Home Décor: Trendy Colors for 2018

Whether it’s wall colors, accents or what-have-you, the right color choices make statements about your style, your influence – basically, your personality.

One way to make a strong statement is to use trendy colors. They’re not for everyone, but if you’re brave enough, you can turn some heads – maybe even your own.

So now, let’s take a look at 2018’s trendy colors. The headings may identify a specific color or a range of colors. Brace yourself!

Caviar Black

Black, in general, is a color you have to use carefully. It usually works better as an accent color, especially when using accessories.

With caviar black, accenting doesn’t seem too bold. It’s quite close to charcoal, which is a good fit if you’re using gray in your décor. If any of your other furniture pieces are dark, caviar black will not contrast too much.

Statement Turquoise

If you’re looking for bold, statement turquoise is this year’s ticket. A combination of blue and green, it will definitely blend well with many shades of each. And the beauty is that you can use it for an accent wall, or the entire room.

Nothing says “Forward” like the color “statement turquoise.”

Put Some Sunshine In Your Rooms

This is not the name of the color. The phrase covers several shades of goldenrod. If you plan to decorate a room mood that is happy and comfy, any of the rich yellows that bring warmth would be the ones to consider. Golden Ochre is one of such colors.

If you use accents like blue or cream, goldenrod colors will complement these very well.

Sophisticated Blush

Sophisticated blush combines light beige with a warmer pink, making it an ideal neutral color. A piece of furniture in this color makes a great accent piece.

Grounded Charcoal Brown

As to earth tones, the basic brown can serve as a go-to color. But the grounded charcoal brown is a warm blend of black and brown shades. It could be said that it resembles the soil, not necessarily in color, but symbolically. The daylight warms the color, while less light in the evening cools it.

Fiery Colors

This year’s pick is “Caliente” which in Spanish means “hot.” The suggested use of this color is on an accent wall. However, if you have a room exclusively for entertaining, or maybe you’re in your office, you might consider “energizing” the entire room in Caliente.

Ultra Violet

As purple shades go, Ultra Violet was named the color of the year. It will add richness as an accent color, and for the brave, a load of depth as an all-wall option.


Most of the time, all-black rooms are just not appealing. However, if done right, especially if used to complement other color schemes, it can pop without bringing thoughts of gothic décor. This year, black is the new “neutral.”


For charging the batteries, decompressing or just creating general harmony in a room, pastels will fit the bill. This year, one such tranquil combination of pastels includes Sandy Pink and Mint Green.


Even as generous as this list is, there’s a multitude of trendy shades and colors, even for this year. If you didn’t find a trendy color to your liking, keep looking. You may still have the opportunity to include a trendy color in your home décor.

How to choose a kitchen sink

Walking down the aisle of your local Home Depot or Lowes looking for a sink for your kitchen can seem like such an exhausting task. There are so many different styles, textures, finishes to choose from.

Not to mention, you need a faucet to go with your new sink, and that’s not always an easy item to pick out either.

If you are in search of a new kitchen sink for your home, here are some easy ways to narrow down your options.

What kitchen sink options exist?

Some of the most popular kinds of sinks are stainless steel. However, there is also enamel-coated cast iron, composites, and other solid surfaces.

If you have a granite or engineered stone countertop, it’s best to go with a stainless steel sink because it has the capability of an undermount. If you are tough on your washbasin, try to with stainless steel for its durability.

However, there are some folks who think that stainless steel is a tad noisy, but it’s a problem that can be fixed with some sound-absorption technology.

Enamel-coated cast iron is one of the most beautiful sinks on the market today. However, it is prone to scratches, and the enamel can wear out over time, making it not the best choice for those who are tough on sinks.

If the ease of cleanup is important to you, consider a solid surface sink that is part of the countertop. With undermount sinks, there is a joint between the countertop and the underside.

Those with a solid surface are easier to clean up. Minor scratches can easily be buffed out of a solid surface, but there’s still that risk of chipping. Not to mention, the transfer of hot pots and pans that are placed directly in the sink can damage solid surfaces.

The newer kind of sink that seems to be popular are composite sinks which are either made from polyester/acrylic or another material. These are generally lower in price and come in a lot of different colors.

