so often. The problem is waiting for the results. Fortunately, recent breakthroughs in blood analysis device technology will allow the family doctor to perform accurate blood testing in their office. Rather than waiting weeks to find out if you or a loved one is suffering from disease, these devices ensure results within minutes. This means, with the help of medical professionals, families can more efficiently begin the treatment process, shortening the turnaround time from the onset of symptoms to their proper management.


Digital Consultation


Another breakthrough worth noting is the digital consultation option. This voice-activated device can help you with some small issues without going to the doctor. If one of your kids falls and you forgot how to use your first aid kit, you can simply ask your device for help. You’ll be given the steps to do what’s needed. If for some reason you forget how much medicine your kid can have in a day, you can ask the device, and it’ll give you an accurate answer. As a parent, you’ll always have questions, and thankfully, you’ll have your answers right there with you.


Video Call Appointments


When it comes to giving your all as a parent, health means everything. Sometimes it’s as seemingly simple as needing to talk to a nurse or a doctor. Going to the doctor’s office has always been a hassle for parents. Getting dressed, getting to the appointment on time, and waiting take their toll. The good thing is you don’t have to do this all the time anymore. If you simply set up a video call appointment, then you don’t have to leave your home at all to talk to a doctor or nurse. You’ll be surprised how much a doctor or nurse can do through video calls.


Smart Wristbands for All


Everyone in your family could wear smart wristbands in your family. These little things could be used to track everyone’s health in many ways. For example, it can track body temperature fluctuations, heart rate, and much more. All of this data gives your family doctor more precise information about every person in your family. The data can be stored and transferred directly to your family doctor. The information you give your doctor will be precise and helpful for your overall health.


VR Technology Therapy


At times, families have issues to work through. Some of those issues could be related to phobias or other things like that. For a long time, the only thing you could do to deal with these issues is going to a family mental health doctor, but that’s no longer the case. VR technology continues to get better and better, giving families a choice. This tech can offer vision therapy to provide you or your family members with a chance to overcome some of these issues with simulated reality. It’s a wild idea, but it also helps keep you home.


The breakthroughs everyone sees right now are pretty exciting. You’ve just learned about five, but there are many more. Just talk to your doctor to find out more.

Special Dietary Needs: Tips for Dealing with Them

When you have special needs, you can sometimes feel like a freak. It is not your fault, and you are most certainly not a freak. You are the awkward person at the party. Friends are hesitant to invite you out to lunch because they can’t go where they really want to go. They won’t invite you over to their house for dinner because they are afraid that something they give you will send you into an anaphylactic shock.

There are more special diets than you might realize. Here are just a few:

  1. Diabetic diets
  2. Irritable bowel syndrome diets
  3. Gluten-free diets
  4. Allergy diets including bread, lactose, peanuts, etc.
  5. Vegetarian diets
  6. Vegan diets
  7. Pescatarian diets
  8. High protein diets
  9. Low carb diets
  10. Limited calorie diets

There are tons of special needs diets. Whatever yours happens to be, you should not feel alone. The thing to remember is that your special needs diet is your responsibility, not anyone else’s. So while you are not alone, you are responsible for what you can and cannot eat. Managing it can feel like a daunting task. Here are some tips to help you get through it.

Cook Your Own Food

Going out to eat is overrated. If you have food allergies, it can also be dangerous. If you do go out, be sure to call ahead and see if they have special menu items that fit your dietary needs. If they do, feel free to ask more questions. You can even ask to speak to the chef.

If you do your own cooking, you can avoid that conversation altogether. When preparing your own food, you can get special needs ingredients including things like gluten-free flour. You are not limited to buying pre-made dishes from an expensive service. The best and safest way to handle diets is to know exactly what went into every bite.

When you visit with friends, you can bring your own food and snacks. Your true friends will understand. Those that don’t, aren’t your true friends anyway. You can also save up some of your splurge points for those special occasions. Even diabetics can have a small piece of birthday cake on rare occasions.

