Is Someone You Care Grieving a Loss? Here’s How You Can Help

Is Someone You Care Grieving a Loss? Here’s How You Can Help

Losing someone close can be quite stressful, as the thought of not being able to embrace the bond physically can be overwhelming. If you are someone whose friend or family member is grieving a loss, knowing ways to comfort them can help.

But hold on! Do you have any idea about the grieving process? Well! Before you move on to other options, the first thing you must do is understand the grieving process. Doing so will allow you to understand your friend or family member better. Keep reading, and you’ll learn more about it.


Supporting Someone Who’s Grieving a Loss

I will not say: Do not weep; for not all tears are an evil.J.R.R. Tolkien.

First things first. Understand that the grieving process is too personal an emotion. So, ideally, there is nothing right or wrong with the way it is done. However, it’s quite an emotionally exhausting process. Unpredictability rules the entire process of grieving. So, by all means, never tell them this, “This is not the way you should feel or do things.”

Besides that, you must know that grief encompasses a multitude of extreme emotions or behaviors. So, there might be some chances that the person might lash out at you or cry for hours. Therefore, avoid judging them.

Lastly, there is no ideal timeline for the entire process. Many people take approximately two years to recover after losing someone. But it can vary (shorter or longer) depending on the person. Never pressurize them to move on.

Now that you know how to support the emotional upheavals, the following tips will help you with other options that might be helpful.


Support Them in Handling Their Tasks

Offering practical support is the best thing you can do for your friend or family member. For example, the first thing they would need is a “funeral home.” So, help them find the one that’s appropriate as per their needs. For instance, if your friend is a Los Angeles resident, help him/her find the best los angeles funeral home by narrowing down choices. Other than that, you can also offer support in their day-to-day tasks or help with their kids or pets (in case any).


Send Something Meaningful

Sending flowers is lovely. But if you don’t know whether that will be appropriate, think out-of-the-box. You can choose something from the list provided below.

Send home-cooked meals
Give remembrance gifts
Send Gift cards or letters
Give care box with self-care items

To Sum it All- Be There to Support Your Friend or Family Member

Whatever you choose, make sure they don’t isolate themselves. Make them comfortable enough so that they can lean on you. How is that possible? It’s rather simple. All you have to do is “show up.” Check on them from time-to-time. A simple “I am there for you” or “I am thinking of you” will help them immensely.

Remember, the grieving process is not easy. The bereaved might not even have any idea how to go about it. Just helping and supporting them through this time will help them quickly recover from the ordeal.

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