However, these sinks aren’t as durable as drop-in sinks.

Bowls & compartments: How many do you need?

How many sink bowls do you need? Most homes have a double bowl sink, but there are still some homes that have a single container. Double basins make it simpler to do dishes.

If you’re looking for something bigger than a double bowl sink, consider looking at a commercial sink.

These generally have three bowls, and some can even have four. These sink types are perfect for homeowners who have the room for it and need extra bowls for washing pots and pans.

Unfortunately, they are more expensive than other kinds of sinks and do take up a lot of space. However, they are easy to clean and give you more room for washing dishes, prepping veggies and other foods.

You can check out some commercial three compartment sinks at Elli Bistro.

A quick word on faucets

Since there are tons of different faucet designs on the market, it’s easy to find a style that fits your specific needs and wants. Most faucets will use a cartridge, ceramic disc valve, or a ball.

Faucets with ceramic disks valves and solid brass base materials are the most durable. A lot of homeowners prefer taps with spray arms for filling pots and pans with water or rinsing the sink.

There you have it! Now you know a lot more about kitchen sinks and the different types available than the average homeowner.

Why Preschool Coloring Pages for Kids Are Important?

If you have a kid and if you are interested in contributing towards his development, you are strongly encouraged to go ahead and purchase preschool coloring pages.

They can provide a tremendous assistance to the overall development of the little one in the long run. Below mentioned are some important facts, which highlight the importance of coloring pages for kids. By going through these facts, you will definitely get the interest to go ahead and invest your money in them.

1. They can improve handwriting of the little one

Preschool coloring pages are in a position to improve handwriting of your little one. The kids are in need of dexterity and strength in order to manipulate pencil on a piece of paper. The coloring pages are in a position to provide them with the dexterity and strength needed. Hence, your kid will get the chance to stay away from incorrect pencil grasp. On the other hand, your child will also be provided with a tremendous assistance with holding the pencil in the correct way. This can deliver a tremendous assistance towards overall writing capabilities of the little one.

2. They can improve hand-eye coordination of your kid

Coloring books will introduce your little ones to different colors and shapes. As a result, they are in a position to improve hand-eye coordination of your little one in an effective manner. Your kid would absolutely love the overall assistance that he will be able to receive with the time that is being spent on coloring. It can also help the little one to fight against cognitive loss. Therefore, you will be able to allow your little one experience a promising future.

3. They can teach patience and relaxation

Patience and relaxation are two of the most prominent qualities that your little one should have. If he doesn’t have these qualities, there is a high possibility for him to get into a lot of issues in life.

Coloring pages are in a position to introduce patience and relaxation to the child as well. That’s mainly because your little one will do mistakes and he will eventually come up with methods to bear them. On the other hand, the overall experience that your little one has to go through when coloring pages has the ability to deliver a relaxing experience to him.

4. They can help your child to retain focus

If your child cannot focus on one thing, he will eventually end up with a lot of difficulties. Due to this reason, it is extremely important for you to teach how to stay focused for the little one. It will be one of the greatest lessons that the child will be able to learn from the coloring experience. The child will be able to concentrate on one activity for a long period of time as well. When your child is growing up with the coloring pages, he will be able to figure out the importance of boundaries. Then your child will be able to receive additional assistance with writing as well.

5. They can provide a tremendous amount of knowledge to the child

Most of the parents believe that coloring pages are not in a position to deliver the knowledge that their little ones need. This fact is not true at all. Your child will be able to receive a tremendous amount of knowledge by going through coloring pages. For example, your child will be able to learn about form, shapes, hue, color, perspective and lines. In addition, these pages can also provide assistance to the little one with identifying patterns.

6. They can provide confidence

Your child is in need of confidence as well. The coloring pages are in a position to deliver confidence that is needed by the little one. When your kid completes coloring a specific page, he will be provided with a sense of accomplishment. This can contribute towards the overall level of self-esteem that your child will be able to experience in the long run. Hence, an ideal environment will be created for the development of confidence in the little one.