Consider Health Guidelines

The science of diet and health is ever-changing and evolving. It is hard to know what is okay to feed your kids sometimes. Don’t go it alone. Check the USDA guidelines for the latest research and recommendations.

You can’t just base your nutritional knowledge on what you learned in second grade about the four food groups. That is not going to serve you well today. You can’t even go off of what you looked up on some website two years ago. Even your doctor has to update their knowledge and recommendations.

If your kids are not placed on a dietary regimen by a doctor, be slow to place them on one of your own makings. Of course, there are reasonable limits. If you have a peanut allergy, don’t let any peanuts into the house. That can be a matter of life and death. But don’t let your 1,000 calorie diet be their prison. Active kids in a growth spurt can use more calories than sedentary adults. When deciding what to feed your family, look to neutral information like the USDA guidelines and not just your dietary needs and preferences.

Look into Specialized Meal Kit Services

There is nothing wrong with meal kit delivery services. If you have a special-needs diet, you might feel left out of the craze. You don’t have to feel that way. There are many healthy meal kit delivery services out there. You will find services that are devoted to specific types of special diets. Many of those services will have options like gluten-free and allergy-sensitive needs. If you don’t have time to source special ingredients and do all the cooking, healthy meal kits are a good, if not expensive alternative.

Don’t feel bad if you are stuck on a diet that no one else in your social group is on. You can actually go online and find groups in your area with the same dietary needs as you. For the rest, make life a little easier by purchasing ingredients made for your dietary needs. Keep up with the latest health guidelines. And look into a specialized meal kit service.

Josh Gibson MD Scholarship and Rethinking medical scholarship during COVID-19 pandemic era

The COVID-19 pandemic outbreak has triggered an extraordinary and immense change in communities and society across the globe. It signaled the need for advanced approaches for education, leisure, work, and healthcare. A critical factor of this change is the quick and permanent change in the technology used to ensure that work, education, healthcare, and leisure activities get maintained.

The changes have impacted medical education, with a similar quick shift on the technology used for delivering every aspect of the academic schedule, from teaching to assessments to virtual clinical training and across the range of medical education. The institutions, learners, and educators needed to adjust to these changes and manage the maximized demands associated with new practices, external regulatory authorities, and workload. However, simultaneously, the educators were expected to carry on with their scholarship engagement in medical education, offering evidence for tenure and promotion.

Hence, a transformational change is a way to consider a medical education scholarship during the COVID-19 pandemic time. This change might help minimize the tension between the demand to quickly respond to the demands of retaining the delivery of high-end medical curriculum and the requirement to carry on with medical education scholarship. To know more, you can check out the Josh Gibson MD Scholarship.


Medical education scholarship

Many authors have informed the understanding of medical education scholarship, and each has offered a key component. For instance, Boyer has demonstrated four scholarship categories: integration, discovery and creation, teaching, and application. Multiple criteria of how a scholarship can get evaluated were proposed by Glassick, comprising adequate preparation, clear objectives, essential outcomes, appropriate procedures, reflective critique, and clear presentation. The extra features got presented by Hutchings and Shulman, comprising broader dissemination in a way apt for evaluation and review that is available for exchange with various other members of the education community. The institutions have adopted all these scholarship components widely. It leads to an expectation that medical educators would engage in the complete process and offer apt evidence of the same.

The medical education scholarship is generally an iterative cycle, with a teaching experience, recognizing issues that result in a research stage of discovery to generate new understanding and know-how about the issue. These findings might result in innovative teaching approaches through an integration process with multiple knowledge sources, comprising literature review. Through the iterative cycle, there are scopes to evidence scholarship through the scholarly outcomes, like producing and distributing an article that demonstrates the findings and interventions.


The scholarship challenge in the COVID-19 pandemic era

The swiftness of growing disruption and the pandemic’s response to medical education needs institutions and educators to continually manage and make modifications to ensure that the curriculum delivery is apt. It should attain its aims, vision, and the intended outcomes. The monitoring process progress recognizes issues that are essential to initiate the scholarship cycle. With time these issues will gradually become complex. Like educational design research and action research that uses rapid investigation cycles and execution, alternative research methods are necessary to answer the issues.

