Yes, peel and stick wallpaper is much cheaper than traditional wallpaper. While some DIY wallpapers are even cheaper, it’s safe to say that peel and stick is the most affordable option for home wallpapers. If you’re on a tight budget or want an easy way to quickly add some design to your home walls, peel and stick wallpaper is the right choice. If you are planning on redecorating with wallpapers but don’t have the time or money to do it the traditional way, you should look into peel and stick vinyl wallpaper as an alternative solution. They’re easier to install than traditional wallpaper, don’t require prep work before application, and cost much less in general. Yet, they can still create a beautiful and long-lasting effect in any room of your house.
Why Is Peel And Stick Wallpaper Cheaper Than Traditional Wallpaper?
The most apparent reason peel and stick wallpaper is cheaper than traditional wallpaper is that you don’t have to wallpaper your entire house. If you’ve ever had to wallpaper a room, you know it’s a lot of work, especially if you’re doing it yourself. You have to measure, cut, and paste the wallpaper onto every wall in every room of your home. It can be a very time-consuming and messy job that may take weeks or even months to finish depending on your house size.
While traditional wallpaper is a beautiful way to decorate your home, peel and stick wallpaper is more affordable and accessible to install than traditional wallpaper. There are two main reasons traditional wallpaper is more expensive than peel and stick wallpaper. First, you have to buy enough wallpaper to cover your whole house. With peel and stick, you can buy enough for your walls and cut them to size. Second, with traditional wallpaper, you’re not only buying the paper but also the paste needed to apply it. With peel and stick wallpaper, you don’t need any paste or glue because it’s already pre-applied to the wallpapers.
Peel And Stick Wallpaper Installation
With traditional wallpaper, there are two main ways you can install it on your walls. First, you can get a wallpaper steamer, allowing you to apply the wallpaper to your walls quickly. However, this option is the most expensive route. You can also install traditional wallpaper by pasting it to your walls using wallpaper paste. Although this option may be cheaper, it’s much more messy and time-consuming.
Peel and stick wallpaper installation is much easier and cleaner than traditional wallpaper installation because you don’t need to use any paste or wallpaper steamers. Instead, the sticky back of the peel and stick paper is enough to attach it to your walls. You peel off the paper covering and stick it to your desired wall. Peel and stick wallpapers are typically applied by simply pressing them onto the wall.
Why Peel and Stick Wallpaper is the Right Choice

- Peel and stick wallpaper is easier to install than traditional wallpaper. You don’t need any paste, wallpaper steamer, or other special tools to apply it.
- You can cut, peel and stick wallpaper to any size and shape. You can’t do this with traditional wallpaper.
- Peel and stick wallpapers are already pre-applied with a sticky back, so you don’t need to buy any extra glue or paste to apply them.
- Peel and stick wallpapers are easy to remove when you want to change them or take them down.
- Peel and stick wallpapers are more affordable than traditional wallpapers, thus making them an excellent choice for homes on a tight budget.
Peel and stick wallpaper is the best choice for anyone looking to quickly and cheaply spruce up their walls with beautiful, high-quality designs. It’s much cheaper than traditional wallpaper and easier to install, yet it creates the same long-lasting, beautiful effects as traditional wallpaper. Whether you’re on a tight budget or want an easy way to decorate your child’s room with kids wallpaper, peel and stick wallpaper is the right choice.