7. They can deliver fine motor skills

The fine motor skills of the little one will be greatly impacted by coloring pages. From the recent studies, it has been identified that a large number of kids who live out there in the world are lacking from fine motor skills. This creates a negative impact on their overall development in the future. In fact, the entire future of a child depends on the fine motor skills that he possesses. Coloring pages can be considered as one of the greatest methods available for you to introduce fine motor skills for the child.

8. They can stimulate creativity

Overall creativity levels of your child will be stimulated by the coloring pages. For example, coloring pages are in a position to provide the opportunity for your little one to express him. As a result, your child will be able to express the imaginary world that he has in his mind.

With coloring pages, you will be able to set the mind of your little one to roam free. Hence, you will be able to create a perfect environment, which can stimulate the creativity of the child. This would matter a lot for the overall development of your child in the long run as well.

9. They can contribute towards self-expression

Finally, you need to keep in mind that coloring pages are in a position to provide a significant assistance to self-expression of the little one. By taking a look at the pages that your child is coloring, you will be able to tell a lot about him as well. If your child is drawing cheerful objects, you can assume that he is in joy. But if he is drawing disturbing images, then you will need to go ahead and provide your assistance to the child urgently.

How to Avoid Toddler Tantrums on Your flight?

If you are traveling abroad with your little one on a flight, you should be ready to go through a somewhat frustrating experience. It will be a nightmare for some of the parents. Toddler tantrums can be considered as the main reason why you will have to encounter frustration while you are traveling along with the little one. If you can avoid toddler tantrums, you will be able to experience a great relief throughout the journey.

Below mentioned are some effective and useful tips, which can help you with avoiding toddler tantrums.

1. Get a toy roll along suitcase to the toddler

If you can purchase a toy roll along suitcase for the toddler, you will be able to overcome tantrums in an effective manner. Once you give the suitcase, you can simply ask the little one to pull that along. It is possible for you to find many different types of such roll along suitcases in the market. Out of them, you can even go for a suitcase that has their favorite cartoon characters. Then you will be able to create excitement within your little one to pull the suitcase. After purchasing the suitcase, you will need to pack it with the favorite toys of your little one. In addition, you can also put the items that can cater the comfort needs of the little one on the go. The suitcase will provide plenty of space to store all the items. Then you will be able to keep the little one engaged with it and avoid the tantrums. If you are looking forward to spend such a fun roll along suitcase, you can click here.

2. Set the expectations before you travel 

If you can set up expectations in your little one before you travel, you can effectively avoid toddler tantrums during the journey. You need to do this on the night before you travel. You can simply let your little one know what you are expecting from him throughout the journey. For example, you can convince the little one that he will have to spend few hours on the flight, while keeping the seat belt on. When you set up the expectations early, you will find it as an easy task to overcome toddler tantrums.

3. Always stay prepared

You never know what you will have to experience when you are travelling with toddlers on the flight. Hence, you should plan accordingly and always stay prepared. This can be considered as one of the most convenient steps available for you to avoid frustration throughout the journey. You will often have to experience toddler tantrums when he is hungry. Hence, you are encouraged to take some snacks on the carryon. Likewise, you are encouraged to prepare for the worst during the journey. Then you will get the opportunity to keep peace of mind until you arrive at your destination.

4. Stay calm as much as possible

Staying calm can also be considered as one of the best methods that are available for you to get rid of toddler tantrums while you are on a flight. When the toddlers are throwing tantrums, the parents usually tend to freak out. This is one of the biggest mistakes that you will do as a parent. Hence, you need to learn how to be calm when your little one is throwing a tantrum. You shouldn’t scream too hard, or turn blue after you see that your little one is not behaving well in the flight.  In fact, your toddler will not be in a position to listen to you in such a situation as well. Hence, you should never threaten or yell at the toddler. If you do, you will be adding more fuel to the fire.

When you see that your toddler is throwing a tantrum, you just need to do that you are doing at your home. In other words, you just need to stay calm. If possible, you can simply get up and go for a walk. Or else, you can sing the favorite lullaby of the little one. It is even possible for you to distract the little one by giving his favorite snack or favorite toy.

You just need to figure out that the tantrum would not last forever. Hence, you need to make sure that you don’t do anything that can make the little one go upset. If you can stay calm, the rest is assured.