However, the peer reviewers, editors, and institutions are not familiar with these journals. Additionally, the distribution needed for scholarship evidence through publications in high-end journals might be a time-consuming process. It is the same with journals that have an early pre-publication and also with the ones that don’t have open access.


Responding to the scholarship challenge

The research for scholarship

The iterative nature of the educational design and action research will add and speed up the scholarship of creation and discovery. Several criticisms about educational design and action research, especially concerning their aptness for a scholarship, are all about rigorous data collection and analysis. However, proper attention to details can get easily rectified, for instance, following the legal guidance on performing quantitative and qualitative research.

The educational design and action research intend to execute an academic intervention concurrently and know the multiple factors contributing to an intervention’s scholarly impact. Also, through the iterative cycles, the intervention gets assesses and changed to attain its desired effect. Every process of evaluation, planning, and execution updates the next cycle.

However, the research component, that is, the generation of understanding and new know-how through the assessments, can directly update the teaching development and findings. These findings can get widely distributed to update the work done by medical educators.


Distribution for scholarship

Offering scholarship evidence through the educational outcomes in medical education is a priority for majority educators and institutions. Using technology to assist academic scholarship has got termed digital scholarship. There are multiple online approaches for fast dissemination and publishing, mainly social media and open access publication. The scopes for quick open access publishing today have become highly available, with some providing pre-publication peer assessment and other providing post-publication peer-assessment. Similarly, there have also been growing scopes using multiple social media channels, such as Twitter and Facebook. Today, there are appropriately established metrics to update digital scholarship. And the educators can generate portfolios to curate such metrics as evidence.


The institution

There are significant challenges for the institutions in executing the transformational change in medical scholarships. The major challenge is to have a higher acceptance of the design or action research paradigm. They also need to recognize the metrics and evidence of scholarship generated from social media distribution and open access publications.

It is essential to accept these challenges to leverage the evaluation cycle and iterative cycle underpinning the design and action research paradigm. The evolution will require time and training to adopt for academic and senior faculty administrators ultimately. Take some time to prepare for the application process to ensure your success in getting scholarship.

The pandemic has brought a change in medical education, generating an immediate and vital impact on institutions, educators, and students. However, the institutions still need educators to engage in medical education scholarship, offering evidence for tenure and promotion. It is essential to consider a transformational change in medical education scholarship to address the pandemic outbreak’s challenges.

What to Do if Uninsured Outside of Open Enrollment

Having medical insurance has become a necessity and not just a privilege. With the rising cost of healthcare in our country right now, many average citizens cannot afford visits to their healthcare provider on a cash-only basis.

Unfortunately, you may have realized this outside of the open enrollment period. While it may feel like you’re stuck with the options of either paying cash or waiting until the next open enrollment, that’s not always the case.

Shop For a Non-ACA Plan

Non-ACA plans are commonly referred to as short-term, private health plans. These short-term plans help to cover people until the open enrollment period opens back up. You can apply for accurate health insurance quotes outside of open enrollment to price-check these plans. It’s important to realize that these plans are not monitored or expected to comply with the Affordable Care Act standards.

People applying for this type of coverage may face certain discrimination based on pre-existing conditions or limitations as far as the base level of coverage that is offered. These programs are not recommended for the long term. However, they can be a great option to get you through until the open enrollment period opens up again.

Apply for Special Enrollment

Luckily, the special enrollment period is available for people who have undergone certain life events. Some of these life events include losing your normal healthcare coverage, getting married, raising a child, moving, or even adopting a child. If you’ve experienced one of these events recently, you may be eligible for the special enrollment period.

You must evaluate different resources to determine whether you need to apply 60 days before or 60 days following the event that happened in your life. You can find out more about the special enrollment period by going to www.healthcare.gov.

