8 Essential Foods For A Healthy Spine

8 Essential Foods For A Healthy Spine

Spine-health problems can be painful and can affect the life of a person to a greater extent. From trouble lifting heavy things to inability to perform routine tasks; this ‘can’t do’ list can lead to a dead-end.

If you have been suffering from a spinal issue, you can surely relate how it feels. Sharing my personal experience, I became habitual of resolving my pain with over-the-counter painkillers. You can say I learned to manage pain over time but I never tried to figure out the root cause of the problem. The result was that I had to go to the chiropractor in Peshawar where I began my treatment.

Why is spine health important?

Spine-health is one of the most important aspects of human health as our spine literally makes us stand. Numerous conditions can affect our spine health starting from the neck to lower back. Most common causes of spine disorders include;

  1. Accidental injuries
  2. Inherited spine problems
  3. Infection
  4. Ageing
  5. Birth defects
  6. Inflammation

How does food affect your spine-health?

Spine problems can range from back bracing to complex spinal surgeries depending upon the condition. However, diet can play a major role in your spine health. No matter if you are looking for prevention or dealing with a spine health problem, some foods are packed with nutrients that can improve your spine health.

Spine-healthy foods

Here are some of the foods that you can improve your spine health including;

1- Plant proteins

Proteins are one of the three major nutrients in our diet. Apart from our muscles, proteins are known to improve your spine health as well. In protein, plant-based protein is rich in proteins that don’t cause inflammation and are safe for consumption with spinal problems. Among plant-based protein lentils, flax seeds, chia seeds, beans, and soy are some good sources of protein.

2- Salmon

Besides plant-based protein, the omega-3 fatty acid is also important for your spine health. If you don’t have a problem with seafood, you can add salmon to your diet. Salmon is a source of lean protein as well as it has omega 3 fatty acid in a good quantity. Omega 3 fatty acid in salmon can help to protect against inflammation.

4- Vegetables

Undoubtedly, all vegetables are good for you but the vegetables with natural pigments are the best. Some vegetables contain properties that help them to effectively fight spinal problems. The veggies like broccoli and kale have components with anti-inflammatory properties that can work well for your spine health.

Apart from spine health, veggies tend to improve your overall health in general. I remember when I was going to the caring and curing center in Peshawar for certain treatment, I remember my physician asked me to consume a minimum of 7 cups of vegetables in a day.

5- Good fat-containing oils

As per common belief, oils are considered as a high-calorie dietary product but some of the oils contain key nutrients in them. You can include certain oils such as olive oil, sesame oil in your diet as these are a good source of omega-9 fatty acid known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

6- Dairy products

Calcium has its recognized role in improving bone health in general. Many dairy products including milk, cheese and yoghurt provide sufficient quantities of calcium that makes them a spine-healthy food. You can add these dairy products to your diet if you want a healthy spine.

7- Herbs and spices

Using certain spices and herbs for treatment is a centuries-old practice. Well, when we look deep we get to know that these herbs and spices contain certain good properties. Such as turmeric is known for its healing properties and ginger contains anti-inflammatory properties. You can add these herbs and spices into your diet including herbal teas as they are known to boost immunity, reduce inflammation and have healing properties.

8- Fruits

Just like veggies, fruits are also good for your spine health. The fruits packed with antioxidants and other essential dietary components can make your spine healthy.

Bottom Line!

The first thing that comes to your mind when you think of spine problems is probably medication. But you can eat a healthy diet to improve your spine health. So, start today because choosing the right food today will ensure a healthy spine tomorrow.

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