5. Focus on your little one

When you are traveling in a flight along with your little one, your attention should only be on the kid. In other words, you should not take a look at the other people around you. Then you will be able to make sure that you have successfully covered all your bases. In other words, you have taken necessary steps in order to overcome toddler tantrums as much as possible.

But even if you plan to focus only on the little one, things will not go as expected along with time. For example, your child will go for a full blown meltdown at times. In such a situation, you shouldn’t get stressed. During a toddler tantrum, the passengers around you will definitely take a look at you. It will be uncomfortable to face such a situation in front of the strangers. But you need to keep in mind that the passengers are also parents and they must have come across similar situations. Hence, you just need to concentrate on your little one. You shouldn’t let your brain to be dramatic in such a situation as well.

There are some of the most effective and successful tips available for you to avoid toddler tantrums while you are on a light. You just need to keep these tips in your mind and you will be provided with the opportunity to overcome frustration associated with toddler tantrums throughout the journey.

How To Choose The Best Baby Dolls For Your Kids?

All parents who have baby girls tend to purchase dolls for the little ones. But when you go out to shop for baby dolls, you will often get confused due to the availability of different doll types. That’s why it is important to be equipped with a clear understanding on how to purchase the best baby dolls for the kids. Then you will get the chance to impress your little one as well.

Baby dolls available in the market

First of all, you need to keep in mind that availability of dolls in the market is driven by their popularity and demand. Some of the doll varieties are consistently popular in the market, when compared to others. Media, economic climate, general desire and timing are some of the factors that contribute towards the popularity of baby dolls.

Collection of dolls was extremely popular back in 1990. Even though we cannot find such a massive amount of doll collectors in today’s world, there is a high demand for these toys from all parts of the world. From a research conducted in 2014, it has been identified that dolls are one of the best-selling toys that you can find in today’s world.

What are the different types of dolls?

When you are looking forward to select the best baby dolls for the kids, you must pay special attention towards the different types that you can get your hands on. You need to take a look at the preferences of the little one while keeping an eye on these doll types. Then you will be able to understand what baby doll types match perfectly well with the preferences of your little one.

  • China dolls – China dolls can be considered as one of the most popular types of baby dolls available in the market. These dolls are available for purchase in all parts of the world as well. These dolls are made out of glazed white porcelain. They were first introduced back in 18th The popularity of China dolls still remain. If you are impressed with the unique qualities of China dolls, you can think about purchasing one of them for your little one to play with.
  • Cloth dolls – Cloth dolls is another popular baby doll type that you can find in the market. These dolls are also named as rag dolls. That’s because the dolls are made out of fabric scraps. These can be considered as the oldest types of dolls that are available in the market as well. In other words, people have been producing cloth dolls from the time where they started using woven cloth. However, the mass production of cloth dolls took place only in the 19th England and America were the most prominent mass producers of cloth dolls back in the day. But in today’s world, China can be considered as the biggest producer of cloth dolls into the market.
  • Bisque dolls – Like China dolls, Bisque dolls can also be considered as a porcelain doll type. In fact, these dolls are made out of unglazed porcelain. Hence, you will get the opportunity to experience a premium look and feel from them. The colors of these dolls look amazing. That’s mainly because the color for these dolls is added before manufacturers start firing. Hence, Bisque dolls can be considered as a unique and a one of a kind doll type available for you to purchase from the market.
  • Paper dolls – Paper dolls have received a lot of attention in the recent past. These dolls are flat printings or drawings of animal or human figures. Then they are cut out to make them look like dolls. To enhance the look and feel, these paper dolls are properly ornamented. These dolls are the cheapest in the market as well. If you are looking forward to let your child have a collection of dolls, this can be considered as one of the best options available to get started with. Your little one would absolutely love to have a collection of paper dolls. Due to the affordability of paper dolls, you can think about giving them to your little one without keeping any doubt in mind.
  • Composition dolls – Composition dolls are specifically designed out of sawdust and mixed glue. These dolls were introduced to the market by German manufacturers. In fact, the first ever Composition doll came to the market during 1850s. The popularity of these dolls has remained throughout. The best thing about Composition dolls is their variety. You can simply take a look at the Composition dolls available for sale online and you will figure out that an excellent collection is available for you to get your hands on. Hence, it can also be considered as a great method to let your little one start having a collection dolls. You can make sure that she doesn’t get bored with the availability of dolls.
  • Wooden dolls – Finally, you need to take a look at the wooden dolls. Wooden dolls were initially introduced to the market during 1680s. However, they are still popular among people for the unique characteristics and properties. Wooden dolls are also named as Queen Anne Dolls. Many different types of wood are also being used for the production of these dolls.