Apply for Medicaid

Certain people may qualify for Medicaid, which is free or low-cost healthcare coverage. Medicaid is awarded based on a person’s income and the size of their family. Medicaid is available in all 50 states. Medicaid is mainly set up for people who have low income, pregnant women, people with disabilities, and the elderly. It’s important to realize that even if you didn’t qualify for Medicaid in the past that you may be able to qualify now. You can check with your State’s Medicaid website or office to determine whether or not you meet the eligibility requirements to apply for Medicaid in your state.

If you have children or are a pregnant woman, you may apply for CHIP coverage. CHIP stands for Children’s Health Insurance Program. This insurance program offers low-cost health coverage for children and pregnant women and a plethora of other benefits such as food credits to use at their local grocery stores. CHIP is an excellent option for people who make too much money to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to purchase a private insurance plan. CHIP is commonly applied for the same way that Medicaid is applied for through your State’s website.

Finding yourself without health insurance can be a big problem. If you’ve missed the open enrollment period, you do have options. Understanding what these options are and which ones you’re eligible for is a must to ensure that you can get the medical insurance you need to cover you and your family. It’s never a good idea to just go without health insurance as the cost of medical care is continually increasing.

6 Tips for Strengthening Your Heart

If you’ve been an adult for any length of time, you already know that the better you treat your body, the healthier you’re going to be. Exercising, eating right, and avoiding things that will damage your body is the best way to live to a ripe old age. 

While most people know about the healthy habits needed to increase their overall health, not everyone realizes how important it is to increase your heart health as well. Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the world, so strengthening the muscle will help you avoid medical problem and help you live a longer life. Looking for tips on the best way to strengthen your heart? 

Take Your Supplements

While the proof is inconclusive, there have been studies that show that taking fish oil supplements will help to lower your risk of developing heart disease. Fish oil supports heart health because the pills contain EPA and DHA Omega 3 fatty acids, which are good for your heart. 

Taking supplements on top of the other things you’re doing to make your heart healthy is a great idea. 

Lose Weight

Heart disease has been linked to obesity in many people. While you may be exercising and eating right, losing weight is a personal journey and not every diet works for every person. It’s best to consult your primary care provider if you’re obese and let them determine the best course of action for you. 

Losing weight will reduce your chance of developing heart problems quite a bit. 

Know Your Good Fats from Your Bad Fats

If you want to take care of your heart, you need to learn to separate the good fats from the bad fats. Good fats are mono and polyunsaturated and bad fats are saturated and trans fats. For example, use canola or olive oil instead of butter in your cooking and choose lean meats such as fish and chicken, rather than the fattier cuts of meat. 

Quit Smoking

Quitting smoking can be tough, but if you want to be heart-healthy, it’s something you really need to work on. The same is true of drinking. Even though a glass of wine a day can be good for your heart, you don’t want to take it to the extreme, and you definitely should stay away from hard liquor and beer. 

Don’t Forget to Buy the Chocolate

One of the best tips on this list is to eat more chocolate to be heart-healthy. Research shows that dark chocolate contributes to heart health. However, chocolate is only a benefit in moderation. 

That means that you can eat dark chocolate but not to excess and still be heart healthy. Cocoa, which is a key ingredient in chocolate, has been known to improve your blood clotting function and increase good cholesterol while lowering bad cholesterol. 

So, don’t forget to pick up some chocolate while you’re at the grocery store. Just don’t go overboard and eat all of it at once.

Get Moving

The best way to be heart-healthy is to get out there and keep moving. Whether it’s a day at the gym twice a week or taking a walk around the neighborhood before lunch and after dinner, keeping moving will go a long way towards keeping your heart in good condition and you healthy overall. 

These are just a few of the best tips out there for helping you become heart-healthy. From walking to eating chocolate in moderation and from taking your supplements to dropping bad habits, following these tips will have you in good shape in no time at all.

Can your child’s misaligned teeth be repaired without braces?

It is possible to align your child’s teeth without the help of braces. However, it is a little complicated for a few people. It is best to consult a dentist to check for the condition of your child’s misaligned teeth and the right approach to correct them.


