Is It Time for Your Partner to Have a Vasectomy?


Are you and your partner happy with the size of your family? If you feel that your family is complete and you are looking for a permanent birth control option, a vasectomy may be the right choice. Let’s go over your options, and what should be thought about before jumping right in.


Vasectomy vs. Tubal Ligation

Before you start looking into vasectomies, you may want to do research on tubal ligation (otherwise known as “getting you tubes tied”). Tubal Ligation does come with risks, typically more risks than the standard vasectomy. For today, we will be focusing on the vasectomy option, which has been found to be safer in studies.


What Is A Vasectomy?

Let’s first discuss how vasectomies work. A vasectomy works to permanently disrupt the flow of sperm from the testicle to the ejaculatory ducts within the prostate gland. Because of this, a vasectomy blocks sperm from reaching ejaculated semen. Eventually, the production of sperm within the testicles gradually will slow down over time and will be reabsorbed by the body. 


The Types of A Vasectomy

There are two different types of vasectomy surgeries that are usually offered by urologists. These two types are the conventional vasectomy and the no-scalpel vasectomy. Before deciding, you will want to talk to a specialized doctor to see which procedure would be a better fit for you. Dr. Howard Tay specializes in the no-scalpel procedure which can usually be done through a single opening which is unlike the conventional vasectomy in which one or two small cuts are made in the skin. 

“Most men recover very quickly from a vasectomy, and even quicker with the no-scalpel vasectomy procedure,” shared Dr. Tay. 


Before Getting A Vasectomy

Before you and your partner decide to get a vasectomy, it is important to know about the risks and what to expect post-procedure. As previously mentioned, vasectomies are relatively safe procedures but can sometimes lead to complications such as swelling and/or bruising, inflammation, or Infection. Here are some of the risks:

  • A change of mind: If you and your partner later decide that you want to add on to your family, a reversal surgery is a complicated process that is not guaranteed to work. 
  • Failed vasectomy: While this is not common, it is possible. 
  • Infections/complications: Infections, bleeding, growth, and pain (including post-vasectomy pain syndrome) can occur. This is very uncommon and can usually be treated with medication or a minor procedure. 

While it is a common myth that vasectomies cause other medical conditions such as heart disease, prostate cancer, testicular cancer, or other health problems, this has not been found to be true. Vasectomies also don’t affect the patient’s sexual health, sexual organs, or cause pain during sex. 

Before you make your final decision, you should always talk to your urologist to see if it is a safe option for your family.

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