Now you have a clear understanding about the best baby dolls that are available for purchase in the market. As the next step, you should go ahead and take a look at the preferences of the little one.

If your little one is interested in having a collection of dolls, paper dolls and composition dolls is the best option available to move forward with. But if your child prefers elegance, you can go for the dolls that are made out of porcelain.

Likewise, you need to understand the unique differences of baby dolls and analyze the preferences of the child to settle down with the best available options in the market.


6 Tips for Designing a Practical Home Office

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Working from home might seem like a great idea, but if you don’t have the right space to conduct your business it can end up a complete disaster. The first step is to designate a particular room in your home that you are going to turn into your home office. The space you choose needs to fulfill certain basic criteria, for example, you need to have a sufficient amount of natural light, as to preserve your eyesight as much as possible. Secondly, you should make sure that the number of electrical outlets in the chosen space is going to fit your needs and finally, you need a functioning door, especially if you have small children who don’t yet have an understanding of what your personal space is.

Now if you have the basics covered, let’s start decorating.

Carefully choose the color palette

Before we go any further into discussing your home office design it is important that we go over the basic color scheme. The color that you choose for your walls will be detrimental for the rest of your decor. Going with a soft lavender or yellow tones might create a soothing atmosphere that will help your clients relax. However, if this is not what you are aiming at, you can introduce dark reds and mahogany tones as a display of power. As you can see, the options are limitless, it all depends on how you want to be seen by prospective clients who enter your home office on a daily basis.

Source Pixabay

Make functionality your priority

In your home office, like in any other office organization is key. You need to have everything you need with you reach so that there is no need for you to constantly get up and move around. The more functional your design is the more work you will be able to get done. So think about what are the essential items you need to have by your side at all times, and then based on that create your home office layout. Consider the amount of storage space you’ll need, what tech is essential and whether there are some items you could do without.

Introduce the right furniture

Now that you have decided on what are your basic needs to create a functional home office space it is time to choose the right furniture to meet those needs. Of course, there are many different desks to consider, and a work desk is a must, it is the centerpiece of your home office and your workstation. However, what if you need to hold a meeting or two, is it going to be enough. In that case, it would be a good idea to own a rectangular flip top table so that you can take it out and easily turn your home office into a real boardroom. Afterward, you can simply store it for next time. Apart from your desk, there are two more essential pieces, first, your chair, a quality office chair is a must as it will provide your back with the right support and at the same time make you look like a real boss. The second is adequate shelving to serve as storage space, you want to display your achievements and present your workload to anyone entering your home office.

Source Pixabay

Make sure you create a space that will motivate you

Just taking a design blueprint straight out of a catalog and applying it to your space might not be the best option. You need to consider the fact that your home office is a direct reflection of you and your character. It is a space where you need to be able to create and work without feeling overcrowded or distracted. So if you like having a beautiful view from your home office, make sure you get one. On the other hand, if you are a great fan of organization and can’t stand working in a messy environment do your best to get the items you need to get this done, from quality stationery and sufficient amount of drawers and cupboards all the way to wall planners.

Get the proper tech

There is no question that this is a must for any home office. You need the tools to perform your tasks seamlessly. From the right computer that can take on any amount of work, you need to get done, to simple office inventory like a scanner or a printer. Yes, yes, you are thinking cords, cords everywhere, but actually, there are some very simple solutions that can help you get those electric cords off the ground and hide them in plain sight. That way your home office will continue to maintain its perfect organization and order.