Alternative #1: Clear Aligners

Products such as Invisalign are clear aligners that are removable and are better options than braces. Clear aligners are similar to thin and transparent mouthguards. Such tools work the best to straighten your child’s teeth. You can also opt for a tailored fit for your child’s teeth. The dentist usually replaces the set over a few weeks, which moves the teeth into their desired position over the treatment course. You can browse for the best dental services for kids near me to seek assistance in your location.

A few advantages of clear aligners are as follows:

  • Metal braces are available from a mile away, whereas clear aligners give the children a positive and confident look. If your child is shy, they will like that person would not easily recognize the aligners in their mouths.
  • Traditional braces have plenty of instructions concerning food and eating habits. For example, you cannot eat sticky gums, popcorn and drink soda. With clear aligners, you need not follow any rules as to what your child can eat. They have to remove the trays before every meal and put them back after they finish dining.
  • Mental braces are painful, especially during the tightening phase. Also, when a wire gets out of its line and pokes the gums and cheeks, it might lead to infections. Clear aligners do not possess any metal, it only has soft plastic, which means that your child will not face such high pain levels.
  • Such a treatment best fits a discreet appearance, in comparison to the traditional braces. Usually, those who want to correct minor orthodontic problems, including crooked, protruding teeth and little gaps, can opt for clear aligner treatment.


Alternative #2: Dental Veneers

If you have mild orthodontic issues, your dentist might suggest dental veneers. Dental veneers are thin coverings made from composite resin or porcelain. The dentist will bond it to the front of your teeth to change the appearance of your smile. Veneers are fundamentally a cosmetic change and do not offer the same potential health advantages as an in-depth orthodontic treatment.


Alternative #3: Do-It-Yourself Teeth Straightening

Several blogs, videos, and instructional videos make the rounds of DIY teeth straightening procedures. However, orthodontic specialists and dental professionals are repeatedly warning people about such attempts without professional supervision. Any dental procedure without an expert can put your health at risk. Moreover, children have their gums and oral health in developmental stages. So, practicing such tasks can ruin their oral health drastically. In light of this, consult a dentist who would check your child’s oral health and recommend a procedure that would best fit your child.

There is no natural way to straighten the teeth. All dental treatments possess risks. However, with increased research, the risk factors are almost negligible. You can equally cause harm to your teeth if you do it without any professional aid. If you face any urgent dental attention, opt for a Baton Rouge emergency dentist immediately to resolve the issue.


Alternative #4: Retainers

Depending on your child’s misalignment severity, the dentist can recommend retainers, either fixed or removable. Such retainers help in avoiding any movement of teeth from time to time.


Alternative #5: Palatal Expanders

Palatal expanders make the upper jaw wider to enhance the child’s bite, allowing for more room for adult teeth to grow. Such palatal expanders are mostly invisible. However, patients might feel some levels of discomfort when the dentist adjusts them.


Alternative #6: Tooth Contouring

Tooth contouring or tooth reshaping involves removing small amounts of tooth enamel to reshape the child’s teeth that stick out. The procedure is relatively inexpensive and painless.


The Dentist’s Suggestions

Most of the time, traditional metal braces might occur as the only option if you have severely misaligned teeth. A dentist or an orthodontist will check for the condition and recommend the correction’s best possible way. Moreover, they will also explain the potential risks and complications associated with the therapies. It is wise to ask them questions for you to stay informed about your child’s oral health.

Straightening teeth is not always about looks. Misaligned teeth are difficult to floss and brush, which can ultimately lead to a surge in your risk of tooth decay and cavities shortly. Protruding teeth can also occur as a significant risk of injury in the case of children.

With advancing technology, braces are not the only options that one can leverage to fix misaligned teeth in children. From metal or ceramic braces to clear aligners and veneers, it is ideal to choose an alternative that best suits the severity of your child’s teeth’ misalignment. If you need a good recommendation, you can get fillings with the pediatric dentist in coconut grove fl.