Source Pixabay

Make it a bit homey

After all, it is a home office, it doesn’t have to be completely void of emotion and character. Add some pictures of your family and friends. You can fill the space with your favorite plants and don’t forget to throw in an art piece or two just to make it that much warmer. After all, it needs to be a true reflection of you and when you come to work every day it is essential that you feel motivated and inspired.

Your home office is now ready, so let the workday commence!

Claire is a personal and professional development expert who believes that a positive attitude is one of the keys to success. You can find her online writing and giving tips about lifestyle and development at highstylife.com. Find Claire on Facebook and Twitter

7 Ways to Improve Your Chances for a Second Date

Guys, if you want a second date with a woman you need to make sure you have a great first date.

In this article, we’ll show you 7 things you can do on your first date to give you 7 ways to improve your chances for a second date. You’ll find that it’s all about details.

1. Punctual

Picking her up or meeting her on time is a great start to a successful first date. You show her that you value her time as much as you do yours.

2. Be a gentleman

Open doors for her, even the car door if she’s receptive. Allow her to order first. Even if she looks hot, control your expressions. Try not to stare at her. It could make her uncomfortable.

3. Table Manners

Some guys forget that they’re not at home. Don’t just woof down your food, and try not to make a mess. Part of enjoying your dinner is about leaving out the sideshow.

4. Enjoyable and Tasteful conversation

You probably know enough about your date to make small talk. Find some common interests that you have with her. It could be work, hobbies, favorite music or TV shows. There’s bound to be something you can talk about, maybe for quite a while. The best way to start a conversation is by asking open-ended questions, so don’t just drone on about yourself!

Whatever you do, keep sex out of this conversation. It could be a real turn off.

5. Personal interest

Basically, you want to treat her like a friend. If you end up marrying this lady one day, you and she are going to be each other’s best friend.

If she has something stressful going on, and she feels comfortable, draw her out and really listen. Yep, we said it – listen. Resist the temptation to solve her problem. She may just need to unload. Let her.

6. Let your yes mean yes

If you tell her you’re going to do something, keep your promise. For example, like many women, if she wants to be brought straight home, bring her straight home. Period.

If you have another stop to make afterward, tell her before the date. Who knows? Maybe she’ll go along, but don’t surprise her.

Any deviation could chuck your second date chances out the window.

7. Respectful goodnight

Remember, the woman you marry one day is going to be your friend for life. Treat her like one. Don’t be too anxious to get a goodnight kiss. If she asks you to, don’t throw the gentleman out of the way. Keep it short, sweet and respectful.

As far as second dates go, it could be as simple as asking, even at the end of your first date. If it hasn’t come by now, maybe this is your chance to find out.

In Closing

So it really isn’t so tough. Don’t make it any tougher. Just follow these tips, have a great first date, and we’re sure you will get a second date.

Finding Your Dance Confidence

When you first start dancing, it’s easy to struggle with your confidence. You might not know the best way to even get started if your confidence levels are so low. While there is no cookie-cutter solution for feeling ready to break out your best dance moves, there are simple ways you can find your own dance confidence. Whether you’re a new dancer or you’ve been dancing for years, self-consciousness can strike at any time. Here’s how to find your dance confidence so you can show your best moves to the world!

Image via Pexels

Dress for Success

If you’ve ever heard the tip “fake it till you make it,” take it literally by investing in the right dance outfit. It might sound weird, but it really does work! If you look confident you can trick yourself into feeling confident! Review dancing blogs and recent trends to see what costumes are hip at the moment. Then search for the best dance costumes from Alexandra Costumes or another high-quality retailer to find the perfect outfit for strutting your stuff! Even if you don’t feel your best, you’ll at least look your best!

Practice Good Posture

Standing up straight is proven to lead to greater feelings of confidence. Take a hint from this science by evaluating your own dance posture. Even if you feel the music, you might notice yourself hunching over or making yourself smaller. Hold your head up high! Stand tall and proud! The more you work on your posture, the more confident you’ll feel. Not to mention your dancing skills will improve!

Dance with a Group

Dancing alone is intimidating, even for experienced dancers. Whether you’re planning to perform at an event or you’re just practicing, having a group with you can take the edge off of any dance routine. Not only will being with others help inspire you to do your best, but you don’t have to worry about being the center of attention if something goes wrong. Starting with a group of dance friends is a great first step in your quest for dance confidence!

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Stick to the Basics

Have you ever skipped too many steps too fast and found yourself completely overwhelmed? You’re not alone. Bring it back to the basics by practicing your basic moves. If you find yourself too stressed by the idea of taking that next step in your dance level, it’s okay to take a moment to practice the basics. Even the best dancers need to refresh themselves about the basics of movement, steps, and balance. These are a great way to practice, and you’ll gain confidence in your abilities as you go!

Stay Energized

If you’re tired and unmotived, you probably aren’t going to be dancing your best. While you shouldn’t overload yourself on things like energy drinks, you shouldn’t be wandering around your dance studio feeling like a zombie come to life! Treat your body kindly by drinking enough water and eating energizing foods throughout the day to keep your energy levels up. Listen to your body and know when it’s time for a break!

Let Go of Perfectionism

A lot of dancers tend to be perfectionists. It’s easy to think even the best dancers are perfect, but make peace with the fact that this is not a reality. You will make mistakes. This is just a part of being a performer and an artist. Mistakes are a great way to learn, and it’s okay if you aren’t perfect all the time. It’s more important to do your best and give it your all than to always be perfect!

Practice Performing

Sometimes the best way to overcome your lack of confidence is to just put yourself out there. If the thought of performing scares the wits out of you, it might be time to just bite the bullet. There are ways to practice performing without the same levels of pressure of a real event! Join a performance group to practice your stage work or find a studio near you with local performances. Even these small steps make a big difference!

Dance Like Nobody is Watching!

This old cliche rings true for your confidence. If you’re dancing for yourself, you’ll feel your best. Remember you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Think back to just how passionate you are about dance. If you’re inspired by the music and the movement, nothing else matters. Even if you’re in front of a big crowd, dance like nobody is watching! That’s when you know you’ve found your dance confidence!

Start The School Year Off Right, With A Back To School Party!

One of the greatest gifts a parent can give their child, is a love of learning. This starts with reading and teaching and showing enthusiasm when a child learns something, even before they are school age.  

An involved and dedicated parent can open a magical world of learning in a young mind. This gift grows with the child and transferred into everything the child does.

Therefore, it is not surprising that a parent who shows excitement and spirit about an upcoming school year, has a child who is eager to push ahead into the new school term.

One way a parent can show spirit is to give the child a “back to school” party!

They can invite the neighborhood children as well as the children in the prior years classes.

Create a time capsule and let the children contribute a memory of their family vacation activities or summer dance camp in form of an item to bury until next year.

The party can feature relay races, toss games, and pictures from the prior year on a screen. You can have small door prizes, such as school supplies, a custom designed T-shirt or a backpack.

Open the conversations about what to expect and any changes that may occur.

Bring the party together with a creative “back to school” theme candy buffet.  This replaces traditional snack tables with a cost effective and fun way to build excited children.


Create a backdrop.  For a back to school theme, consider a tablecloth hung on the wall behind the table.  The cloth should be in the school colors and decorated with school jerseys, pom-poms, the school, mascot, and the school name. Place a six to eight foot table in front of the backdrop and cover it with a matching or alternating color.

Use six to eight assorted, clear jars to hold the candy.  Keep your candy in 2 – 3 color hues and mix or layer the candy in the jars. Use tongs to small scoops to dip the candy and provide small bags for take home goodies.

You will need a centerpiece, a stack of books, with an apple and ruler makes a cute centerpiece. An alternative for jars is the Solo Cups with peel away “chalkboard” labels.

You can stage your candy in these cups and scratch the name of each candy directly on the cups. Use glue dots and smaller cups or boxes to raise and lower the Solo cups for a more attractive table. Plastic spoons (large) make good scoops for the Solo cup table.

Buy the candy in bulk. You will need about eight ounces of candy per guest. 


Have a variety of candy, keeping in mind that you may need a few for the child with food allergies.  Suckers, M & M’s, Skittles, Tootsie Rolls, Chocolate kisses, gummy worms (bears and rings), Gumballs, cotton candy, nerds ropes, and Pop Rocks are popular choices. Marshmallows and pretzels are good for filling in empty spots while adding variety.   

If you go into the new school year with excitement and hope, your child will too.  Yes, there will be fears and things they are nervous about, but they will have an overall mental picture that all will work out. They will feel your support and that makes all the difference. So, start the year off right with a cool “back to school” party and help them see the promise of tomorrow.

What is the Role of Parents in their Children’s Education?

Source Pixabay 

Being a parent requires quite a unique set of skills and responsibilities. They are beyond counting and it’s hard to put them all on paper. New things keep arising as kids get older and it’s practically impossible to be ready for every situation that may come your way. However, like any other parent, you probably do have some priorities when it comes to your responsibilities. Of course, making sure your child is healthy, happy and genuinely a good, honest person that has an education which will enable them to have a decent life. However, once you set goals for your children, a new question arises: “How much can I meddle without causing a counter-effect?” This question is particularly important when it comes to education. Are you allowed to influence your child directly if you see they’re making a huge mistake, or should you just step aside and watch them hit a brick wall? Unfortunately, nobody knows the exact recipe as it’s not the same for each parent and child, but there are some aspects you can consider that can help you make a decision and ways to be an influence subtly and effectively.

Teach knowledge-thirst

The key is to start on time. It’s never too early to teach your child about learning and wanting to learn, especially since babies have a natural urge for wanting to know about the world around them. All you have to do is make sure to keep them interested in all sorts of things as they become older. If you’re wondering how to do this, there are a number of mind-stimulating games for children of all ages, puzzles, memory games, strategy games, and many others. However, you need to take part in these games, too, because your child needs to see the way they work and how much fun it actually is.

Source Pixabay

Pay attention to preferences

Parents have a nasty habit of wanting to pass their ambitions onto their children. Some of them are lucky enough that it turns out their children do have the same interests, while others can end up in tears as pushing your children too hard and in a direction they don’t want to take can lead to a complete disaster including dropping out and giving up on everything, as well as mental instability. However, there’s nothing wrong with having high hopes for your child. It’s just that you need to forget about your desires and focus on your child’s. Once you establish this, it’s absolutely OK to do your best to encourage your child to on their way to getting into Ivy League. This involves a lot of moral and financial support, but it’s definitely worth it.

Teach them how to learn

Some parents find it easier to cope with their child’s learning problem simply by doing it instead of them. This is a huge NO for all the parents out there. You need to help your child resolve the problem, not do it instead of them. Yes, it’s harder and it demands more time and effort, but it’s your own child, so you need to make time for this type of activity. Try to be there for all sorts of activities, observe and remember how your child learns. You need to see if your kid is a visual, auditory or a kinesthetic learner. After that, you should show them some learning methods accordingly. Many educational problems stem from one’s inability to learn or ignorance about which learning method is best for them.

Source Pixabay

Don’t overwhelm them

It is understandable to want the best for your child, but the hard part is to be able to look at your child objectively and determine their potential. It’s not easy, perhaps not even realistic, but once you make your peace with the fact that your child is not perfect and that’s OK, you’ll be able to see things more clearly. Under no circumstances should you push your child to the limit. This will only cause them to shut down completely and give up on everything. So, if you want your child to learn a new language, play sports and also play an instrument, perhaps you should consult them first and then introduce these activities gradually, just so you could keep up with how long they can run the gauntlet. If, on the other hand, your kid does have great potential and can work under all these conditions or, what’s more, finds them stimulating, go for it, just make sure to keep track of the situation at all times.

There are no 100% success rates when it comes to parenting or recipes for parenting. The general advice is to spend as much time with your children as you can and be observant and caring. Sure, you can and should consult people and books, do research, but in the end, you are the one that knows your child best and you should be the one who has the final say. After all, you’re the boss and you love your child the most, so we’re sure you’ll be able to make the best possible decision.

About the author

Claire is a personal and professional development expert who believes that a positive attitude is one of the keys to success. She enjoys life to the fullest in the healthiest way possible and loves to share her insights into the lifestyle, parenting, education, and entrepreneurship. Feel free to reach her on Facebook and Twitter.